Source code for seismic.traveltime.parametrisation

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Class for parsing Alexei's tomographic parametrisation file as an object.

Created on Wed Apr 03 13:52:28 2019

@author: Marcus W. Haynes

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import griddata

[docs]class grid(): def __init__(self, in_file='param'): self.file_name = in_file self._parse_parametrisation() def _parse_line(self, l): """ Returns a list of white-space delimited entries, removing any comments indicated by an `!'. """ l = l.strip('\n').strip('\r') if '!' in l: l = l.split('!')[0] if l == '': return False while ' ' in l: l = l.replace(' ',' ') if l[0] == ' ': l = l[1:] if l[-1] == ' ': l = l[:-1] return l.split(' ') def _parse_parametrisation(self): """ Reads in the local and global grid parameters from an external parametrisation file (by default we load param_file='./param') """ with open(self.file_name, 'r') as F: # Rewind to file beginning ## PART 1 - GLOBAL GRID # Read-in the global grid (number of cells and resolution) gnx, gny, gnz, gdx, gdy = self._parse_line(F.readline()) self.gnx = int(gnx) self.gny = int(gny) self.gnz = int(gnz) self.gdx = float(gdx) self.gdy = float(gdy) # There is currently no option to reduce the coverage of the global # grid, so resolution information is a little redundant. Nevertheless, # let's perform a sanity test. assert (360. / self.gdx) == self.gnx assert (180. / self.gdy) == self.gny # Load global depth nodes self.gdepth = np.zeros(self.gnz + 1) for i in range(self.gnz + 1): try: depth = np.array(self._parse_line(F.readline()), dtype=float) except ValueError as err: print(('There appear to be less global depth levels than ' + \ 'was indicated! The header suggested %d levels, but ' + \ 'I can only parse %d. Please check the param file.') % (self.gnz + 1, i)) raise err self.gdepth[i] = depth # Global depth in meters self.gmeters = 1000. * self.gdepth ## PART 2 - LOCAL GRID # Read-in the local grid (extent and number of cells) try: LON_min, LON_max, LAT_min, LAT_max, nx, ny, nz = self._parse_line(F.readline()) LON_min = float(LON_min) LON_max = float(LON_max) LAT_min = float(LAT_min) LAT_max = float(LAT_max) self.LON = np.array([LON_min, LON_max]) self.LAT = np.array([LAT_min, LAT_max]) self.nx = int(nx) self.ny = int(ny) = int(nz) except ValueError as err: print(('There appear to be more global depth levels than ' + \ 'was indicated! The header suggested %d levels; ' + \ 'please check the param file.') % ( + 1)) raise err # Local grid resolution self.dx = (self.LON[1] - self.LON[0]) / self.nx self.dy = (self.LAT[1] - self.LAT[0]) / self.ny # Load local depth nodes self.rdepth = np.zeros( + 1) for i in range( + 1): try: depth = np.array(self._parse_line(F.readline()), dtype=float) except ValueError as err: print(('There appear to be less local depth levels than ' + \ 'was indicated! The header suggested %d levels, but ' + \ 'I can only parse %d. Please check the param file.') % ( + 1, i)) raise err self.rdepth[i] = depth # Local depth in meters self.rmeters = 1000. * self.rdepth # Get block IDs self.nmax, self.no_params = np.array(self._parse_line(F.readline()), dtype=int) # Get grid self.grid = np.array(self._parse_line(F.readline()), dtype=int)
[docs] def save(self): """ Write the parametrisation file to disk """ with open(self.file_name, 'w') as F: F.write(' %11d %11d %11d %11.3f %11.3f\n' % (self.gnx, self.gny, self.gnz, self.gdx, self.gdy)) for i in range(self.gnz+1): F.write(' %11.3f\n' % (self.gdepth[i])) F.write(' %11.3f %11.3f %11.3f %11.3f %11d %11d %11d\n' % (self.LON[0], self.LON[1], self.LAT[0], self.LAT[1], self.nx, self.ny, for i in range( F.write(' %11.3f\n' % (self.rdepth[i])) F.write(' %11d %11d\n' % (self.nmax, self.no_params)) F.write(' '.join(self.grid.astype(str)))
[docs] def extract_1D(self, lon, lat, values, ref=None, method='linear'): """ Extracts arbitrary 1D vertical seismic velocity profiles from an inversion model. Input:: * lon - float or list of desired longitude locations. * lat - float or list of desired latitude locations. * values - array of inversion values corresponding to the grid class. * ref [optional] - the reference model to convert velocity perturbations to absolute values, if desired. Needs to be a 2D array with depth in first column and velocity in second column. * method [optional] - method used to interpolate values to location """ if type(lon) != np.ndarray: if type(lon) == float: lon = np.array([lon]) else: lon = np.array(lon) if type(lat) != np.ndarray: if type(lat) == float: lat = np.array([lat]) else: lat = np.array(lat) # Create underlying model meshgrid Y = np.arange(self.LAT.max()-self.dy/2., self.LAT.min(), -self.dy) X = np.arange(self.LON.min()+self.dx/2., self.LON.max(), self.dx) grid_y, grid_z, grid_x = np.meshgrid(Y, (self.rdepth[:-1] + self.rdepth[1:])/2., X) pts = np.vstack((grid_x.reshape(, grid_y.reshape(, grid_z.reshape( values = values.reshape( # Create 1D profile meshgrid Z = (self.rdepth[:-1] + self.rdepth[1:])/2. profiles = np.zeros((lon.shape[0], Z.shape[0])) for i in range(lon.shape[0]): smp_y, smp_z, smp_x = np.meshgrid(lat[i], Z, lon[i]) # Sub-sample threshold levels to clustered grid profile = griddata(pts, values, (smp_x, smp_y, smp_z), method=method) profile = profile.flatten() profiles[i] = profile if np.any(ref): ref = griddata(ref[:,0], ref[:,1], Z, method='linear') profiles = (profiles/100. + 1.) * ref return profiles, Z
if __name__=='__main__': # Needed files: param *locsol.it3 AK135.txt phase = 'S' lons = [135., 140.21] lats = [-25., -15.43] # Extract the 1D profiles g = grid() v = np.loadtxt(phase+'locsol.it3', skiprows=2) ak135 = np.loadtxt('AK135.txt', skiprows=3) for i in range(ak135.shape[0]): if ak135[i,0] == ak135[i-1,0]: ak135[i,0] += 0.001 if phase == 'P': ak135 = ak135[:,[True, False, True, False, False, False, False]] else: ak135 = ak135[:,[True, False, False, True, False, False, False]] profiles, Z = g.extract_1D(lons, lats, v, ref=ak135) # Demonstrate recovery from matplotlib import pyplot as plt labels = ['(%.2f$^\circ$E, %.2f$^\circ$S)' % (lons[i], -lats[i]) for i in range(len(lons))] for i in range(len(lons)): plt.plot(profiles[i], Z, label=labels[i]) plt.gca().invert_yaxis() plt.legend()