Source code for seismic.inventory.dataio.catalogcsv

#!/usr/bin/env python
Lightweight reader for CSV seismic event catalogs, indexing the found events by event ID and station.

This was adapted for the speical use case of distance-to-event QA checks performed for ticket PST-340.

import os
import fnmatch
from collections import defaultdict
import random as rnd

from obspy import UTCDateTime
from import tqdm

from seismic.inventory.dataio.event_attrs import Origin, Event, Magnitude, Arrival
from seismic.misc import recursive_glob

[docs]class CatalogCSV: """ Lightweight parser for seismic event catalog. Catalog is format as follows:: #EHB, 2005, 09, 16, 07, 28, 39.001, 126.93300, 4.18700, 2.90000, 28, 4.50, -999.00, -999.00, -999.00, 1, 134.3000, 1 FITZ, BHZ, , , , , , P , 2005, 09, 16, 07, 33, 37.00, 22.180 WR0 , BHZ, , , , , , P , 2005, 09, 16, 07, 34, 06.00, 25.130 KUM , BHZ, , , , , , P , 2005, 09, 16, 07, 35, 02.00, 26.220 MEEK, BHZ, , , , , , P , 2005, 09, 16, 07, 35, 04.00, 31.680 FORT, BHZ, , , , , , P , 2005, 09, 16, 07, 35, 32.00, 34.780 STKA, BHZ, , , , , , P , 2005, 09, 16, 07, 36, 04.00, 38.480 KSM , BHZ, , , , , , Pn, 2005, 09, 16, 07, 32, 39.00, 16.820 KAKA, BHZ, , , , , , P , 2005, 09, 16, 07, 33, 04.00, 17.660 FITZ, BHZ, , , , , , P , 2005, 09, 16, 07, 33, 36.00, 22.180 ... The header row, which starts with '#', indicates the number of phases listed in the subsequent lines of arrival data (28 in this example). """ def __init__(self, event_folder, sampling_factor=1.0): self.event_folder = event_folder self.sampling_factor = sampling_factor # Proportion of events that get sampled # self.comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD # self.nproc = self.comm.Get_size() # self.rank = self.comm.Get_rank() # retrieve list of all csv files self.csv_files = sorted(recursive_glob(self.event_folder, '*.csv')) self._load_events() def _load_events(self): event_dict = {} station_dict = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)) event_id = None if True: # (self.rank==0): for ifn, fn in enumerate(self.csv_files): print('Reading %s' % (fn)) progress = tqdm(total=os.path.getsize(fn), desc=fn) for line in open(fn, 'r'): progress.update(len(line)) if line[0] == '#': try: if rnd.random() < self.sampling_factor: event_id, event = self._parse_event_header(line) event_dict[event_id] = event else: event_id = None except: event_id = None continue elif event_id is not None: try: arrival = self._parse_arrival(line) event_dict[event_id].preferred_origin.arrivals.append(arrival) station_dict[arrival.sta][arrival.phase].append((event_id, arrival.distance)) except: continue progress.close() self.event_dict = event_dict self.station_dict = station_dict # end func def _parse_event_header(self, line): items = line.split(',') vals = list(map(float, items[1:])) year = int(vals[0]) month = int(vals[1]) day = int(vals[2]) hour = int(vals[3] if vals[3] >=0 else 0) minute = int(vals[4] if vals[4] >=0 else 0) second = vals[5] if vals[5] >=0 else 0 lon = vals[6] lat = vals[7] if (lon < -180 or lon > 180): raise Exception if (lat < -90 or lat > 90): raise Exception depth = vals[8] if vals[8] >=0 else 0 mb = vals[10] ms = vals[11] mi = vals[12] mw = vals[13] mag = 0 magtype = 'mw' if mw > 0: mag = mw magtype='mw' elif ms > 0: mag = ms magtype = 'ms' elif mb > 0: mag = mb magtype = 'mb' elif mi > 0: mag = mi magtype = 'mi' eventid = int(items[15].strip()) utctime = None utctime = UTCDateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second) origin = Origin(utctime, lat, lon, depth) event = Event() event.public_id = eventid event.preferred_origin = origin event.preferred_magnitude = Magnitude(mag, magtype) return eventid, event def _parse_arrival(self, line): items = line.split(',') vals = list(map(float, items[8:])) year = int(vals[0]) month = int(vals[1]) day = int(vals[2]) hour = int(vals[3]) minute = int(vals[4]) second = vals[5] utctime = UTCDateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second) try: lon = float(items[4]) except: lon = 0 try: lat = float(items[5]) except: lat = 0 try: elev = float(items[6]) except: elev = 0 distance = vals[-1] netcode = items[3].strip() statcode = items[0].strip() arrival = Arrival(netcode, statcode, items[2].strip(), items[1].strip(), lon, lat, elev, items[7].strip(), utctime, distance) return arrival
[docs] def get_events(self): return self.event_dict.values()
if __name__ == "__main__": # Test path for standalone execution. self_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) event_src_folder = os.path.join(self_path, 'test') cat = CatalogCSV(event_src_folder) for e in cat.get_events(): print(e)