Source code for seismic.traveltime.gather_events

Parse multiple events xml files to gather all seismic events-arrivals
(Refactored From the original

output CSV files containing the following columns::

    ['source_block', 'station_block', 'residual', 'event_number',
     'observed_tt', 'calculated_locations2degrees', xml_distance, STATION_CODE, 'SNR', 'P_or_S']

How to Run::

    export ELLIPCORR=/g/data1a/ha3/fxz547/Githubz/passive-seismic/ellip-corr/
    cd  passive-seismic/tempworks
    # python ../seismic/traveltime/  -v DEBUG gather /g/data/ha3/fxz547/Githubz/passive-seismic/testdata/
    # python ../seismic/traveltime/  -v DEBUG gather /g/data/ha3/fxz547/Githubz/passive-seismic/some_events_xml/
    #  OR
    #<fzhang@ubuntu16qos>/Softlab/Githubz/passive-seismic/tempworks (master)
    # $ python2 ../seismic/traveltime/  -v DEBUG gather ./events_xmls_test


from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import

import csv
import fnmatch
import logging
import os
import random
from math import asin

import click
import ellipcorr
import pandas as pd
from seismic.inventory.legacy.parse_inventory import read_all_stations
from obspy import read_events
from obspy.geodetics import locations2degrees, gps2dist_azimuth

from seismic.traveltime import mpiops
from seismic.traveltime import pslog

# Only If this gather_events will do computation of the block numbers in a grid
# from seismic.traveltime.cluster_grid import Grid2

DPI = asin(1.0) / 90.0
R2D = 90. / asin(1.)

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# SOURCE_LATITUDE = 'source_latitude'
# SOURCE_LONGITUDE = 'source_longitude'
# STATION_LATITUDE = 'station_latitude'
# STATION_LONGITUDE = 'station_longitude'
# STATION_CODE = 'station_code'
# FREQUENCY = 'no_of_summary_rays'
# column_names = ['source_block', 'station_block',
#                 'residual', 'event_number',
#                 'source_depth', STATION_LONGITUDE, STATION_LATITUDE,
#                 'observed_tt', 'locations2degrees', STATION_CODE, 'SNR', 'P_or_S']
# # since we have Basemap in the virtualenv, let's just use that :)
# # ANZ = Basemap(llcrnrlon=100.0, llcrnrlat=-50.0,  urcrnrlon=190.0, urcrnrlat=0.0)
# Region = namedtuple('Region', 'upperlat, bottomlat, leftlon, rightlon')
@click.option('-v', '--verbosity',
              type=click.Choice(['DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR']),
              default='INFO', help='Level of logging')
def cli(verbosity):

