Source code for seismic.extract_event_traces

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Use waveform database and station inventory to extract raw traces for all seismic events within a given
magnitude and time range.

import os.path
import logging
import re

import warnings
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", UserWarning)
# pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
import urllib3

import numpy as np
import obspy
from obspy import read_inventory, read_events, UTCDateTime as UTC
from obspy.clients.fdsn import Client
from obspy.core import Stream
from rf import iter_event_data
from tqdm import tqdm
import click

from seismic.ASDFdatabase.FederatedASDFDataSet import FederatedASDFDataSet
from seismic.stream_processing import zne_order
from seismic.stream_io import write_h5_event_stream


# pylint: disable=invalid-name, logging-format-interpolation

[docs]def get_events(lonlat, starttime, endtime, cat_file, distance_range, magnitude_range, early_exit=True): """Load event catalog (if available) or create event catalog from FDSN server. :param lonlat: (Longitude, latitude) of reference location for finding events :type lonlat: tuple(float, float) :param starttime: Start time of period in which to query events :type starttime: obspy.UTCDateTime or str in UTC datetime format :param endtime: End time of period in which to query events :type endtime: obspy.UTCDateTime or str in UTC datetime format :param cat_file: File containing event catalog, or file name in which to store event catalog :type cat_file: str or Path :param distance_range: Range of distances over which to query seismic events :type distance_range: tuple(float, float) :param magnitude_range: Range of event magnitudes over which to query seismic events. :type magnitude_range: tuple(float, float) :param early_exit: If True, exit as soon as new catalog has been generated, defaults to True :type early_exit: bool, optional :return: Event catalog :rtype: obspy.core.event.catalog.Catalog """ log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # If file needs to be generated, then this function requires internet access. if os.path.exists(cat_file): # For HPC systems with no internet access, the catalog file must be pre-generated log.warning("Loading catalog from file {} irrespective of command line options!!!".format(cat_file))"Using catalog file: {}".format(cat_file)) catalog = read_events(cat_file) else: min_magnitude = magnitude_range[0] max_magnitude = magnitude_range[1] client = Client('ISC') kwargs = {'starttime': starttime, 'endtime': endtime, 'latitude': lonlat[1], 'longitude': lonlat[0], 'minradius': distance_range[0], 'maxradius': distance_range[1], 'minmagnitude': min_magnitude, 'maxmagnitude': max_magnitude}"Following parameters will be used for earthquake event query:\n{}".format(kwargs)) catalog = client.get_events(**kwargs)"Catalog loaded from FDSN server")"Creating catalog file: {}".format(cat_file)) catalog.write(cat_file, 'QUAKEML') if early_exit: print("Run this process again using qsub") exit(0) # end if # end if # Filter catalog before saving catalog = _filter_catalog_events(catalog) return catalog
# end func def _filter_catalog_events(catalog): """Filter catalog with fixed filter criteria. :param catalog: Seismic event catalog :type catalog: obspy.core.event.catalog.Catalog :return: Filtered event catalog :rtype: obspy.core.event.catalog.Catalog """ log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _earthquake_event_filter(event): return event.get('event_type') == 'earthquake' # Type filter accepted_events = [e for e in catalog if _earthquake_event_filter(e)] catalog = obspy.core.event.catalog.Catalog(accepted_events) # Filter out events with missing magnitude or depth n_before = len(catalog) catalog = catalog.filter("magnitude > 0.0", "depth > 0.0") n_after = len(catalog) if n_after < n_before:"Removed {} events from catalog with invalid magnitude or depth values".format(n_before - n_after)) # Filter for standard error on travel time residuals n_before = len(catalog) catalog = catalog.filter("standard_error <= 5.0") n_after = len(catalog) if n_after < n_before:"Removed {} events from catalog with high travel time residuals".format(n_before - n_after)) return catalog # end func
[docs]def asdf_get_waveforms(asdf_dataset, network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime): """Custom waveform getter function to retrieve waveforms from FederatedASDFDataSet. :param asdf_dataset: Instance of FederatedASDFDataSet to query :type asdf_dataset: