Source code for seismic.pick_harvester.pick

#!/bin/env python
    Harvests picks from ASDF data-sets in parallel


CreationDate:   13/09/18

Revision History:
    LastUpdate:     13/09/18   RH
    LastUpdate:     dd/mm/yyyy  Who     Optional description

from mpi4py import MPI
import os

from ordered_set import OrderedSet as set
import numpy as np
from obspy import Trace
from datetime import datetime
from seismic.ASDFdatabase.FederatedASDFDataSet import FederatedASDFDataSet

import click
from obspy.taup import TauPyModel
from obspy.signal.rotate import rotate_ne_rt
from obspy.geodetics.base import gps2dist_azimuth, kilometers2degrees
from PhasePApy.phasepapy.phasepicker import fbpicker
from PhasePApy.phasepapy.phasepicker import ktpicker
from PhasePApy.phasepapy.phasepicker import aicdpicker

from seismic.pick_harvester.utils import CatalogCSV, ProgressTracker, recursive_glob
import psutil
import gc

from seismic.pick_harvester.quality import compute_quality_measures

[docs]def extract_p(taupy_model, pickerlist, event, station_longitude, station_latitude, st, win_start=-50, win_end=50, resample_hz=20, bp_freqmins=[0.5, 2., 5.], bp_freqmaxs=[5., 10., 10.], margin=None, max_amplitude=1e8, plot_output_folder=None): po = event.preferred_origin if (not po): return None atimes = [] try: atimes = taupy_model.get_travel_times_geo(po.depthkm,, po.lon, station_latitude, station_longitude, phase_list=('P',)) except: return None # end try if (len(atimes) == 0): return None tat = atimes[0].time # theoretical arrival time buffer_start = -10 buffer_end = 10 try: snrst = st.slice(po.utctime + tat + win_start + buffer_start, po.utctime + tat + win_end + buffer_end) snrst = snrst.copy() snrst.resample(resample_hz) snrst.detrend('linear') except: return None # end try if (len(st) == 0 or len(snrst) == 0): return None snrtr = snrst[0] if (type( == np.ndarray): if (np.max( > max_amplitude): return None pickslist = [] snrlist = [] residuallist = [] bandindex = -1 pickerindex = -1 taper_percentage = float(buffer_end) / float(win_end) foundpicks = False for i in range(len(bp_freqmins)): trc = snrtr.copy() trc.taper(max_percentage=taper_percentage, type='hann') trc.filter('bandpass', freqmin=bp_freqmins[i], freqmax=bp_freqmaxs[i], corners=4, zerophase=True) trc = trc.slice(po.utctime + tat + win_start, po.utctime + tat + win_end) for ipicker, picker in enumerate(pickerlist): try: scnl, picks, polarity, snr, uncert = picker.picks(trc) for ipick, pick in enumerate(picks): actualArrival = pick - po.utctime residual = actualArrival - tat if ((margin and np.fabs(residual) < margin) or (margin == None)): pickslist.append(pick) plotinfo = None if (plot_output_folder): plotinfo = {'eventid': event.public_id, 'origintime': po.utctime, 'mag': event.preferred_magnitude.magnitude_value, 'net':, 'sta': trc.stats.station, 'phase': 'p', 'ppsnr': snr[ipick], 'pickid': ipick, 'outputfolder': plot_output_folder} # end if wab = snrtr.slice(pick - 3, pick + 3) wab_filtered = trc.slice(pick - 3, pick + 3) scales = np.logspace(0.15, 1.5, 30) cwtsnr, dom_freq, slope_ratio = compute_quality_measures(wab, wab_filtered, scales, plotinfo) snrlist.append([snr[ipick], cwtsnr, dom_freq, slope_ratio]) residuallist.append(residual) bandindex = i pickerindex = ipicker foundpicks = True # end if # end for except: continue # end try if (foundpicks): break # end for if (foundpicks): break # end for if (len(pickslist)): return pickslist, residuallist, \ np.array(snrlist), bandindex, pickerindex # end if # end if return None
