Source code for seismic.receiver_fn.rf_stacking

#!/usr/bin/env python

import logging

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.signal import correlate
import seismic.receiver_fn.rf_util as rf_util
from seismic.units_utils import KM_PER_DEG
from rf.util import DEG2KM
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter
from scipy import interpolate
from sklearn.cluster import dbscan
from scipy.integrate import simps as simpson
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from scipy.optimize import Bounds
import obspy
from obspy.taup.velocity_model import VelocityModel
import os

# pylint: disable=invalid-name,logging-format-interpolation


DEFAULT_Vp = 6.5  # km/sec
DEFAULT_H_RANGE = tuple(np.linspace(20.0, 70.0, 501))
DEFAULT_k_RANGE = tuple(np.linspace(1.5, 2.0, 301))
DEFAULT_WEIGHTS = np.array([0.5, 0.4, 0.1])

DEFAULT_SED_H_RANGE = tuple(np.linspace(0.01, 10, 35))
DEFAULT_SED_k_RANGE = tuple(np.linspace(1.0, 5.0, 21))

[docs]def compute_hk_stack(cha_data, Vp=DEFAULT_Vp, h_range=None, k_range=None, weights=DEFAULT_WEIGHTS, root_order=1, semblance_weighted=True): """Compute H-k stacking array on a dataset of receiver functions. :param cha_data: List or iterable of RF traces to use for H-k stacking. :type cha_data: Iterable(rf.RFTrace) :param Vp: Average crustal Vp for computing H-k stacks :type Vp: float, optional :param h_range: Range of h values (Moho depth) values to cover, defaults to np.linspace(20.0, 70.0, 251) :type h_range: numpy.array [1D], optional :param k_range: Range of k values to cover, defaults to np.linspace(1.4, 2.0, 301) :type k_range: numpy.array [1D], optional :param weights: numpy array of length 3, containing weights for the three phases (Ps, PpPs and (PpSs + PsPs)) :type weights: numpy.array [1D], optional :param root_order: Exponent for nth root stacking as per K.J.Muirhead (1968), defaults to 1 :type root_order: int, optional :return: k-grid values [2D], h-grid values [2D], H-k stack values [2D] :rtype: numpy.array [2D], numpy.array [2D], numpy.array [2D] """ log = logging.getLogger(__name__) log.setLevel(logging.INFO) if h_range is None: h_range = DEFAULT_H_RANGE # end if if k_range is None: k_range = DEFAULT_k_RANGE # end if # Pre-compute grid quantities k_grid, h_grid = np.meshgrid(k_range, h_range) tphase_amps = [] for itrc, trc in enumerate(cha_data): lead_time = trc.stats.onset - trc.stats.starttime p = trc.stats.slowness / DEG2KM Vp_inv = 1./Vp Vs_inv = k_grid * Vp_inv term1 = np.sqrt(Vs_inv ** 2 - p ** 2) term2 = np.sqrt(Vp_inv ** 2 - p ** 2) t1 = h_grid * (term1 - term2) t2 = h_grid * (term1 + term2) t3 = h_grid * 2 * term1 try: t1 += trc.stats.t1_offset t2 += trc.stats.t2_offset t3 += trc.stats.t3_offset except: pass # end try times = trc.times() - lead_time times_min = np.min(times) times_max = np.max(times) if(np.min(t1) < times_min or \ np.max(t1) > times_max or \ np.min(t2) < times_min or \ np.max(t2) > times_max or \ np.min(t3) < times_min or \ np.max(t3) > times_max): nsl = '.'.join([, trc.stats.station, trc.stats.location]) log.warning('\nCorrected times for a trace in {} fall outside the available time-range'.format(nsl)) # end if tio = interp1d(times,, fill_value=0, bounds_error=False) a, b, c = tio(t1), tio(t2), -tio(t3) tphase_amps.append([np.sign(a) * np.power(np.fabs(a), 1. / root_order), np.sign(b) * np.power(np.fabs(b), 1. / root_order), np.sign(c) * np.power(np.fabs(c), 1. / root_order)]) # end for tphase_amps = np.array(tphase_amps) hk_stack = None if(semblance_weighted): # see Eaton et al. 2006 ( S = np.power(np.sum(tphase_amps, axis=0), 2.) / np.sum(np.power(tphase_amps, 2.), axis=0) S /= float(tphase_amps.shape[0]) assert np.max(S) <= 1., 'Semblance-weighting error detected ' \ 'while processing station: {}'.format(cha_data[0].stats.station) hk_stack = np.sum(tphase_amps, axis=0) hk_stack = np.sum(hk_stack *, 0, -1), weights), axis=0) hk_stack = np.sign(hk_stack) * np.power(np.fabs(hk_stack), root_order) else: hk_stack = np.sum(, 1, -1), weights), axis=0) hk_stack = np.sign(hk_stack) * np.power(np.fabs(hk_stack), root_order) # end if return k_grid, h_grid, hk_stack
