Source code for seismic.synthetics.synth

#!/usr/bin/env python
Entry point for making synthetic seismograms.

import os

import numpy as np

from seismic.synthetics.backends import backend_tws, backend_syngine
from seismic.model_properties import LayerProps
from seismic.stream_io import write_h5_event_stream

[docs]def synthesize_dataset(method, output_file, net, sta, src_latlon, fs, time_window, **kwargs): """ User function for creating a synthetic seismogram dataset of obspy streams in HDF5 format. Datasets generated can be loaded into class NetworkEventDataset. :param method: 'propmatrix' or 'syngine' :param output_file: Destination file in which to write resultant streams in HDF5 format. :param net: Network code of receiver :param sta: Station code of receiver :param src_latlon: Iterable of source event coordinates :param fs: Sampling rate :param time_window: Time window about onset. First value should be < 0, second should be > 0 :return: Whether the dataset was successfully created. """ if method == 'propmatrix': backend = backend_tws.synthesizer() elif method == 'syngine': backend = backend_syngine.synthesizer() else: assert False, 'Method {} not supported'.format(method) # end if synthesizer = backend(**kwargs) synth_streams = synthesizer.synthesize(src_latlon, fs, time_window) for tr in synth_streams: = net tr.stats.station = sta # end for # Use mode='w' to write brand new file. write_h5_event_stream(output_file, synth_streams, mode='w', ignore=('mseed',)) return os.path.isfile(output_file)
# end func
[docs]def example_usage(): # Example using propagator matrix method crust = LayerProps(6.4, 3.8, 2.7, 38.0) mantle = LayerProps(8.2, 6.8, 3.3, np.nan) src_latlon = 20 * (np.random.random((5, 2)) - 0.5) + np.array([30, 160]) fs = 100.0 time_window = (-50, 150) generator_args = { 'station_latlon': (-20, 140), 'layerprops': [crust, mantle] } synthesize_dataset('propmatrix', 'test_prop_synth.h5', 'SY', 'AAA', src_latlon, fs, time_window, **generator_args) # Example using Syngine service generator_args = { 'station_latlon': (-20, 140) } synthesize_dataset('syngine', 'test_syng_synth.h5', 'SY', 'AAA', src_latlon, fs, time_window, **generator_args)
# end func if __name__ == '__main__': print('Running example_usage()') example_usage() # end if