# end func
[docs]def extract_s(taupy_model, pickerlist, event, station_longitude, station_latitude, stn, ste, ba, win_start=-50, win_end=50, resample_hz=20, bp_freqmins=[0.01, 0.01, 0.5], bp_freqmaxs=[1, 2., 5.], margin=None, max_amplitude=1e8, plot_output_folder=None): po = event.preferred_origin if (not po): return None atimes = [] try: atimes = taupy_model.get_travel_times_geo(po.depthkm,, po.lon, station_latitude, station_longitude, phase_list=('S',)) except: return None # end try if (len(atimes) == 0): return None tat = atimes[0].time # theoretical arrival time buffer_start = -10 buffer_end = 10 snrtr = None try: stn = stn.slice(po.utctime + tat + win_start + buffer_start, po.utctime + tat + win_end + buffer_end) stn = stn.copy() stn.resample(resample_hz) stn.detrend('linear') if (ste): ste = ste.slice(po.utctime + tat + win_start + buffer_start, po.utctime + tat + win_end + buffer_end) ste = ste.copy() ste.resample(resample_hz) ste.detrend('linear') # end if if (ste): if (type(stn[0].data) == np.ndarray and type(ste[0].data) == np.ndarray): rc, tc = rotate_ne_rt(stn[0].data, ste[0].data, ba) snrtr = Trace(data=tc, header=stn[0].stats) snrtr.detrend('linear') # end if else: if (type(stn[0].data) == np.ndarray): snrtr = stn[0] # end if # end if except Exception as e: return None # end try if (type( == np.ndarray): if (np.max( > max_amplitude): return None pickslist = [] snrlist = [] residuallist = [] bandindex = -1 pickerindex = -1 taper_percentage = float(buffer_end) / float(win_end) foundpicks = False for i in range(len(bp_freqmins)): trc = snrtr.copy() trc.taper(max_percentage=taper_percentage, type='hann') trc.filter('bandpass', freqmin=bp_freqmins[i], freqmax=bp_freqmaxs[i], corners=4, zerophase=True) trc = trc.slice(po.utctime + tat + win_start, po.utctime + tat + win_end) for ipicker, picker in enumerate(pickerlist): try: scnl, picks, polarity, snr, uncert = picker.picks(trc) for ipick, pick in enumerate(picks): actualArrival = pick - po.utctime residual = actualArrival - tat if ((margin and np.fabs(residual) < margin) or (margin == None)): pickslist.append(pick) plotinfo = None if (plot_output_folder): plotinfo = {'eventid': event.public_id, 'origintime': po.utctime, 'mag': event.preferred_magnitude.magnitude_value, 'net':, 'sta': trc.stats.station, 'phase': 's', 'ppsnr': snr[ipick], 'pickid': ipick, 'outputfolder': plot_output_folder} # end if wab = snrtr.slice(pick - 3, pick + 3) wab_filtered = trc.slice(pick - 3, pick + 3) scales = np.logspace(0.5, 4, 30) cwtsnr, dom_freq, slope_ratio = compute_quality_measures(wab, wab_filtered, scales, plotinfo) snrlist.append([snr[ipick], cwtsnr, dom_freq, slope_ratio]) residuallist.append(residual) bandindex = i pickerindex = ipicker foundpicks = True # end if # end for except: continue # end try if (foundpicks): break # end for if (foundpicks): break # end for if (len(pickslist)): return pickslist, residuallist, \ np.array(snrlist), bandindex, pickerindex # end if # end if return None
# end func
[docs]def getWorkloadEstimate(fds, originTimestamps): totalTraceCount = 0 for nc, sc, start_time, end_time in fds.local_net_sta_list(): day = 24 * 3600 curr = start_time step = day while (curr < end_time): if (curr + step > end_time): step = end_time - curr # end if eventIndices = (np.where((originTimestamps >= curr.timestamp) & \ (originTimestamps <= (curr + day).timestamp)))[0] if (eventIndices.shape[0] > 0): totalTraceCount += 1 curr += step # wend # end for return totalTraceCount
# end func
[docs]def dropBogusTraces(st, sampling_rate_cutoff=5): badTraces = [tr for tr in st if tr.stats.sampling_rate < sampling_rate_cutoff] for tr in badTraces: st.remove(tr)
