Source code for seismic.xcorqc.utils

from mpi4py import MPI
import os
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
from collections import defaultdict
from obspy import UTCDateTime, read_inventory, Inventory, Stream
from obspy.geodetics.base import gps2dist_azimuth

# define utility functions
[docs]def rtp2xyz(r, theta, phi): xout = np.zeros((r.shape[0], 3)) rst = r * np.sin(theta) xout[:, 0] = rst * np.cos(phi) xout[:, 1] = rst * np.sin(phi) xout[:, 2] = r * np.cos(theta) return xout
# end func
[docs]def xyz2rtp(x, y, z): rout = np.zeros((x.shape[0], 3)) tmp1 = x * x + y * y tmp2 = tmp1 + z * z rout[0] = np.sqrt(tmp2) rout[1] = np.arctan2(sqrt(tmp1), z) rout[2] = np.arctan2(y, x) return rout
# end func
[docs]def getStationInventory(master_inventory, inventory_cache, netsta): netstaInv = None if (master_inventory): if (inventory_cache is None): inventory_cache = defaultdict(list) net, sta = netsta.split('.') if (isinstance(inventory_cache[netsta], Inventory)): netstaInv = inventory_cache[netsta] else: inv =, station=sta) if(len(inv.networks)): inventory_cache[netsta] = inv netstaInv = inv # end if # end if # end if return netstaInv, inventory_cache
# end func
[docs]def split_list(lst, npartitions): k, m = divmod(len(lst), npartitions) return [lst[i * k + min(i, m):(i + 1) * k + min(i + 1, m)] for i in range(npartitions)]
# end func
[docs]def drop_bogus_traces(st, sampling_rate_cutoff=1): """ Removes spurious traces with suspect sampling rates. :param st: Obspy Stream :param sampling_rate_cutoff: sampling rate threshold :return: Input stream is updated inplace """ badTraces = [tr for tr in st if tr.stats.sampling_rate < sampling_rate_cutoff] for tr in badTraces: st.remove(tr)
# end func def _get_stream_00T(fds, net, sta, cha, start_time, end_time, baz=None, trace_count_threshold=200, logger=None, verbose=1): stations = fds.get_stations(start_time, end_time, network=net, station=sta) stations_nch = [s for s in stations if 'N' == s[3][-1].upper() or '1' == s[3][-1]] # only N channels stations_ech = [s for s in stations if 'E' == s[3][-1].upper() or '2' == s[3][-1]] # only E channels stt = Stream() if (len(stations_nch) > 0 and len(stations_nch) == len(stations_ech)): for codesn, codese in zip(stations_nch, stations_ech): stn = fds.get_waveforms(codesn[0], codesn[1], codesn[2], codesn[3], start_time, end_time, trace_count_threshold=trace_count_threshold) ste = fds.get_waveforms(codese[0], codese[1], codese[2], codese[3], start_time, end_time, trace_count_threshold=trace_count_threshold) if (len(stn) == 0): continue if (len(ste) == 0): continue drop_bogus_traces(stn) drop_bogus_traces(ste) # Merge station data. Note that we don't want to fill gaps; the # default merge() operation creates masked numpy arrays, which we can use # to detect and ignore windows that have gaps in their data. try: stn.merge() ste.merge() max_start_time = np.max([stn[0].stats.starttime, ste[0].stats.starttime]) min_end_time = np.min([stn[0].stats.endtime, ste[0].stats.endtime]) stn = stn.slice(starttime = max_start_time, endtime= min_end_time) ste = ste.slice(starttime=max_start_time, endtime=min_end_time) except Exception as e: if logger: logger.warning('\tFailed to merge traces..') st = None raise # end try bazr = np.radians(baz) tdata = -ste[0].data * np.cos(bazr) + stn[0].data * np.sin(bazr) stt_curr = ste.copy() stt_curr[0].data = tdata #stt_curr[0] = '00T' stt += stt_curr # end for # end if return stt # end func
[docs]def get_stream(fds, net, sta, cha, start_time, end_time, baz=None, trace_count_threshold=200, logger=None, verbose=1): if (cha == '00T'): return _get_stream_00T(fds, net, sta, cha, start_time, end_time, baz=baz, trace_count_threshold=trace_count_threshold, logger=logger, verbose=verbose) st = Stream() stations = fds.get_stations(start_time, end_time, network=net, station=sta) for codes in stations: if (cha != codes[3]): continue st += fds.get_waveforms(codes[0], codes[1], codes[2], codes[3], start_time, end_time, trace_count_threshold=trace_count_threshold) # end for drop_bogus_traces(st) if (verbose > 2): if logger: logger.debug('\t\tData Gaps:') st.print_gaps() # output sent to stdout; fix this print ("\n") # end if # Merge station data. Note that we don't want to fill gaps; the # default merge() operation creates masked numpy arrays, which we can use # to detect and ignore windows that have gaps in their data. try: st.merge() except Exception as e: if logger: logger.warning('\tFailed to merge traces..') st = None raise # end try return st
# end func
[docs]class ProgressTracker: def __init__(self, output_folder, restart_mode=False): self.output_folder = output_folder self.restart_mode = restart_mode self.comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD self.nproc = self.comm.Get_size() self.rank = self.comm.Get_rank() self.prev_progress = 0 # progress from a previous run self.progress = 0 self.proc_fn = os.path.join(output_folder, 'prog.%d.txt' % (self.rank)) if(self.restart_mode): if(not os.path.exists(self.proc_fn)): raise Exception('Progress file (%s) not found'%(self.proc_fn)) # end if self.prev_progress = int(open(self.proc_fn).read()) # end if # end func
[docs] def increment(self): self.progress += 1 if(self.restart_mode and (self.prev_progress > 0) and (self.progress < self.prev_progress)): return False else: tmpfn = self.proc_fn + '.tmp' f = open(tmpfn, 'w+') f.write(str(self.progress)) f.close() os.rename(tmpfn, self.proc_fn) return True
# end if # end func # end class