Source code for seismic.ASDFdatabase.seisds

import numpy as np
import time
import json
from obspy import UTCDateTime
import random
import logging

[docs]class SeisDB(object): def __init__(self, json_file=False, generate_numpy_index=True): self._json_loaded = False self._valid_index = False self._use_numpy_index = False self._generate_numpy_index = generate_numpy_index if json_file: try: f = open(json_file, 'r') self._json_dict = json.load(f) self._json_file = json_file self._json_loaded = True self.generateIndex() except IOError as e: logging.error("I/O error({0}): {1}".format(e.errorno, e.strerror)) except ValueError as e: logging.error("JSON Decoding has failed with a value error({0}): {1}".format(e.errorno, e.strerror))
[docs] def generateIndex(self): assert self._json_loaded, "Invalid SeisDB object. Try loading a valid JSON file first." if self._generate_numpy_index: try: # dictionary with keys as integer index (corresponding to numpy array indexes) and value which is ASDF tag self._indexed_dict = {} # List for numpy array building self._index_dict_list = [] # container for dtypes type_list = [] # check if the dtype has been populated dtype_pop = False for _i, (key, value) in enumerate(self._json_dict.items()): self._indexed_dict[_i] = key temp_list = [] # get ASDF tag tag = key.split('__')[3] temp_list.append(tag) if not dtype_pop: type_list.append(('tag', 'S100')) for sub_key, sub_value in value.items():"{}, {}".format(sub_key, sub_value)) # only add some of the attributes to the numpy array to speed up lookup if sub_key == "tr_starttime": temp_list.append(float(sub_value)) if not dtype_pop: type_list.append(('st', float)) elif sub_key == "tr_endtime": temp_list.append(float(sub_value)) if not dtype_pop: type_list.append(('et', float)) elif sub_key == "new_network": temp_list.append(str(sub_value)) if not dtype_pop: type_list.append(('net', 'S2')) elif sub_key == "new_station": temp_list.append(str(sub_value)) if not dtype_pop: type_list.append(('sta', 'S5')) elif sub_key == "new_channel": temp_list.append(str(sub_value)) if not dtype_pop: type_list.append(('cha', 'S3')) elif sub_key == "new_location": temp_list.append(str(sub_value)) if not dtype_pop: type_list.append(('loc', 'S2')) dtype_pop = True self._index_dict_list.append(tuple(temp_list)) self.dt = np.dtype(type_list) self._indexed_np_array = np.array(self._index_dict_list, dtype=self.dt) self._use_numpy_index = True self._valid_index = True except KeyError as e: logging.error("Indexing JSON dictionary has failed with a key error({0}): {1}".format(e.errorno, e.strerror)) else: try: # dictionary with keys as integer index (corresponding to numpy array indexes) and value which is ASDF tag self._indexed_dict = {} # new dictionary to be sure that starttime and endtime fields are float self._formatted_dict = {} for _i, (key, value) in enumerate(self._json_dict.items()): self._indexed_dict[_i] = key temp_dict = {} for _j, (sub_key, sub_value) in enumerate(value.items()): if sub_key == "tr_starttime": temp_dict[sub_key] = float(sub_value) elif sub_key == "tr_endtime": temp_dict[sub_key] = float(sub_value) else: temp_dict[sub_key] = sub_value self._formatted_dict[_i] = temp_dict self._valid_index = True except KeyError as e:"Indexing JSON dictionary has failed with a key error({0}): {1}".format(e.errorno, e.strerror))