[docs]def recursive_glob(dirname, ext='*.xml'): """ Under the dirname recursively find all files with extension ext. Return a list of the full-path to the files of interest. See: :param dirname: a single dir OR a list of dirs. :param ext: eg, ".xml" :return: a list of path2files """ if isinstance(dirname, (list,)): # the input argument is a list of directory filelist = [] for adir in dirname: filelist.extend(recursive_glob(adir)) return filelist else: # input variable is a single dir matches = [] for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(dirname): for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, ext): matches.append(os.path.join(root, filename)) return matches
[docs]def get_paths_from_csv(csvfile): """ Parse a text/csv file to extract a list of paths, where events xml files are stored, to be gathered. :param csvfile: csv file :return: list_of_paths """ paths = [] # ["/g/data/ha3/events_xmls_sc3ml/", "/g/data/ha3/fxz547/travel_time_tomography/new_events20180516/"] with open(csvfile) as csvf: reader = csv.reader(csvf) for arow in reader: row = arow.strip() # remove the write spaces \t \n to have correct linux path if row.startswith("#"): pass # comment line else: paths.extend(row) return paths
@cli.command() @click.argument('events_dir', type=click.Path(exists=True, file_okay=True, dir_okay=True, writable=False, readable=True, resolve_path=True)) @click.option('-o', '--output_file', type=str, default='outfile', help='output arrivals file basename') @click.option('-x', '--nx', type=int, default=1440, help='number of segments from 0 to 360 degrees for longitude') @click.option('-y', '--ny', type=int, default=720, help='number of segments from 0 to 180 degrees for latitude') @click.option('-z', '--dz', type=float, default=10000.0, help='unit segment length of depth in meters') @click.option('-w', '--wave_type', type=click.Choice(['P S', 'Pn Sn', 'Pg Sg', 'p s']), default='P S', help='Wave type pair to generate inversion inputs') def gather(events_dir, output_file, nx, ny, dz, wave_type): """ Gather all source-station arrivals for all events xml files in a list of directory. """"Gathering all arrivals") if os.path.isfile(events_dir): # is a text csv file containing multiple dirs. event_dirs = get_paths_from_csv(events_dir) event_xmls = recursive_glob(event_dirs) elif os.path.isdir(events_dir): event_xmls = recursive_glob(events_dir, ext='*.xml') else: event_xmls = None raise Exception("Invalid Input Events Dir") # grid definition is needed for clustering purpose, not in gather events # grid = Grid(nx=nx, ny=ny, dz=dz) # original uniform grid grid = None # Grid2() # use a non-uniform Grid construction # generate the stations dict stations = mpiops.run_once(read_all_stations) process_many_events(event_xmls, grid, stations, wave_type, output_file)'Gathered all arrivals in process {}'.format(mpiops.rank)) mpiops.comm.barrier() if mpiops.rank == 0:'Now joining all arrivals') for t in wave_type.split() + ['missing_stations', 'participating_stations']: _gather_all(output_file, t) def _gather_all(output_file, s_type): final_s_file = output_file + '_' + s_type + '.csv' s_arrs = [] for r in range(mpiops.size): s_file = output_file + '_' + s_type + '_{}.csv'.format(r) if os.stat(s_file).st_size: s_arrs.append(pd.read_csv(s_file, header=None)) os.remove(s_file) if len(s_arrs): final_s_df = pd.concat(s_arrs) final_s_df.to_csv(final_s_file, header=False, index=False) else: with open(final_s_file, 'w') as sf: # just create empty file pass
[docs]class ArrivalWriter: """ Convenience class for writing arrival data """ def __init__(self, rank, wave_type, output_file): p_type, s_type = wave_type.split() p_file = output_file + '_' + p_type + '_{}.csv'.format(rank) s_file = output_file + '_' + s_type + '_{}.csv'.format(rank) miss_st_file = output_file + '_missing_stations_{}.csv'.format(rank) st_file = output_file + '_participating_stations_{}.csv'.format(rank) self.p_handle = open(p_file, 'w') self.s_handle = open(s_file, 'w') self.miss_st_handle = open(miss_st_file, 'w') self.st_handle = open(st_file, 'w') self.p_writer = csv.writer(self.p_handle) self.s_writer = csv.writer(self.s_handle) self.missing_st_writer = csv.writer(self.miss_st_handle) self.st_writer = csv.writer(self.st_handle)
[docs] def write(self, cluster_info):"Writing cluster info to output file in process {}".format( mpiops.rank)) p_arr, s_arr, missing_stations, arr_stations = cluster_info for p in p_arr: self.p_writer.writerow(p) for s in s_arr: self.s_writer.writerow(s) for st in missing_stations: self.missing_st_writer.writerow([st]) for st in arr_stations: self.st_writer.writerow([st])
[docs] def close(self): if mpiops.rank == 0: self.p_handle.close() self.s_handle.close() self.miss_st_handle.close() self.st_handle.close()
[docs]def process_many_events(event_xmls, grid, stations, wave_type, output_file, seed=1): total_events = len(event_xmls) # when event xmls are of unequal complexity, this shuffle helps # distribute the workload evenly amongst processes random.seed(seed) random.shuffle(event_xmls) p_event_xmls = mpiops.array_split(event_xmls, mpiops.rank)'Processing {} events of total {} using process {}'.format( len(p_event_xmls), total_events, mpiops.rank)) arrival_writer = ArrivalWriter(mpiops.rank, wave_type=wave_type, output_file=output_file) process_event_counter = 0 for i, xml in enumerate(p_event_xmls): if xml is not None: p_arr = [] s_arr = [] missing_stations = [] arriving_stations = []'Reading event file {xml}: {i} of {files} in process' ' {process}'.format(i=i + 1, files=len(p_event_xmls), xml=os.path.basename(xml), process=mpiops.rank)) # one event xml could contain multiple events try: for e in read_events(xml).events: process_event_counter += 1 p_arr_t, s_arr_t, m_st, a_st = process_event( e, stations, grid, wave_type, process_event_counter) p_arr += p_arr_t s_arr += s_arr_t missing_stations += m_st arriving_stations += a_st log.debug('processed event {e} from {xml}'.format( e=e.resource_id, xml=xml)) except ValueError as e: log.warning('ValueError in processing event {}'.format(xml)) log.warning(e) except Exception as e: log.warning('Unknown Exception in ' 'processing event {}'.format(xml)) log.warning(e) arrival_writer.write([p_arr, s_arr, missing_stations, arriving_stations])'Read all events in process {}'.format(mpiops.rank)) arrival_writer.close()
[docs]def process_event(event, stations, grid, wave_type, counter): """ :param event: obspy.core.event.Event class instance :param stations: dict stations dict :param grid: can be None; Grid class instance :param wave_type: str Wave type to generate inversion inputs. See `gather` function. :param counter: int event counter in this process """ p_type, s_type = wave_type.split() # ('P', 'S') # use preferred origin timestamp as the event number # if preferred origin is not populated, use the first origin timestamp origin = event.preferred_origin() or[0] # Use the following line when fortran TT code is able to use longer integers ev_number = int(origin.time.timestamp) # the following definition ensures a 8 digit event number that is also unique # delete this definition of ev_number when fortran code can use longer integers # assert counter < 100000, 'Counter must be less than 100000' # ev_number = int(str(counter) + '{0:0=3d}'.format(mpiops.rank)) # what columns will be writing out in the gather process?? col_names = ['source_block', 'station_block', 'residual', 'event_number', 'source_longitude', 'source_latitude', 'source_depth', 'station_longitude', 'station_latitude', 'observed_tt', 'ARRIVAL_TIME', 'ORIGIN_TIME', 'ELLIPTICITY_CORR', # line for debug 'locations2degrees', 'ARRIVAL_DISTANCE','station_code', 'SNR', 'P_or_S'] p_arrivals = [] s_arrivals = [] missing_stations = [] arrival_staions = [] # other event parameters we need ev_latitude = origin.latitude ev_longitude = origin.longitude ev_depth = origin.depth if ev_latitude is None or ev_longitude is None or ev_depth is None: return p_arrivals, s_arrivals, missing_stations, arrival_staions if grid is None: event_block = 0 else: event_block = grid.find_block_number(ev_latitude, ev_longitude, z=ev_depth) for arr in origin.arrivals: snr_value = getSNR(arr) log.debug("Arrival Pick SNR value: %s", snr_value) sta_code = arr.pick_id.get_referred_object( ).waveform_id.station_code # ignore arrivals not in stations dict, workaround for now for # ENGDAHL/ISC events # TODO: remove this condition once all ISC/ENGDAHL stations are # available # Actually it does not hurt retaining this if condition. In