Source code for seismic.xcorqc.generate_dispersion_curves

#!/bin/env python
    Runs Rhys Hawkins' code in parallel to generate dispersion curves
    based on cross-correlations of station-pairs. Note that this script
    call shell scripts that are expected to be in the current working

    todo: remove dependence on shell scripts.


CreationDate:   10/01/20


Revision History:
    LastUpdate:     10/01/20   RH
    LastUpdate:     dd/mm/yyyy  Who     Optional description

from mpi4py import MPI
import subprocess

import click
import psutil
from seismic.misc import split_list

[docs]def kill(proc_pid): process = psutil.Process(proc_pid) for proc in process.children(recursive=True): proc.kill() # end for process.kill()
# end func
[docs]def runprocess(cmd, get_results=False): results = [] p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) try: pstdout, pstderr = p.communicate(timeout=6000) for line in pstdout.splitlines(): if (get_results): results.append(line.strip()) #else: print line # end for except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: print ('Command %s FAILED. KILLING Proc: %d'%(cmd, kill( p.returncode = 1 # end try return p.returncode, results
# end func CONTEXT_SETTINGS = dict(help_option_names=['-h', '--help']) @click.command(context_settings=CONTEXT_SETTINGS) @click.argument('station-pair', type=click.Path('r')) @click.argument('output-dir', type=click.Path('r')) def main(station_pair, output_dir): comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD nproc = comm.Get_size() rank = comm.Get_rank() workload = [] if(rank==0): f = open(station_pair, 'r') for line in f: sp = line.split(' ')[1] workload.append([sp, output_dir]) # end for workload = split_list(workload, nproc) # end if workload = comm.bcast(workload, root=0) for item in workload[rank]: cmds = ['./ %s %s'%(item[0], item[1]), './ %s %s'%(item[0], item[1]), './ %s %s'%(item[0], item[1])] for cmd in cmds: rc, r = runprocess(cmd, get_results=True) print ('command: %s, return code %d: '%(cmd,rc)) #for line in r: print (line.strip()) # end for # end for # end func if __name__=='__main__': main() # end if