Source code for seismic.receiver_fn.rf_synthetic

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Helper functions for producing synthetic pseudo-Receiver function traces

import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

import obspy
import rf

from seismic.units_utils import KM_PER_DEG

# pylint: disable=invalid-name

[docs]def generate_synth_rf(arrival_times, arrival_amplitudes, fs_hz=100.0, window_sec=(-10, 30), f_cutoff_hz=2.0): """Simple generator of synthetic R component receiver function with pulses at given arrival times. :param arrival_times: Iterable of arrival times as numerical values in seconds :type arrival_times: iterable of float :param arrival_amplitudes: Iterable of arrival amplitudes :type arrival_amplitudes: iterable of float :param fs_hz: Sampling rate (Hz) of output signal, defaults to 100.0 :type fs_hz: float, optional :param window_sec: Time window over which to create signal (sec), defaults to (-10, 30) :type window_sec: tuple, optional :param f_cutoff_hz: Cutoff frequency (Hz) for low-pass filtering to generate realistic result, defaults to 2.0 :type f_cutoff_hz: float, optional :return: Array of times and corresponding signal amplitudes :rtype: numpy.array, numpy.array """ # Compute array of time values and indexes of arrivals duration = window_sec[1] - window_sec[0] N = int(fs_hz*duration) times = np.linspace(window_sec[0], window_sec[1], N) arrivals_index = np.round((np.array(arrival_times) - times[0])*fs_hz).astype(int) # Generate kernel of delta functions at specified arrival times kernel = np.zeros_like(times) kernel[arrivals_index] = np.array(arrival_amplitudes) # pylint: disable=unsupported-assignment-operation # Filter to pass low frequencies if f_cutoff_hz: waveform = signal.butter(4, f_cutoff_hz/fs_hz) signal_filt = signal.filtfilt(waveform[0], waveform[1], kernel) else: signal_filt = kernel # end if return times, signal_filt
# end func
[docs]def synthesize_rf_dataset(H, V_p, V_s, inclinations, distances, ds, log=None, include_t3=False, amplitudes=None, baz=0.0): """Synthesize RF R-component data set over range of inclinations and distances and get result as a rf.RFStream instance. :param H: Moho depth (km) :type H: float :param V_p: P body wave velocity in uppermost layer :type V_p: float :param V_s: S body wave velocity in uppermost layer :type V_s: float :param inclinations: Array of inclinations for which to create RFs :type inclinations: numpy.array(float) :param distances: Array of teleseismic distances corresponding to inclinations :type distances: numpy.array(float) :param ds: Final sampling rate (Hz) for the downsampled output signal :type ds: float :param log: Logger to send output to, defaults to None :type log: logger, optional :param include_t3: If True, include the third expected multiple PpSs+PsPs :type include_t3: bool, optional :param amplitudes: Custom amplitudes to apply to the multiples :type amplitudes: list(float), optional :param baz: Back azimuth for metadata :type baz: float, optional :return: Stream containing synthetic RFs :rtype: rf.RFStream """ assert len(inclinations) == len(distances), "Must provide 1:1 inclination and distance pairs" k = V_p/V_s traces = [] arrivals = None for i, inc_deg in enumerate(inclinations): theta_p = np.deg2rad(inc_deg) p = np.sin(theta_p)/V_p t1 = H*(np.sqrt((k*k/V_p/V_p) - p*p) - np.sqrt(1.0/V_p/V_p - p*p)) t2 = H*(np.sqrt((k*k/V_p/V_p) - p*p) + np.sqrt(1.0/V_p/V_p - p*p)) arrivals = [t1, t2] if include_t3: t3 = t1 + t2 arrivals.append(t3) if log is not None:"Inclination {:3g} arrival times: {}".format(inc_deg, arrivals)) arrivals = [0] + arrivals if amplitudes is None: amplitudes = [1, 0.5, 0.4] if include_t3: amplitudes.append(-0.3) # end if else: assert len(amplitudes) == 3 + int(include_t3) # t3 amplitude should be negative assert (not include_t3) or (amplitudes[3] <= 0) # end if window = (-5.0, 50.0) # sec fs = 100.0 # Hz _, synth_signal = generate_synth_rf(arrivals, amplitudes, fs_hz=fs, window_sec=window) now = # Make sure time difference of events is at least 1 second, since onset time is used as part of # logic for identifying related channels in rf.RFStream. now += float(i) dt = float(window[1] - window[0]) end = now + dt onset = now - window[0] header = {'network': 'SY', 'station': 'TST', 'location': 'GA', 'channel': 'HHR', 'sampling_rate': fs, 'starttime': now, 'endtime': end, 'onset': onset, 'station_latitude': -19.0, 'station_longitude': 137.0, # arbitrary (approx location of OA deployment) 'slowness': p*KM_PER_DEG, 'inclination': inc_deg, 'back_azimuth': baz, 'distance': float(distances[i])} tr = rf.rfstream.RFTrace(data=synth_signal.copy(), header=header) tr = tr.decimate(int(np.round(fs/ds)), no_filter=True) traces.append(tr) # end for stream = rf.RFStream(traces) return stream, arrivals
# end func
[docs]def convert_inclination_to_distance(inclinations, model="iasp91", nominal_source_depth_km=10.0): """Helper function to convert range of inclinations to teleseismic distance in degrees. :param inclinations: Array of inclination angles in degrees :type inclinations: numpy.array(float) :param model: Name of model to use for ray tracing, defaults to "iasp91" :type model: str, optional :param nominal_source_depth_km: Assumed depth of source events, defaults to 10.0 :type nominal_source_depth_km: float, optional :return: Array of teleseismic distances in degrees corresponding to input inclination angles. :rtype: numpy.array(float) """ # Generate function mapping ray parameter to teleseismic distance. # The distances are not strictly required for H-k stacking, but rf behaves better when they are there. teleseismic_distance = np.linspace(25, 95, 71) # degrees incident_angle = np.zeros_like(teleseismic_distance) model = obspy.taup.TauPyModel(model=model) source_depth_km = nominal_source_depth_km # Use ray model to generate discrete graph of relationship between incident angle vs teleseismic distance for i, d in enumerate(teleseismic_distance): ray = model.get_ray_paths(source_depth_km, d, phase_list=['P']) incident_angle[i] = ray[0].incident_angle # pylint: disable=unsupported-assignment-operation # end for # Create interpolator to convert inclination to teleseismic distance interp_dist = interp1d(incident_angle, teleseismic_distance, bounds_error=False, fill_value=(np.max(teleseismic_distance), np.min(teleseismic_distance))) # Loop over valid range of inclinations and generate synthetic RFs distances = interp_dist(inclinations) return distances
# end func