Source code for seismic.receiver_fn.rf_inversion_export

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Export RFs to file format for external inversion code to run on.

import os
# import logging

import numpy as np
import click
import rf

from seismic.receiver_fn import rf_util

# pylint: disable=invalid-name, logging-format-interpolation

[docs]def rf_inversion_export(input_h5_file, output_folder, network_code, component='R', resample_freq=6.25, trim_window=(-5.0, 20.0), moveout=True): """Export receiver function to text format for ingestion into Fortran RF inversion code. :param input_h5_file: Input hdf5 file containing receiver function data :type input_h5_file: str or Path :param output_folder: Folder in which to export text files, one per channel per station. Will be appended with network code. :type output_folder: str or Path :param network_code: Network to which this RF data belongs, used to disambiguate and track folders. :type network_code: str :param component: The channel component to export, defaults to 'R' :type component: str, optional :param resample_freq: Sampling rate (Hz) of the output files, defaults to 6.25 Hz :type resample_freq: float, optional :param trim_window: Time window to export relative to onset, defaults to (-5.0, 20.0). If data needs to be resampled, the samples are anchored to the start of this time window. :type trim_window: tuple, optional :param moveout: Whether to apply moveout correction prior to exporting, defaults to True :type moveout: bool, optional """ # Process for each station: # 1. Load hdf5 file containing RFs # 2. Filter to desired component. # 3. Quality filter to those that meet criteria (Sippl cross-correlation similarity) # 4. Moveout and stack the RFs # 5. Resample (lanczos) and trim RF # 6. Export one file per station in (time, amplitude format) output_folder += "_" + network_code if not os.path.isdir(output_folder): os.makedirs(output_folder, exist_ok=True) # end if data = rf_util.read_h5_rf(input_h5_file) data = rf_util.label_rf_quality_simple_amplitude('ZRT', data, snr_cutoff=2.0, rms_amp_cutoff=0.2, max_amp_cutoff=2.0) data = rf.RFStream([tr for tr in data if tr.stats.predicted_quality == 'a']) data_dict = rf_util.rf_to_dict(data) for sta, ch_dict in data_dict: for cha, ch_traces in ch_dict.items(): if len(ch_traces) < 3: continue similar_traces = rf_util.filter_crosscorr_coeff(rf.RFStream(ch_traces), time_window=trim_window, apply_moveout=True) if not similar_traces: continue if moveout: similar_traces.moveout() # end if stack = similar_traces.stack() trace = stack[0] exact_start_time = trace.stats.onset + trim_window[0] stack.interpolate(sampling_rate=resample_freq, method='lanczos', a=10, starttime=exact_start_time) stack.trim2(*trim_window, reftime='onset') times = trace.times() - (trace.stats.onset - trace.stats.starttime) # TODO: Remove hardwired scaling factor. # This scaling factor only applies to iterative deconvolution with default Gaussian width # factor of 2.5. Once we upgrade to rf library version >= 0.9.0, we can remove this hardwired # setting and instead have it determined programatically from rf processing metadata stored # in the trace stats structure. # The scaling factor originates in the amplitude attenuation effect of the filtering applied # in iterative deconv, see table at end of this page: # # The values in this reference table are derived as the integral of the area under the # Gaussian in the frequency domain. Analytically, this amounts to simply dividing by scaling # factor of a/sqrt(pi), where 'a' here is the Gaussian width used in iterative deconvolution. # iterdeconv_scaling = 2.5/np.sqrt(np.pi) iterdeconv_scaling = 1 column_data = np.array([times,]).T fname = os.path.join(output_folder, "_".join([network_code, sta, cha]) + "_rf.dat") np.savetxt(fname, column_data, fmt=('%5.2f', '%.8f'))
# end for # end for # end func @click.command() @click.argument('input-file', type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False), required=True) @click.argument('output-folder', type=click.Path(dir_okay=True), required=True) @click.option('--network-code', type=str, required=True, help='Network code that this input file is for. Appended to output folder name.') def main(input_file, output_folder, network_code): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring rf_inversion_export(input_file, output_folder, network_code) # end func if __name__ == "__main__": main() # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter