Source code for seismic.traveltime.events_stations_rays_visualization2

# coding: utf-8

# # Visualization of events, station, rays in csv files 
# ##  Fei Zhang
# ### 2018-09-06
# -  1. Python Pandas plot function (current cluster script)
# -  2. GMT python interface
# -  3. Geopandas mapping 
# ## installation of gmt-6 and python interface gmt-python
# - conda install gmt -c conda-forge/label/dev
# - conda install numpy pandas xarray
# - pip install
# installation of geopandas
#   conda install geopandas

import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# import sys
from shapely.geometry import mapping
from shapely.geometry import Point
from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon, LineString, LinearRing

# sys.path.append("/Softlab/Githubz/passive-seismic")
# from seismic.cluster.cluster import Grid2
from seismic.traveltime.sort_rays import sort, sort2

[docs]def read_csv2pdf(csvfile): """ Read in a csv file into a pandas dataframe. Make sure the column names match the csv files. delimiter/separator is whitespace or comma """ # read infile, tweek below in_pdf = pd.read_csv(csvfile) # assume there is header line=0; separator = comma, # finalpdf = pd.read_csv(csvfile, header=None, names=col_names ) # no header line, separator = comma, # finalpdf = pd.read_csv(csvfile, sep='\s+', header=None, names=col_names) # white space # columns you are interested? col_names = ['source_block', 'station_block', 'residual', 'event_number', 'source_longitude', 'source_latitude', 'source_depth', 'station_longitude', 'station_latitude', 'observed_tt', 'locations2degrees', 'station_code', 'SNR', 'P_or_S'] # finalpdf = in_pdf[col_names] return in_pdf # pandas_data_frame
[docs]def sort_plus(inputcsv=None): if inputcsv is None: # P wave # inputcsv='/g/data/ha3/fxz547/Githubz/passive-seismic/seismic_events_arrivals_P_0.csv' # inputcsv='/g/data/ha3/fxz547/Githubz/passive-seismic/tempworks/outfile_P.csv' inputcsv = '/g/data/ha3/fxz547/travel_time_tomography/CSV_NewFormatAug10/FZ01-pst-cluster2/run3/P_out.csv' inputcsv = '/g/data/ha3/fxz547/travel_time_tomography/CSV_NewFormatAug10/FZ01-pst-cluster2/run3/P_out_translated_v2.csv' # inputcsv='/Softlab/travel_time_tomography/PST/CSV_New_FZ01-pst-cluster2_run3/P_out.csv' sortedfile = 'sortedfile_P.csv' sortedfile2 = 'sortedfile2_P.csv' # S wave # inputcsv = '/g/data1a/ha3/fxz547/travel_time_tomography/run5_events_1deg/outfile_S.csv' # inputcsv = '/g/data/ha3/fxz547/travel_time_tomography/CSV_NewFormatAug10/FZ01-pst-cluster2/run3/S_out.csv' # residual_cutoff = 10.0 # sortedfile = 'sortedfile_S.csv' # sortedfile2 = 'sortedfile2_S.csv' else: pass residual_cutoff = 5.0 # cutoff value is 5s for P; for 10s S mypdf = sort(inputcsv, "sortedfile.csv", residual_cutoff) # select the median travel time # finalpdf2 = sort2(inputcsv,sortedfile,residual_cutoff) # select the best SNR ray # show property of mypdf print(mypdf.shape) print(mypdf.head()) print(mypdf.source_block.nunique()) # number of unique values # number of unique station_block number. # This may be less than the unique station_code, due to some nearby stations are clustered into one. print(mypdf.station_block.nunique()) # number of unique values. # number of unique stations print(mypdf.station_code.nunique()) print(mypdf.groupby(['station_block', 'station_code']).count().shape) return mypdf # sorted reduced
[docs]def plot1(mypdf): """ :param mypdf: which dataframe to view in the following?? :return: """ # plt.figure(); mypdf.plot(x='event_number', y='observed_tt') # plt.figure(); mypdf.plot(x='event_number', y='source_depth') # plt.figure(); mypdf.plot(x='event_number', y='locations2degrees') # plt.figure(); mypdf.plot.scatter(x='event_number', y='residual',figsize=(12,8)) # less than +-10s # plt.figure(); mypdf.plot.scatter(x='event_number', y='source_block',figsize=(12,8)) # plt.figure(); mypdf.plot.scatter(x='source_block', y='station_block',figsize=(12,8)) # # 1. Python Pandas package plot function (with basemap) mypdf.plot.scatter(x='source_longitude', y='source_latitude', figsize=(12, 8)) mypdf.plot.scatter(x='station_longitude', y='station_latitude', figsize=(12, 8)) mypdf.plot.scatter(x='locations2degrees', y='observed_tt', figsize=(12, 8)) return
[docs]def plot_gmt(mypdf): """ GMT-python plotting map figure saved into PNG file. But not displaying on screen Require to conda install gmt-python module in anaconda python gmt version-6 will be installed. :param mypdf: :return: """ import gmt my_region = [mypdf.source_longitude.min(), mypdf.source_longitude.max(), mypdf.source_latitude.min() - 1, mypdf.source_latitude.max() + 1] print(my_region) fig = gmt.Figure() fig.coast(region=my_region, projection='M6i', frame=True, land='black', water='skyblue') fig.plot(x=mypdf.source_longitude, y=mypdf.source_latitude, style='c0.3c', color='white', pen='black') fig.savefig("events.png"), width=1000) fig = gmt.Figure() fig.coast(region=my_region, projection='M6i', frame=True, land='black', water='skyblue') fig.plot(x=mypdf.station_longitude, y=mypdf.station_latitude, style='c0.3c', color='white', pen='black') fig.savefig("station.png"), width=1000)
[docs]def plot_geopandas(mypdf): """ Geopandas and Maps :param mypdf: :return: """ event_locations = [Point(xy) for xy in zip(mypdf.source_longitude, mypdf.source_latitude)] # OR pdf['geometry'] = pdf.apply(lambda z: Point(z.lon,, axis=1) # if you want to df = df.drop(['Lon', 'Lat'], axis=1) mycrs = {'init': 'epsg:4326'} # WGS84 mycrs = {'init': 'epsg:4283'} # GDA94 geopdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(mypdf, crs=mycrs, geometry=event_locations) # myax = geopdf.plot(figsize=[20,10]) # myax.set_xlabel('Longitude') # myax.set_ylabel('Latitude+ # title_str= "event locations" # myax.set_title(title_str) # geopandas included shape datasets world = gpd.read_file(gpd.datasets.get_path('naturalearth_lowres')) mymap = world.plot(alpha=0.5, figsize=(20, 10)) mymap.set_xlim([50, 180]) mymap.set_ylim([-70, 70]) mymap.set_xlabel('Longitude') mymap.set_ylabel('Latitude') title_str = "Seismic events locations on Map" mymap.set_title(title_str) geopdf.plot(ax=mymap, marker='o', color='red', markersize=2) plt.savefig('event_locations_on_map.png') return
[docs]def plot_rays(mypdf): """ :param mypdf: :return: """ mycrs = {'init': 'epsg:4326'} # WGS84 # geo_df = gpd.GeoDataFrame(pdf, crs=crs, geometry=mt_locations) mypdf['ray'] = mypdf.apply(lambda x: LineString([(x.source_longitude, x.source_latitude), (x.station_longitude, x.station_latitude)]), axis=1) geopdf_ray = gpd.GeoDataFrame(mypdf, crs=mycrs, geometry='ray') # myax=geopdf_ray.plot(figsize=[20,10]) # myax.set_xlabel('Longitude') # myax.set_ylabel('Latitude') # title_str= "event->station Rays" # myax.set_title(title_str) # geopandas included shape datasets world = gpd.read_file(gpd.datasets.get_path('naturalearth_lowres')) mymap = world.plot(alpha=0.5, figsize=(20, 10)) # mymap.set_xlim([-180,180]) # mymap.set_ylim([-80,80]) mymap.set_xlim([50, 180]) mymap.set_ylim([-70, 70]) mymap.set_xlabel('Longitude') mymap.set_ylabel('Latitude') title_str = "event->station Rays" mymap.set_title(title_str) geopdf_ray.plot(ax=mymap) return
if __name__ == "__main__": import sys if len(sys.argv)>1: csvfile = sys.argv[1] else: csvfile=None newpdf = sort_plus(inputcsv=csvfile) #plot1(newpdf) plot_geopandas(newpdf) #plot_gmt(newpdf)