# end func
[docs]def compute_sediment_hk_stack(cha_data, H_c, k_c, Vp=DEFAULT_Vp, h_range=None, k_range=None, root_order=9): """Compute H-k stacking array on a dataset of receiver functions. :param cha_data: List or iterable of RF traces to use for H-k stacking. :type cha_data: Iterable(rf.RFTrace) :param H_c: Crustal thickness estimate from H-k stack :type H_c: float, optional :param k_c: Crustal Vp/Vs ratio estimate from H-k stack :type k_c: float, optional :param Vp: Average crustal Vp for computing H-k stacks :type Vp: float, optional :param h_range: Range of h values (Moho depth) values to cover, defaults to np.linspace(20.0, 70.0, 251) :type h_range: numpy.array [1D], optional :param k_range: Range of k values to cover, defaults to np.linspace(1.4, 2.0, 301) :type k_range: numpy.array [1D], optional :param root_order: Exponent for nth root stacking as per K.J.Muirhead (1968), defaults to 1 :type root_order: int, optional :return: k-grid values [2D], h-grid values [2D], H-k stack values [2D] :rtype: numpy.array [2D], numpy.array [2D], numpy.array [2D] """ def obj_func(x0, amps): curr_stack = np.sum(, 1, -1), x0), axis=0) idx = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(curr_stack), np.array(curr_stack).shape) return -curr_stack[idx] # end func log = logging.getLogger(__name__) log.setLevel(logging.INFO) if h_range is None: h_range = DEFAULT_SED_H_RANGE # end if if k_range is None: k_range = DEFAULT_SED_k_RANGE # end if iasp91_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(obspy.__file__)), 'taup/data/iasp91.tvel') vmodel = VelocityModel.read_tvel_file(iasp91_path) d = np.linspace(-80, -1, 120) v = vmodel.evaluate_above(depth=-d, prop='P') d[-1] = 0 v[-1:-7:-1] = np.linspace(2, v[-6], 6) vfunc = interp1d(d, v) # Pre-compute grid quantities k_grid, h_grid = np.meshgrid(k_range, h_range) tphase_amps = [] for itrc, trc in enumerate(cha_data): lead_time = trc.stats.onset - trc.stats.starttime p = trc.stats.slowness / DEG2KM t4 = np.zeros(h_grid.shape) t2 = np.zeros(h_grid.shape) t3 = np.zeros(h_grid.shape) for i in np.arange(h_grid.shape[0]): interval1 = np.linspace(-h_grid[i, 0], 0, 50) interval2 = np.linspace(-(h_grid[i, 0] + H_c), -h_grid[i, 0], 50) v_interval1 = vfunc(interval1) v_interval2 = vfunc(interval2) for j in np.arange(h_grid.shape[1]): A = simpson(np.sqrt(np.power(v_interval1 / k_grid[i, j], -2.) - p ** 2), interval1) B = simpson(np.sqrt(np.power(v_interval1, -2.) - p ** 2), interval1) C = simpson(np.sqrt(np.power(v_interval2 / k_c, -2.) - p ** 2), interval2) D = simpson(np.sqrt(np.power(v_interval2, -2.) - p ** 2), interval2) t4[i, j] = A - B t2[i, j] = A + B + C + D t3[i, j] = 2 * A + 2 * C # end for # end for tio = interp1d(trc.times() - lead_time,, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0) a, b, c = tio(t4), tio(t2), -tio(t3) tphase_amps.append([np.sign(a) * np.power(np.fabs(a), 1. / root_order), np.sign(b) * np.power(np.fabs(b), 1. / root_order), np.sign(c) * np.power(np.fabs(c), 1. / root_order)]) # end for tphase_amps = np.array(tphase_amps) bounds = Bounds(np.zeros(3) + 0.01, np.array([0.3, 1, 1])) constraints = [{'type': 'ineq', 'fun': lambda x: x}, {'type': 'eq', 'fun': lambda x: np.sum(x) - 1}] starting_weights = np.array([0.2, 0.4, 0.4]) weights = None try: opt_result = minimize(obj_func, starting_weights, tphase_amps, method='SLSQP', bounds=bounds, constraints=constraints) x = opt_result['x'] weights = x except: weights = np.array([0.6, 0.3, 0.1]) # end try #print('Weights: ', weights) hk_stack = np.sum(, 1, -1), weights), axis=0) hk_stack = np.sign(hk_stack) * np.power(np.fabs(hk_stack), root_order) return k_grid, h_grid, hk_stack, weights
# end func
[docs]def find_global_hk_maximum(k_grid, h_grid, hk_weighted_stack): """Given the weighted stack computed from function `compute_weighted_stack` and the corresponding k-grid and h-grid, find the location in H-k space of the global maximum. :param k_grid: Grid of k-values :type k_grid: Two-dimensional numpy.array :param h_grid: Grid of H-values :type h_grid: Two-dimensional numpy.array :param hk_weighted_stack: Grid of stacked RF sample values produced by function rf_stacking.computed_weighted_stack() :type hk_weighted_stack: Two-dimensional numpy.array :return: Location of global maximum on the H-k grid of the maximum stack value. :rtype: tuple(float, float) """ max_loc = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(hk_weighted_stack), hk_weighted_stack.shape) h_max = h_grid[max_loc[0], 0] k_max = k_grid[0, max_loc[1]] return (h_max, k_max)
