Source code for seismic.ASDFdatabase.asdf_preprocess

#!/usr/env python
    Reads waveforms from an ASDF file, optionally applies instrument response correction,
    resamples and outputs them to another ASDF file. This preprocessing is crucial for
    large-scale studies involving > 10000 Green's Functions, e.g. in ambient noise
    tomography. This approach significantly reduces IO bottlenecks and computational
    costs associated with having to apply instrument response corrections on data from
    a given station in alternative workflows.


CreationDate:   18/07/19


Revision History:
    LastUpdate:     18/07/19   RH
    LastUpdate:     dd/mm/yyyy  Who     Optional description

import click
import os
from mpi4py import MPI
import pyasdf
from tqdm import tqdm
from obspy import UTCDateTime, read_inventory, Inventory, Stream
from collections import defaultdict
from obspy.core.util.misc import get_window_times
import gc
from obspy.core.util.misc import limit_numpy_fft_cache
from seismic.misc import split_list

[docs]def getStationInventory(master_inventory, inventory_cache, netsta): netstaInv = None if (master_inventory): if (inventory_cache is None): inventory_cache = defaultdict(list) net, sta = netsta.split('.') if (isinstance(inventory_cache[netsta], Inventory)): netstaInv = inventory_cache[netsta] else: inv =, station=sta) if(len(inv.networks)): inventory_cache[netsta] = inv netstaInv = inv # end if # end if # end if return netstaInv, inventory_cache
# end func
[docs]def create_station_asdf(input_asdf, output_folder, resample_rate, instrument_response_inventory, instrument_response_output, water_level): # mpi attributes comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD nproc = comm.Get_size() rank = comm.Get_rank() # input asdf file ids = pyasdf.ASDFDataSet(input_asdf, mode='r') # get stations stations = ids.get_all_coordinates().keys() # local work-load stations = split_list(stations, nproc)[rank] # read inventory stationInvCache = None # read inventory inv = None try: inv = read_inventory(instrument_response_inventory) except Exception as e: print (e) raise RuntimeError('Failed to read inventory: %s' % (instrument_response_inventory)) # end try for s in stations: # output asdf file ofn = os.path.join(output_folder, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(input_asdf))[0] + '.%s.h5'%(s)) if (os.path.exists(ofn)): os.remove(ofn) ods = pyasdf.ASDFDataSet(ofn, mode='w', mpi=False, compression='gzip-3') sta = ids.waveforms[s] for tag in tqdm(sta.list(), desc='Rank %d, Station %s:'%(rank, s)): # get response object sinv, stationInvCache = getStationInventory(inv, stationInvCache, s) st = sta[tag] dayst = Stream() for tr in st: start_time = tr.stats.starttime offset = (UTCDateTime(year=start_time.year, month=start_time.month, - start_time) for wtr in tr.slide(3600*24, 3600*24, offset=offset, include_partial_windows=True): wtr = wtr.copy() dayst += wtr # end for # end for gc.collect() # force cleanup fft-related internal caches # remove response if(sinv): for tr in dayst: limit_numpy_fft_cache(max_size_in_mb_per_cache=10) try: tr.remove_response(sinv, output=instrument_response_output.upper(), water_level=water_level) except Exception as e: print (e) # end try gc.collect() # end for # end if # detrend and taper taper_length = 20.0 # seconds for tr in dayst: if tr.stats.npts < 4 * taper_length * tr.stats.sampling_rate: dayst.remove(tr) else: tr.detrend(type="demean") tr.detrend(type="linear") tr.taper(max_percentage=None, max_length=1.0) # end if # end for gc.collect() # apply low-pass filter and create day traces for tr in dayst: tr.filter('lowpass', freq=resample_rate * 0.5, corners=6, zerophase=True) tr.interpolate(resample_rate, method='weighted_average_slopes') # end for gc.collect() # add traces for tr in dayst: try: ods.add_waveforms(tr, tag='raw_recording') except Exception as e: print (e) print (tr) # end try # end for #break # end for gc.collect() ods.add_stationxml(ids.waveforms[s].StationXML) print ('Closing asdf file..') del ods #break # end for del ids
# end func CONTEXT_SETTINGS = dict(help_option_names=['-h', '--help']) @click.command(context_settings=CONTEXT_SETTINGS) @click.argument('input-asdf', required=True, type=click.Path(exists=True)) @click.argument('output-folder', required=True, type=click.Path(exists=True)) @click.option('--resample-rate', default=10, show_default=True, help="Resample rate in Hz; default is 10 Hz") @click.option('--instrument-response-inventory', default=None, type=click.Path('r'), help="FDSNxml inventory containing instrument response information. Note that when this parameter is provided " ", instrument response corrections are automatically applied for matching stations with response " "information.") @click.option('--instrument-response-output', type=click.Choice(['vel', 'disp']), default='vel', help="Output of instrument response correction; must be either 'vel' (default) for velocity" " or 'disp' for displacement. Note, this parameter has no effect if instrument response" " correction is not performed.") @click.option('--water-level', default=50., help="Water-level in dB to limit amplification during instrument response correction" "to a certain cut-off value. Note, this parameter has no effect if instrument" "response correction is not performed.") def process(input_asdf, output_folder, resample_rate, instrument_response_inventory, instrument_response_output, water_level): create_station_asdf(input_asdf, output_folder, resample_rate, instrument_response_inventory, instrument_response_output, water_level) # end func if (__name__ == '__main__'): process()