Source code for seismic.ASDFdatabase.ClientUtils

import os

from obspy import UTCDateTime, Stream
from obspy.clients.fdsn.client import Client
from obspy.clients.fdsn.header import FDSNException
import pyasdf

[docs]class Client2ASDF(object): def __init__(self, client="IRIS", network="AU"): """Object to query IRIS or other client with a bounding box and time interval. Returns ASDF containing station information and data for interval.""" self._client = client self._network = network self.ref_stations = []
[docs] def queryByBBoxInterval(self, outputFileName, bbox, timeinterval, chan='*Z', bbpadding=2, event_id=None, verbose=False): """ Time interval is a tuple (starttime,endtime) """ assert len(timeinterval) == 2, "timeinterval must be a tuple of ascending timestamps. len=" + str( len(timeinterval)) + " " + str(timeinterval) query_ds = pyasdf.ASDFDataSet(outputFileName) client = Client(self._client) ref_inv = client.get_stations(network=self._network, starttime=UTCDateTime(timeinterval[0]), endtime=UTCDateTime(timeinterval[1]), minlongitude=bbox[0] - bbpadding, maxlongitude=bbox[1] + bbpadding, minlatitude=bbox[2] - bbpadding, maxlatitude=bbox[3] + bbpadding, level='channel') if verbose: print(ref_inv) ref_st = Stream() # go through inventory and request timeseries data for net in ref_inv: for stn in net: stime = UTCDateTime(timeinterval[0]) etime = UTCDateTime(timeinterval[1]) step = 3600*24*10 while stime + step < etime: try: ref_st = client.get_waveforms(network=net.code, station=stn.code, channel=chan, location='*', starttime=stime, endtime=stime+step) print(ref_st) self.ref_stations.append(net.code + '.' + stn.code) st_inv =, channel=chan) query_ds.add_stationxml(st_inv) for tr in ref_st: query_ds.add_waveforms(tr, "reference_station") except FDSNException: print('Data not available from Reference Station: ' + stn.code) # end try stime += step #wend # end for #tr.write(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(outputFileName), + ".MSEED"), # format="MSEED") # Don't write miniseed if verbose: print("Wrote Reference Waveforms to ASDF file: " + outputFileName) print('\nWaveform data query completed.') metaOutputFileName = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(outputFileName), 'meta.%s.xml'%(os.path.basename(outputFileName))) ref_inv.write(metaOutputFileName, format="STATIONXML") del query_ds
if __name__ == "__main__": fn = '/g/data/ha3/rakib/_ANU/7G(2013-2015)/refData/stka.6m.h5' fn = '/tmp/stka.6m.h5' c = Client2ASDF() p = 0.0001 #inka = (-27.741, 140.746) #c.queryByBBoxInterval(fn, [inka[1] - p, inka[1] + p, inka[0] - p, inka[0] + p], # ("2015-01-01T00:00:00", "2015-06-01T00:00:00"), 1, verbose=True) stka = (-31.8769, 141.5952) c.queryByBBoxInterval(fn, [stka[1] - p, stka[1] + p, stka[0] - p, stka[0] + p], ("2015-01-01T00:00:00", "2015-01-02T00:00:00"), 1, verbose=True) # test that the file exists and was written assert os.path.isfile(fn), "ASDF file not written" #os.remove(fn)