[docs] def queryByTime(self, net, sta, chan, tags, query_starttime, query_endtime): qs = query_starttime qe = query_endtime assert self._json_loaded, "Invalid SeisDB object. Try loading a valid JSON file first." assert self._valid_index, "Invalid SeisDB object. Index has not been generated." if not self._use_numpy_index: indices = [] for _i, key in enumerate(self._formatted_dict.keys()): # check if tag matches # get ASDF tag tag = key.split('__')[3] if not tag in tags: continue matched_entry = self._formatted_dict[key] if ((matched_entry['tr_starttime'] <= qs < matched_entry['tr_endtime']) or (qs <= matched_entry['tr_starttime'] and matched_entry['tr_starttime'] < qe)) \ and ((matched_entry['new_network'] in net) and (matched_entry['new_station'] in sta) and ( matched_entry['new_channel'] in chan)): indices.append(_i) # indices_array = np.array(indices) # Print output # logging.debug(indices_array) # for index in indices_array: # logging.debug(self._indexed_dict[index]['ASDF_tag']) # logging.debug(len(indices_array)) # return {k:self._indexed_dict[self._index_dict_list[k]] for k in indices if k in self._index_dict_list} return {k: {"ASDF_tag": self._indexed_dict[k], "new_station": self._formatted_dict[k]["new_station"], "new_network": self._formatted_dict[k]["new_network"]} for k in indices} else: _indexed_np_array_masked = np.where( (np.in1d(self._indexed_np_array['net'], net)) & (np.in1d(self._indexed_np_array['sta'], sta)) & (np.in1d(self._indexed_np_array['cha'], chan)) & (np.in1d(self._indexed_np_array['tag'], tags)) & np.logical_or(np.logical_and(self._indexed_np_array['st'] <= qs, qs < self._indexed_np_array['et']), (np.logical_and(qs <= self._indexed_np_array['st'], self._indexed_np_array['st'] < qe)))) # logging.debug(_indexed_np_array_masked[0]) # for index in _indexed_np_array_masked[0]: # logging.debug(self._indexed_np_array[index, 6]) # logging.debug(len(_indexed_np_array_masked[0])) # logging.debug(self._index_dict_list[0]) # return {k:self._indexed_dict[self._indexed_np_array[k]] for k in _indexed_np_array_masked[0] if k in self._indexed_np_array} return {k: {"ASDF_tag": self._indexed_dict[k], "new_station": self._indexed_np_array['sta'][k], "new_network": self._indexed_np_array['net'][k]} for k in _indexed_np_array_masked[0]}
[docs] def get_recording_intervals(self, net, sta, chan, tags): # logging.debug(self._indexed_np_array), sta, chan, tags) _indexed_np_array_masked = np.where( (np.in1d(self._indexed_np_array['net'], net)) & (np.in1d(self._indexed_np_array['sta'], sta)) & ( np.in1d(self._indexed_np_array['cha'], chan)) & (np.in1d(self._indexed_np_array['tag'], tags))) _masked_np_array = self._indexed_np_array[_indexed_np_array_masked] _st_array = _masked_np_array["st"] _et_array = _masked_np_array["et"] _arg_sorted_st_array = np.argsort(_st_array) _sorted_st_array = _st_array[_arg_sorted_st_array] _sorted_et_array = _et_array[_arg_sorted_st_array] if _sorted_st_array.shape[0] == 1: #i.e. there are no gaps[0]) return (np.array([[_sorted_st_array[0]], [_sorted_et_array[0]]])) # offset the starttime array so that we start from the second recorded waveform _offset_st_array = _sorted_st_array[1:] _diff_array = _offset_st_array - _sorted_et_array[:-1] # now get indexes when gap (diff positive) or overlap (diff negative) # remember to add 1 to index because of offset _sorted_gaps_index = np.where(_diff_array > 1) # if it is empty then the gaps are smaller than 1 second ignore them if _sorted_gaps_index[0].shape[0]==0: return (np.array([[_sorted_st_array[0]], [_sorted_et_array[-1]]])) # recording intervals: # rec_start_list_after gaps = list(_sorted_st_array[_sorted_gaps_index]) rec_end_list_after_gaps = list(_sorted_et_array[_sorted_gaps_index]) rec_start_list =[] rec_end_list =[] int_id = 0 for _i in range(len(rec_end_list_after_gaps)): rec_start_list.append(_sorted_st_array[int_id]) rec_end_list.append(rec_end_list_after_gaps[_i]) int_id = _sorted_gaps_index[0][_i] + 1 if _i == len(rec_end_list_after_gaps) - 1: # last interval # logging.debug(_sorted_st_array[int_id], _sorted_et_array[-1]) rec_start_list.append(_sorted_st_array[int_id]) rec_end_list.append(_sorted_et_array[-1]) return (np.array([rec_start_list, rec_end_list]))