# end func CONTEXT_SETTINGS = dict(help_option_names=['-h', '--help']) @click.command(context_settings=CONTEXT_SETTINGS) @click.argument('asdf-source', required=True, type=click.Path(exists=True)) @click.argument('event-folder', required=True, type=click.Path(exists=True)) @click.argument('output-path', required=True, type=click.Path(exists=True)) @click.option('--min-magnitude', default=-1, help='Minimum magnitude of event; all events are analyzed by default') @click.option('--max-amplitude', default=1e8, help='Maximum amplitude in waveforms analyzed; default is 1e8. ' 'This parameter is useful for filtering out waveform snippets ' 'with spurious spikes') @click.option('--restart', default=False, is_flag=True, help='Restart job') @click.option('--save-quality-plots', default=False, is_flag=True, help='Save plots of quality estimates') def process(asdf_source, event_folder, output_path, min_magnitude, max_amplitude, restart, save_quality_plots): """ ASDF_SOURCE: Text file containing a list of paths to ASDF files EVENT_FOLDER: Path to folder containing event files\n OUTPUT_PATH: Output folder \n """ comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD nproc = comm.Get_size() rank = comm.Get_rank() proc_workload = None if (rank == 0): def outputConfigParameters(): # output config parameters fn = 'pick.%s.cfg' % ('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S')) fn = os.path.join(output_path, fn) f = open(fn, 'w+') f.write('Parameter Values:\n\n') f.write('%25s\t\t: %s\n' % ('ASDF_SOURCE', asdf_source)) f.write('%25s\t\t: %s\n' % ('EVENT_FOLDER', event_folder)) f.write('%25s\t\t: %s\n' % ('OUTPUT_PATH', output_path)) f.write('%25s\t\t: %s\n' % ('MIN_MAGNITUDE', min_magnitude)) f.write('%25s\t\t: %s\n' % ('MAX_AMPLITUDE', max_amplitude)) f.write('%25s\t\t: %s\n' % ('RESTART_MODE', 'TRUE' if restart else 'FALSE')) f.write('%25s\t\t: %s\n' % ('SAVE_PLOTS', 'TRUE' if save_quality_plots else 'FALSE')) f.close() # end func outputConfigParameters() # end if # ================================================== # Create output-folder for snr-plots # ================================================== plot_output_folder = None if (save_quality_plots): plot_output_folder = os.path.join(output_path, 'plots') if (rank == 0): if (not os.path.exists(plot_output_folder)): os.mkdir(plot_output_folder) # end if comm.Barrier() # end if # ================================================== # Read catalogue and retrieve origin times # ================================================== cat = CatalogCSV(event_folder) events = cat.get_events() originTimestamps = cat.get_preferred_origin_timestamps() # ================================================== # Create lists of pickers for both p- and s-arrivals # ================================================== sigmalist = np.arange(8, 3, -1) pickerlist_p = [] pickerlist_s = [] for sigma in sigmalist: picker_p = aicdpicker.AICDPicker(t_ma=5, nsigma=sigma, t_up=1, nr_len=5, nr_coeff=2, pol_len=10, pol_coeff=10, uncert_coeff=3) picker_s = aicdpicker.AICDPicker(t_ma=15, nsigma=sigma, t_up=1, nr_len=5, nr_coeff=2, pol_len=10, pol_coeff=10, uncert_coeff=3) pickerlist_p.append(picker_p) pickerlist_s.append(picker_s) # end for # ================================================== # Define theoretical model # Instantiate data-access object # Retrieve estimated workload # ================================================== taupyModel = TauPyModel(model='iasp91') fds = FederatedASDFDataSet(asdf_source, logger=None) workload = getWorkloadEstimate(fds, originTimestamps) # ================================================== # Define output header and open output files # depending on the mode of operation (fresh/restart) # ================================================== header = '#eventID originTimestamp mag originLon originLat originDepthKm net sta cha pickTimestamp stationLon stationLat az baz distance ttResidual snr qualityMeasureCWT domFreq qualityMeasureSlope bandIndex nSigma\n' ofnp = os.path.join(output_path, 'p_arrivals.