seismic.ASDFdatabase.FederatedASDFDataSet :param network: Network code :type network: str :param station: Station code :type station: str :param location: Location code :type location: str :param channel: Channel code :type channel: str :param starttime: Start time of the waveform query :type starttime: str in UTC datetime format :param endtime: End time of the waveform query :type endtime: str in UTC datetime format :return: Stream containing channel traces :rtype: obspy.Stream of obspy.Traces """ st = Stream() matching_stations = asdf_dataset.get_stations(starttime, endtime, network=network, station=station, location=location) if matching_stations: ch_matcher = re.compile(channel) for net, sta, loc, cha, _, _ in matching_stations: if ch_matcher.match(cha): st += asdf_dataset.get_waveforms(net, sta, loc, cha, starttime, endtime) # end for # end if if st: try: st = Stream([tr for tr in st if tr.stats.asdf.tag == 'raw_recording']) except AttributeError: log = logging.getLogger(__name__) log.error("ASDF tag not found in Trace stats") # end try # end if return st
# end func
[docs]def timestamp_filename(fname, t0, t1): """Append pair of timestamps (start and end time) to file name in format that is compatible with filesystem file naming. :param fname: File name :type fname: str or path :param t0: first timestamp :type t0: obspy.UTCDateTime :param t1: second timestamp :type t1: obspy.UTCDateTime """ t0_str = t0.strftime("%Y%m%dT%H%M%S") t1_str = t1.strftime("%Y%m%dT%H%M%S") bname, ext = os.path.splitext(fname) bname += ("_" + t0_str + "-" + t1_str) return bname + ext
# end func
[docs]def is_url(resource_path): """Convenience function to check if a given resource path is a valid URL :param resource_path: Path to test for URL-ness :type resource_path: str :return: True if input is a valid URL, False otherwise :rtype: bool """ str_parsed = urllib3.util.url.parse_url(resource_path) return str_parsed.scheme and str_parsed.netloc
# end func # ---+----------Main--------------------------------- @click.command() @click.option('--inventory-file', type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False), required=True, help=r'Path to input inventory file corresponding to waveform file, ' r'e.g. "/g/data/ha3/Passive/_ANU/7X\(2009-2011\)/ASDF/7X\(2009-2011\)_ASDF.xml".') @click.option('--waveform-database', type=str, required=True, help=r'Location of waveform source database from which to extract traces. May be a recognized service ' r'provider from obspy.clients.fdsn.header.URL_MAPPINGS (e.g. "ISC"), an actual URL ' r'(e.g. "") or a file path. If detected as a URL, the obspy client ' r'get_waveform function will be used to retrieve waveforms from web service. Otherwise, if detected ' r'as a valid file path, then it must be the path to a definition file for a FederatedASDFDataSet, ' r'e.g. "/g/data/ha3/Passive/SHARED_DATA/Index/asdf_files.txt".') @click.option('--event-catalog-file', type=click.Path(dir_okay=False, writable=True), required=True, help='Path to event catalog file, e.g. "catalog_7X_for_rf.xml". ' 'If file already exists, it will be loaded, otherwise it will be created by querying the ISC web ' 'service. Note that for traceability, start and end times will be appended to file name.') @click.option('--event-trace-datafile', type=click.Path(dir_okay=False, writable=True), required=True, help='Path to output file, e.g. "7X_event_waveforms.h5". ' 'Note that for traceability, start and end datetimes will be appended to file name.') @click.option('--start-time', type=str, default='', show_default=True, help='Start datetime in ISO 8601 format, e.g. "2009-06-16T03:42:00". ' 'If empty, will be inferred from the inventory file.') @click.option('--end-time', type=str, default='', show_default=True, help='End datetime in ISO 8601 format, e.g. "2011-04-01T23:18:49". ' 'If empty, will be inferred from the inventory file.') @click.option('--taup-model', type=str, default='iasp91', show_default=True, help='Theoretical tau-p Earth model to use for Trace stats computation. Other possibilities, ' 'such as ak135, are documented here:') @click.option('--distance-range', type=(float, float), default=(30.0, 90.0), show_default=True, help='Range of teleseismic distances (in degrees) to sample relative to the mean lat,lon location') @click.option('--magnitude-range', type=(float, float), default=(5.5, 7.0), show_default=True, help='Range of seismic event magnitudes to sample from the event catalog.') @click.option('--catalog-only', is_flag=True, default=False, show_default=True, help='If