[docs] def get_data_percentage(self, net, sta, chan, tags): # call intervals calc intervals_array = self.get_recording_intervals(net, sta, chan, tags) gaps_array = self.get_gaps_intervals(net, sta, chan, tags)"Getting data percentage")[intervals_array[1][x] - intervals_array[0][x] for x in range(len(intervals_array[0]))])) total_rec_seconds = sum([intervals_array[1][x] - intervals_array[0][x] for x in range(len(intervals_array[0]))]) total_gaps_seconds = sum([gaps_array[1][x] - gaps_array[0][x] for x in range(len(gaps_array[0]))])"{}, {}".format(total_rec_seconds, total_gaps_seconds))"Percentage of Gaps: {}".format(100*(total_gaps_seconds/total_rec_seconds)))"Percentage of Recording: {}".format(100 * (1-(total_gaps_seconds / total_rec_seconds))))
[docs] def get_gaps_intervals(self, net, sta, chan, tags): # logging.debug(self._indexed_np_array) _indexed_np_array_masked = np.where( (np.in1d(self._indexed_np_array['net'], net)) & (np.in1d(self._indexed_np_array['sta'], sta)) & ( np.in1d(self._indexed_np_array['cha'], chan)) & (np.in1d(self._indexed_np_array['tag'], tags))) # logging.debug(_indexed_np_array_masked) _masked_np_array = self._indexed_np_array[_indexed_np_array_masked] # logging.debug(_masked_np_array) # logging.debug(str(np.sort(_masked_np_array, order='st'))) _st_array = _masked_np_array["st"] _et_array = _masked_np_array["et"] # logging.debug(_st_array) _arg_sorted_st_array = np.argsort(_st_array) _sorted_st_array = _st_array[_arg_sorted_st_array] _sorted_et_array = _et_array[_arg_sorted_st_array] # logging.debug(_arg_sorted_st_array) # logging.debug(_sorted_st_array) # logging.debug(_sorted_et_array) # offset the starttime array so that we start from the second recorded waveform _offset_st_array = _sorted_st_array[1:] # logging.debug(_offset_st_array) _diff_array = _offset_st_array - _sorted_et_array[:-1] # logging.debug(_diff_array) # now get indexes when gap (diff positive) or overlap (diff negative) # remember to add 1 to index because of offset _sorted_gaps_index = np.where(_diff_array > 1) # _sorted_ovlps_index = np.where(_diff_array < 1) # logging.debug(_sorted_gaps_index) # now get the gap_starttimes and gap endtimes gaps_start_list = list(_sorted_et_array[_sorted_gaps_index]) gaps_end_list = list(_offset_st_array[_sorted_gaps_index]) return (np.array([gaps_start_list, gaps_end_list]))
[docs] def get_unique_information(self): """ Method to retreive the unique channels and tags within an ASDF file from the JSON Database :return: (unique channels, unique tags) """ assert self._json_loaded, "Invalid SeisDB object. Try loading a valid JSON file first." assert self._valid_index, "Invalid SeisDB object. Index has not been generated." if not self._use_numpy_index: logging.error("Must be using Numpy index") else: return (np.unique(self._indexed_np_array['cha']), np.unique(self._indexed_np_array['tag']))
[docs] def retrieve_full_db_entry(self, json_key): """ Method to take an output from queryByTime and get the full information from the original JSON db :return: full DB """ # logging.debug(self._json_dict[json_key]) return (self._json_dict[json_key])
if __name__ == "__main__": print("Testing db access") sta = ["SQ2A1", "SQ2F6"] chan = ["BHZ"] query_time = UTCDateTime(2014, 3, 17, 00).timestamp db = '/g/data1/ha3/Passive/_ANU/7F(2013-2014)/raw_DATA/7F(2013-2014)_raw_dataDB.json' print("Sta = " + str(sta)) print("Chan = " + str(chan)) print("Query time = " + str(query_time)) print("JSON file = " + str(db)) sdb = SeisDB(db) res = sdb.queryByTime(sta, chan, query_time) for index, element in res.items():"Index = " + str(index))"Element = " + str(element))