%d.txt' % (rank)) ofns = os.path.join(output_path, 's_arrivals.%d.txt' % (rank)) ofp = None ofs = None if (restart == False): ofp = open(ofnp, 'w+') ofs = open(ofns, 'w+') ofp.write(header) ofs.write(header) else: ofp = open(ofnp, 'a+') ofs = open(ofns, 'a+') # end if progTracker = ProgressTracker(output_folder=output_path, restart_mode=restart) totalTraceCount = 0 for nc, sc, start_time, end_time in fds.local_net_sta_list(): day = 24 * 3600 dayCount = 0 curr = start_time traceCountP = 0 pickCountP = 0 traceCountS = 0 pickCountS = 0 sw_start = step = day while (curr < end_time): if (curr + step > end_time): step = end_time - curr # end if eventIndices = (np.where((originTimestamps >= curr.timestamp) & \ (originTimestamps <= (curr + day).timestamp)))[0] if (eventIndices.shape[0] > 0): totalTraceCount += 1 stations = fds.get_stations(curr, curr + day, network=nc, station=sc) stations_zch = [s for s in stations if 'Z' == s[3][-1].upper()] # only Z channels stations_nch = [s for s in stations if 'N' == s[3][-1].upper() or '1' == s[3][-1]] # only N channels stations_ech = [s for s in stations if 'E' == s[3][-1].upper() or '2' == s[3][-1]] # only E channels for codes in stations_zch: if (progTracker.increment()): pass else: continue st = fds.get_waveforms(codes[0], codes[1], codes[2], codes[3], curr, curr + step, trace_count_threshold=200) try: st.merge(method=-1) except Exception as e: print(e) continue # end try if (len(st) == 0): continue dropBogusTraces(st) slon, slat = codes[4], codes[5] for ei in eventIndices: event = events[ei] po = event.preferred_origin da = gps2dist_azimuth(, po.lon, slat, slon) mag = None if (event.preferred_magnitude): mag = event.preferred_magnitude.magnitude_value elif (len(po.magnitude_list)): mag = po.magnitude_list[0].magnitude_value if (mag == None): mag = np.NaN if (np.isnan(mag) or mag < min_magnitude): continue result = extract_p(taupyModel, pickerlist_p, event, slon, slat, st, max_amplitude=max_amplitude, plot_output_folder=plot_output_folder) if (result): picklist, residuallist, snrlist, bandindex, pickerindex = result arcdistance = kilometers2degrees(da[0] / 1e3) for ip, pick in enumerate(picklist): line = '%s %f %f %f %f %f ' \ '%s %s %s %f %f %f ' \ '%f %f %f ' \ '%f %f %f %f %f ' \ '%d %d\n' % ( event.public_id, po.utctime.timestamp, mag, po.lon,, po.depthkm, codes[0], codes[1], codes[3], pick.timestamp, slon, slat, da[1], da[2], arcdistance, residuallist[ip], snrlist[ip, 0], snrlist[ip, 1], snrlist[ip, 2], snrlist[ip, 3], bandindex, sigmalist[pickerindex]) ofp.write(line) # end for ofp.flush() pickCountP += 1 # end if if (len(stations_nch) == 0 and len(stations_ech) == 0): result = extract_s(taupyModel, pickerlist_s, event, slon, slat, st, None, da[2], max_amplitude=max_amplitude, plot_output_folder=plot_output_folder) if (result): picklist, residuallist, snrlist, bandindex, pickerindex = result arcdistance = kilometers2degrees(da[0] / 1e3) for ip, pick in enumerate(picklist): line = '%s %f %f %f %f %f ' \ '%s %s %s %f %f %f ' \ '%f %f %f ' \ '%f %f %f %f %f ' \ '%d %d\n' % ( event.public_id, po.utctime.timestamp, mag, po.lon,, po.depthkm, codes[0], codes[1], codes[3], pick.timestamp, slon, slat, da[1], da[2], arcdistance, residuallist[ip], snrlist[ip, 0], snrlist[ip, 1], snrlist[ip, 2], snrlist[ip, 3], bandindex, sigmalist[pickerindex]) ofs.write(line) # end for ofs.flush() pickCountS += 1 # end if # end if # end for traceCountP += len(st) # end for if (len(stations_nch) > 0 and len(stations_nch) == len(stations_ech)): for codesn, codese in zip(stations_nch, stations_ech): if (progTracker.increment()): pass else: continue stn = fds.get_waveforms(codesn[0], codesn[1], codesn[2], codesn[3], curr, curr + step, trace_count_threshold=200) ste = fds.get_waveforms(codese[0], codese[1], codese[2], codese[3], curr, curr + step, trace_count_threshold=200) try: stn.merge(method=-1) ste.merge(method=-1) except Exception as e: print(e) continue # end try dropBogusTraces(stn) dropBogusTraces(ste) if (len(stn) == 0): continue if (len(ste) == 0): continue slon, slat = codesn[4], codesn[5] for ei in eventIndices: event = events[ei] po = event.preferred_origin da = gps2dist_azimuth(, po.lon, slat, slon) mag = None if (event.preferred_magnitude): mag = event.preferred_magnitude.magnitude_value elif (len(po.magnitude_list)): mag = po.magnitude_list[0].magnitude_value if (mag == None): mag = np.NaN if (np.isnan(mag) or mag < min_magnitude): continue result = extract_s(taupyModel, pickerlist_s, event, slon, slat, stn, ste, da[2], plot_output_folder=plot_output_folder) if (result): picklist, residuallist, snrlist, bandindex, pickerindex = result arcdistance = kilometers2degrees(da[0] / 1e3) for ip, pick in enumerate(picklist): line = '%s %f %f %f %f %f ' \ '%s %s %s %f %f %f ' \ '%f %f %f ' \ '%f %f %f %f %f ' \ '%d %d\n' % ( event.public_id, po.utctime.timestamp, mag, po.lon,, po.depthkm, codesn[0], codesn[1], '00T', pick.timestamp, slon, slat, da[1], da[2], arcdistance, residuallist[ip], snrlist[ip, 0], snrlist[ip, 1], snrlist[ip, 2], snrlist[ip, 3], bandindex, sigmalist[pickerindex]) ofs.write(line) # end for ofs.flush() pickCountS += 1 # end if # end for traceCountS += (len(stn) + len(ste)) # end for # end if # end if curr += step dayCount += 1 # wend sw_stop = totalTime = (sw_stop - sw_start).total_seconds() gc.collect() print(('(Rank %d: %5.2f%%, %d/%d) Processed %d traces and found %d p-arrivals and %d s-arrivals for ' \ 'network %s station %s in %f s. Memory usage: %5.2f MB.' % \ (rank, (float(totalTraceCount) / float(workload) * 100) if workload > 0 else 100, totalTraceCount, workload, traceCountP + traceCountS, pickCountP, pickCountS, nc, sc, totalTime, round(psutil.Process().memory_info().rss / 1024. / 1024., 2)))) # end for ofp.close() ofs.close() print(('Processing complete on rank %d' % (rank))) del fds # Ensuring all processes have completed before merging results comm.Barrier() # Merge results on proc 0 if (rank == 0): merge_results(output_path) # end if # end func
[docs]def merge_results(output_path): search_strings = ['p_arrivals*', 's_arrivals*'] output_fns = ['p_combined.txt', 's_combined.txt'] for ss, ofn in zip(search_strings, output_fns): files = recursive_glob(output_path, ss) ofn = open('%s/%s' % (output_path, ofn), 'w+') data = set() for i, fn in enumerate(files): lines = open(fn, 'r').readlines() if (i == 0): ofn.write(lines[0]) # end if for j in range(1, len(lines)): data.add(lines[j]) # end for os.system('rm %s' % (fn)) # end for for l in data: ofn.write(l) # end for ofn.close()
# end for # end func if (__name__ == '__main__'): process() # end if