# end func def _find_local_hk_maxima_helper(k_grid, h_grid, hk_stack, min_rel_value=0.5): """Given the weighted stack computed from function `compute_weighted_stack` and the corresponding k-grid and h-grid, find the locations in H-k space of all local maxima above a certain threshold. :param k_grid: Grid of k-values :type k_grid: Two-dimensional numpy.array :param h_grid: Grid of H-values :type h_grid: Two-dimensional numpy.array :param hk_stack: Grid of stacked RF sample values produced by function rf_stacking.computed_weighted_stack() :type hk_stack: Two-dimensional numpy.array :param min_rel_value: Minimum value required relative to the largest value in the stack, defaults to 0.5 :type min_rel_value: float, optional :return: List of tuples containing parameters of local maxima solutions, with values in the following order: (H, k, stack_value, row_index, col_index) :rtype: list(tuple(float, float, float, int, int)) """ # Determine global maximum, as we only keep local maxima that are at least min_rel_value # proportion of this value. global_max = np.nanmax(hk_stack) # Compute 2D mask of all values that are greater than or equal to their 4 neighbours. m = ((hk_stack[1:-1, 1:-1] > hk_stack[1:-1, 0:-2]) & (hk_stack[1:-1, 1:-1] > hk_stack[1:-1, 2:]) & (hk_stack[1:-1, 1:-1] > hk_stack[0:-2, 1:-1]) & (hk_stack[1:-1, 1:-1] > hk_stack[2:, 1:-1]) & (hk_stack[1:-1, 1:-1] >= min_rel_value*global_max)) # Find the row and column indices where m is True m_idx = np.nonzero(m) # Determine the stack values at the identified local maxima stack_vals = hk_stack[1:-1, 1:-1][m_idx] # Determine the k-values at the identified local maxima k_vals = k_grid[1:-1, 1:-1][m_idx] # Determine the h-values at the identified local maxima h_vals = h_grid[1:-1, 1:-1][m_idx] # Zip the candidate solutions into a tuple (H, k, stack, row_index, col_index). # Note that the row and column index here are in the original k- and h-grid, so must have +1 added # since the masking was done on the interior grid points only. solutions = tuple(zip(h_vals, k_vals, stack_vals, m_idx[0] + 1, m_idx[1] + 1)) # Sort the solutions from highest stack value to the lowest. solutions = sorted(solutions, key=lambda v: v[2], reverse=True) return solutions # end func
[docs]def find_local_hk_maxima(k_grid, h_grid, hk_stack_sum, max_number=3): # Method here is: # 1) find all local maxima # 2) cluster local maxima and compute centroid of each cluster # The centroids of the top max_number clusters are returned, ranked by stack amplitude. # Only consider positive stack regions. hk_stack = hk_stack_sum.copy() hk_stack[hk_stack < 0] = 0 hk_stack_max = np.nanmax(hk_stack) # Smooth the stack, as we're not interested in high frequency local maxima hk_stack = gaussian_filter(hk_stack, sigma=3, mode='nearest') # This method only returns locations in the interior, not on the boundary of the domain local_maxima = _find_local_hk_maxima_helper(k_grid, h_grid, hk_stack, min_rel_value=0.7) if len(local_maxima) <= 1: return [(h, k) for h, k, _, _, _ in local_maxima] # end if # Perform clustering in normalized coordinates k_min, k_max = (np.nanmin(k_grid), np.nanmax(k_grid)) k_range = k_max - k_min h_min, h_max = (np.nanmin(h_grid), np.nanmax(h_grid)) h_range = h_max - h_min # Use DBSCAN to cluster nearby pointwise local maxima eps = 0.05 pts_norm = np.array([[(k - k_min)/k_range, (h - h_min)/h_range, v/hk_stack_max] for h, k, v, _, _ in local_maxima]) pts_hk = np.array([[h, k] for h, k, _, _, _ in local_maxima]) _, labels = dbscan(pts_norm, eps, min_samples=2, metric='euclidean') # Collect group-based local maxima maxima_coords = [] group_ids = set(labels[labels >= 0]) for grp_id in group_ids: maxima_coords.append(np.mean(pts_hk[labels == grp_id], axis=0)) # end for # Collect remaining non-grouped points and add them to list of local maxima loners = pts_hk[labels < 0] if np.any(loners): maxima_coords.extend(loners) # end if # Sort the maxima by amplitude of stack, and then discard values with amplitude too weak compared to strongest peak if len(maxima_coords) > 1: finterp = interpolate.interp2d(k_grid[0, :], h_grid[:, 0], hk_stack_sum) maxima_coords.sort(key=lambda p: finterp(p[1], p[0]), reverse=True) strongest = finterp(maxima_coords[0][1], maxima_coords[0][0]) while finterp(maxima_coords[-1][1], maxima_coords[-1][0]) < 0.8*strongest: maxima_coords.pop() # end while # end if result = np.array(maxima_coords[:max_number]) # sort results by depth if(len(result)): result = result[result[:, 0].argsort()] return result
# end func