Source code for seismic.synthetics.backends.synthesizer_base

#!/usr/bin/env python
Base class for seismogram synthesis class

import abc

import numpy as np
from obspy import UTCDateTime
from obspy.geodetics import gps2dist_azimuth
from obspy.taup import TauPyModel
from obspy.clients.fdsn import Client as ClientF
import geohash as gh

from seismic.units_utils import KM_PER_DEG

[docs]class Synthesizer(object): """ Base class for seismogram synthesizers. """ def __init__(self, station_latlon): """ Initialization :param station_latlon: Either a tuple of (lat, lon) coordinates, or a station code in the format 'NET.STA' string. """ if isinstance(station_latlon, str): net, sta = station_latlon.split('.') client_real = ClientF() station_metadata = client_real.get_stations(network=net, station=sta) station_metadata ='*Z') receiver_lat = station_metadata.networks[0].stations[0].latitude receiver_lon = station_metadata.networks[0].stations[0].longitude station_latlon = (receiver_lat, receiver_lon) # end if self.station_latlon = station_latlon # end func @property def station_latlon(self): return self._station_latlon # end func @station_latlon.setter def station_latlon(self, new_latlon): assert isinstance(new_latlon, (tuple, list)) assert len(new_latlon) == 2 assert abs(new_latlon[0] <= 90) assert abs(new_latlon[1] <= 180) self._station_latlon = new_latlon # end func
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def synthesize(self, src_latlon, fs, time_window): """ Function signature for function to compute synthetic dataset of obspy streams. :param src_latlon: Iterable of source (lat, lon) locations :param fs: Sampling rate in Hz :param time_window: Pair of time values relative to onset :return: obspy.Stream containing ZNE velocity seismogram """ pass # Implement this interface in the derived class
# end func
[docs] def compute_event_stats(self, src_lat, src_lon, eventid_base, src_depth_m=0, earth_model='iasp91', phase='P', origin_time=None): """ Compute trace stats fields for a source single event. :param src_lat: Source latitude :param src_lon: Source longitude :param eventid_base: Base string for event id :param src_depth_m: Source depth in metres :param earth_model: String name of earth model to use for ray tracing :param phase: Which phase is being modelled :param origin_time: Timestamp of the source event :return: stats dict """ if origin_time is None: origin_time = - 60*np.random.rand() # end if receiver_lat, receiver_lon = self.station_latlon dist_m, baz, _ = gps2dist_azimuth(receiver_lat, receiver_lon, src_lat, src_lon) dist_deg = dist_m / 1000 / KM_PER_DEG tt_model = TauPyModel(model=earth_model) event_depth_km = src_depth_m / 1000 arrivals = tt_model.get_travel_times(event_depth_km, dist_deg, (phase,)) arrival = arrivals[0] ray_param = arrival.ray_param_sec_degree onset = origin_time + arrival.time inc = arrival.incident_angle # degrees event_id = eventid_base + '_'.join([ gh.encode(receiver_lat, receiver_lon), gh.encode(src_lat, src_lon), origin_time.format_fissures() ]) stats = {'distance': dist_deg, 'back_azimuth': baz, 'inclination': inc, 'onset': onset, 'slowness': ray_param, 'phase': phase, 'event_time': origin_time, 'tt_model': earth_model, 'event_id': event_id} return stats
# end func # end class