Source code for seismic.ASDFdatabase.sc3toasdf

#!/usr/env python
    Reads waveforms (within a given time-range) from a Seiscomp3 server and
    dumps out ASDF files, along with a json file containing associated metadata


CreationDate:   13/09/18

Revision History:
    LastUpdate:     22/08/18   RH
    LastUpdate:     dd/mm/yyyy  Who     Optional description

import click
import os
import pyasdf

from obspy.core import UTCDateTime

from obspy.clients.fdsn import Client

import json

[docs]def make_ASDF_tag(tr, tag): # def make_ASDF_tag(ri, tag): data_name = "{net}.{sta}.{loc}.{cha}__{start}__{end}__{tag}".format(, sta=tr.stats.station, loc=tr.stats.location,, start=tr.stats.starttime.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"), end=tr.stats.endtime.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"), tag=tag) return data_name
# end func
[docs]def hasOverlap(stime1, etime1, stime2, etime2): result = 0 if (etime1 is None): etime1 = if (etime2 is None): etime2 = if (stime2 >= stime1 and stime2 <= etime1): result = 1 elif (etime2 >= stime1 and etime2 <= etime1): result = 1 elif (stime2 <= stime1 and etime2 >= etime1): result = 1 return result
# end func
[docs]class DictToStr(dict): def __str__(self): return json.dumps(self)
CONTEXT_SETTINGS = dict(help_option_names=['-h', '--help']) @click.command(context_settings=CONTEXT_SETTINGS) @click.argument('host', type=str) @click.argument('port', type=int) @click.argument('output-path', required=True, type=click.Path(exists=True)) @click.argument('start-date', required=True, type=str) @click.argument('end-date', required=True, type=str) @click.option('--min-length-sec', type=int, default=None, help="Minimum length in seconds") @click.option('--merge-threshold', type=int, default=None, help="Merge traces if the number of traces fetched for an " "interval exceeds this threshold") def process(host, port, output_path, start_date, end_date, min_length_sec, merge_threshold): """ Example: python 8081 /mnt/asdf_dump2/test/ 2018-01-01T00:00:00 2018-06-01T00:00:00 --merge-threshold 200 """ client = None try: client = Client('http://'+host+':%d'%port) if not client: raise Exception('Connection failed..') except Exception as e: print(e) print('Failed to conncet to client. Aborting..') exit(0) # end try # Get inventory inv = client.get_stations() # Define increment, start and end times day = 24*3600 stime = etime = None try: stime = UTCDateTime(start_date) etime = UTCDateTime(end_date) except Exception as e: print(e) print('Incorrect start-date or end-date format. Aborting..') # end try # Start processing fn = os.path.join(output_path, '%d-%d.h5'%(stime.year, (etime-1).year)) jsonfn = os.path.join(output_path, '%d-%d.json'%(stime.year, (etime-1).year)) if(os.path.exists(fn)): os.remove(fn) ds = pyasdf.ASDFDataSet(fn, compression='gzip-3') jsonf = open(jsonfn, 'w+') jsonf.write('{') dictEntryCount = 0 for network in inv.networks: if(not hasOverlap(stime, etime, network.start_date, network.end_date)): continue for station in network.stations: if(not hasOverlap(stime, etime, station.start_date, station.end_date)): continue ctime = stime dcount = 0 trCount = 0 while ctime < etime: cinv = None cwaveforms = None try: cinv = client.get_stations(starttime=ctime, endtime=ctime+day, \ network=network.code, sta=station.code, loc='*', channel='*') cwaveforms = client.get_waveforms(network.code, station.code, \ '*', '*', ctime, ctime+day) except Exception as e: pass # end try if(cinv and cwaveforms): if(merge_threshold): ntraces = len(cwaveforms) if(ntraces > merge_threshold): try: cwaveforms = cwaveforms.merge(method=1, fill_value='interpolate') except: print('Failed to merge traces. Moving along..') ctime += day dcount += 1 continue # end try print('Merging stream with %d traces'%(ntraces)) # end if # end if for tr in cwaveforms: if(tr.stats.npts == 0): continue if(min_length_sec): if(tr.stats.npts* < min_length_sec): continue # end if asdfTag = make_ASDF_tag(tr, "raw_recording").encode('ascii') try: ds.add_waveforms(tr, tag='raw_recording') except Exception as e: print(e) print('Failed to append trace:') print(tr) # end try trdict = {"tr_starttime": tr.stats.starttime.timestamp, "tr_endtime": tr.stats.endtime.timestamp, "new_network": str(network.code), "new_station": str(station.code), "new_channel": str(, "new_location": str(tr.stats.location)} if(dictEntryCount>0): jsonf.write(', ') jsonf.write('"%s":%s'%(asdfTag, DictToStr(trdict))) dictEntryCount += 1 # end for try: ds.add_stationxml(cinv) except Exception as e: print(e) print('Failed to append inventory:') print(inv) # end try trCount += len(cwaveforms) # end if ctime += day dcount += 1 if not (dcount % 100) : print('Network: %s '%network.code + 'Station: %s '%station.code + \ str(ctime - day) + ' : added %d traces..'%trCount) trCount = 0 # end if # wend # end for # end for print('Closing asdf file..') del ds print('Closing json database..') jsonf.write('}') jsonf.close() print('Done.') # end func if (__name__ == '__main__'): process() # end if