set, only generate catalog file and exit. Used for preparing ' 'input file on HPC systems with no internet access.') def main(inventory_file, waveform_database, event_catalog_file, event_trace_datafile, start_time, end_time, taup_model, distance_range, magnitude_range, catalog_only=False): log = logging.getLogger(__name__) log.setLevel(logging.INFO) waveform_db_is_web = is_url(waveform_database) or waveform_database in obspy.clients.fdsn.header.URL_MAPPINGS if not waveform_db_is_web: assert os.path.exists(waveform_database), "Cannot find waveform database file {}".format(waveform_database)"Using waveform data source: {}".format(waveform_database)) min_dist_deg = distance_range[0] max_dist_deg = distance_range[1] min_mag = magnitude_range[0] max_mag = magnitude_range[1] inventory = read_inventory(inventory_file)"Loaded inventory {}".format(inventory_file)) # Compute reference lonlat from the inventory. channels = inventory.get_contents()['channels'] lonlat_coords = [] for ch in channels: coords = inventory.get_coordinates(ch) lonlat_coords.append((coords['longitude'], coords['latitude'])) lonlat_coords = np.array(lonlat_coords) lonlat = np.mean(lonlat_coords, axis=0)"Inferred reference coordinates {}".format(lonlat)) # If start and end time not provided, infer from date range of inventory. if not start_time: start_time = inventory[0].start_date for net in inventory: start_time = min(start_time, net.start_date)"Inferred start time {}".format(start_time)) # end if if not end_time: end_time = inventory[0].end_date if end_time is None: end_time = for net in inventory: end_time = max(end_time, net.end_date)"Inferred end time {}".format(end_time)) # end if start_time = UTC(start_time) end_time = UTC(end_time) event_catalog_file = timestamp_filename(event_catalog_file, start_time, end_time) event_trace_datafile = timestamp_filename(event_trace_datafile, start_time, end_time) assert not os.path.exists(event_trace_datafile), \ "Output file {} already exists, please remove!".format(event_trace_datafile)"Traces will be written to: {}".format(event_trace_datafile)) exit_after_catalog = catalog_only catalog = get_events(lonlat, start_time, end_time, event_catalog_file, (min_dist_deg, max_dist_deg), (min_mag, max_mag), exit_after_catalog) if waveform_db_is_web:"Use fresh query results from web") client = Client(waveform_database) waveform_getter = client.get_waveforms else: # Form closure to allow waveform source file to be derived from a setting (or command line input) asdf_dataset = FederatedASDFDataSet(waveform_database, logger=log) def closure_get_waveforms(network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime): return asdf_get_waveforms(asdf_dataset, network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime) waveform_getter = closure_get_waveforms # end if with tqdm(smoothing=0) as pbar: stream_count = 0 for s in iter_event_data(catalog, inventory, waveform_getter, tt_model=taup_model, pbar=pbar): # Write traces to output file in append mode so that arbitrarily large file # can be processed. If the file already exists, then existing streams will # be overwritten rather than duplicated. # Check first if rotation for unaligned *H1, *H2 channels to *HN, *HE is required. if not s: continue # end if if'1') and'2'): try: s.rotate('->ZNE', inventory=inventory) except ValueError as e: log.error('Unable to rotate to ZNE with error:\n{}'.format(str(e))) continue # end try # end if # Order the traces in ZNE ordering. This is required so that normalization # can be specified in terms of an integer index, i.e. the default of 0 in rf # library will normalize against the Z component. s.traces = sorted(s.traces, key=zne_order) # Assert the ordering of traces in the stream is ZNE. assert s[0][-1] == 'Z' assert s[1][-1] == 'N' assert s[2][-1] == 'E' # Iterator returns rf.RFStream. Write traces from obspy.Stream to decouple from RFStream. grp_id = '.'.join(s.traces[0].id.split('.')[0:3]) event_time = str(s.traces[0].meta.event_time)[0:19] pbar.set_description("{} -- {}".format(grp_id, event_time)) out_stream = obspy.Stream([tr for tr in s]) assert out_stream[0][-1] == 'Z' assert out_stream[1][-1] == 'N' assert out_stream[2][-1] == 'E' write_h5_event_stream(event_trace_datafile, out_stream, mode='a') stream_count += 1 # end for if stream_count == 0: log.warning("No traces found!") else:"Wrote {} streams to output file".format(stream_count)) # end if # end with # end main if __name__ == '__main__': main() # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter # end if