case, # a station comes in which is not in the dict, the data prep will # still work # Note some stations are still missing even after taking into account # of all seiscomp3 stations, ISC and ENGDAHL stations if sta_code not in stations: log.warning('Station {} not found in inventory'.format(sta_code)) missing_stations.append(str(sta_code)) continue sta = stations[sta_code] log.debug("events and station latlong: %s, %s, %s, %s", ev_latitude, ev_longitude, sta.latitude, sta.longitude) try: degrees_to_source = locations2degrees(ev_latitude, ev_longitude, sta.latitude, sta.longitude) except Exception as e: log.warning("location to degree error %s", e) log.debug("location to degree= %s", degrees_to_source) # ignore stations more than 90 degrees from source if degrees_to_source > 90.0: #'Ignored this station arrival as distance from source ' # 'is {} degrees'.format(degrees_to_source)) continue if grid is None: station_block = -1 else: # TODO: use station.elevation information station_block = grid.find_block_number(sta.latitude, sta.longitude, z=0.0) if arr.phase in wave_type.split(): log.debug("Began ellipticity_corr ") azim_v = gps2dist_azimuth(ev_latitude, ev_longitude, sta.latitude, sta.longitude)[1] log.debug("Check input params to ellipticity_corr = %s, %s, %s, %s, %s", arr.phase, degrees_to_source, ev_depth, 90 - ev_latitude, azim_v) ellipticity_corr = ellipcorr.ellipticity_corr( phase=arr.phase, edist=degrees_to_source, edepth=ev_depth / 1000.0, # TODO: check co-latitude definition # no `ecolat` bounds check in fortran ellipcorr subroutine # no `origin.latitude` bounds check in obspy ecolat=90 - ev_latitude, # conversion to co-latitude azim=azim_v ) log.debug("ellipticity_corr = %s", ellipticity_corr) t_list = [event_block, station_block, arr.time_residual, ev_number, ev_longitude, ev_latitude, ev_depth, sta.longitude, sta.latitude, (arr.pick_id.get_referred_object().time.timestamp - origin.time.timestamp) + ellipticity_corr, arr.pick_id.get_referred_object().time, origin.time, ellipticity_corr, # line for debug degrees_to_source, arr.distance, sta_code, snr_value] arrival_staions.append(sta_code) p_arrivals.append(t_list + [1]) if arr.phase == p_type else \ s_arrivals.append(t_list + [2]) else: # ignore the other phases pass return p_arrivals, s_arrivals, missing_stations, arrival_staions
# FZ has moved this function to the grid class # def _find_block(grid, lat, lon, z): # y = 90. - lat # x = lon % 360 # i = round(x / grid.dx) + 1 # j = round(y / grid.dy) + 1 # k = round(z / + 1 # block_number = (k - 1) * grid.nx * grid.ny + (j - 1) * grid.nx + i # return int(block_number)
[docs]def getSNR(arrival): """ From the arrival get the SNR value. This algorithm depend on how the snr value is coded in the xml file :param arrival: :return: a float SNR value """ try: snr_v = arrival.pick_id.get_referred_object().comments[3] # Comment(text='snr = 10.7157568852') snrlist = str(snr_v).split("snr =") snrv = snrlist[-1][:-2] # the last item of the split, trimming two chars ') except Exception as ex: log.warning("could not get SNR value becuase %s. Use artificial snrv = 0.0", str(ex)) snrv = 0.0 return float(snrv)
# ================= Quick Testings of the functions ==================== # $ export ELLIPCORR=/g/data1a/ha3/fxz547/Githubz/passive-seismic/ellip-corr/ # python ../seismic/traveltime/ [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... # # Options: # -v, --verbosity [DEBUG|INFO|WARNING|ERROR] # Level of logging # --help Show this message and exit. # # Commands: # gather Gather all source-station block pairs for all... # to show help on subcommands: # python seismic/traveltime/ gather --help # test runs to gather many events xml files in folders # cd passive-seismic/tempworks # python ../seismic/traveltime/ -v DEBUG gather /g/data/ha3/fxz547/Githubz/passive-seismic/testdata/ # python ../seismic/traveltime/ -v DEBUG gather /g/data/ha3/niket/mtIsa_rf/events_for_fei # python seismic/traveltime/ gather -o outfile /g/data/ha3/events_xmls_test # python ../seismic/traveltime/ gather -o All2dirs /g/data/ha3/fxz547/travel_time_tomography/new_events20180516.run2/events_paths.csv &> ALL_2dirs.log & # ====================================================================== if __name__ == "__main__": cli()