Source code for seismic.stream_io

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Helper functions for seismic stream IO.

import os
import itertools
import logging

from sortedcontainers import SortedDict, SortedSet, SortedList
import obspy
from obspy.taup import TauPyModel
from import SACTrace
import h5py
import obspyh5
from obspyh5 import dataset2trace, is_obspyh5

from seismic.units_utils import KM_PER_DEG


# Source event centric indexing format
EVENTIO_TF = '.datetime:%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'
    'waveforms/{network}.{station}.{location}/{event_time%s}/' % EVENTIO_TF +
    '{channel}_{starttime%s}_{endtime%s}' % (EVENTIO_TF, EVENTIO_TF)

[docs]def read_h5_stream(src_file, network=None, station=None, loc='', root='/waveforms'): """Helper function to load stream data from hdf5 file saved by obspyh5 HDF5 file IO. Typically the source file is generated using `` script. For faster loading time, a particular network and station may be specified. :param src_file: File from which to load data :type src_file: str or Path :param network: Specific network to load, defaults to None :type network: str, optional :param station: Specific station to load, defaults to None :type station: str, optional :param root: Root path in hdf5 file where to start looking for data, defaults to '/waveforms' :type root: str, optional :return: All the loaded data in an obspy Stream. :rtype: obspy.Stream """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if (network is None and station is not None) or (network is not None and station is None): logger.warning("network and station should both be specified - IGNORING incomplete specification") group = root elif network and station: group = root + '/{}.{}.{}'.format(network.upper(), station.upper(), loc.upper()) else: group = root # end if stream =, format='h5', group=group) return stream
# end func
[docs]def get_obspyh5_index(src_file, seeds_only=False): # We use SortedSet rather than SortedList for the inner container # because it allows set operations that are useful, such as finding # event IDs for events which are common across multiple stations. assert is_obspyh5(src_file), '{} is not an obspyh5 file'.format(src_file) index = SortedDict() with h5py.File(src_file, mode='r') as h5f: root = h5f['/waveforms'] if seeds_only: return SortedList(root.keys()) # end if for seedid, station_grp in root.items(): for event_grp in station_grp.values(): evid = None for channel in event_grp.values(): evid = channel.attrs['event_id'] break # end for if evid: index.setdefault(seedid, SortedSet()).add(evid) # end if # end for # end for # end with return index
# end func
[docs]def iter_h5_stream(src_file, headonly=False): """ Iterate over hdf5 file containing streams in obspyh5 format. :param src_file: str or path to file to read :param headonly: Only read trace stats, do not read actual time series data :yield: obspy.Stream containing traces for a single seismic event. """ assert is_obspyh5(src_file), '{} is not an obspyh5 file'.format(src_file) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) fname = os.path.split(src_file)[-1] with h5py.File(src_file, mode='r') as h5f: root = h5f['/waveforms'] for seedid, station_grp in root.items():'{}: Group {}'.format(fname, seedid)) num_events = len(station_grp) for i, (src_event_time, event_grp) in enumerate(station_grp.items()): traces = [] for trace_id, channel in event_grp.items(): traces.append(dataset2trace(channel, headonly=headonly)) # end for evid = traces[0].stats.event_id for tr in traces[1:]: assert tr.stats.event_id == evid # end for'Event {} ({}/{})'.format(evid, i + 1, num_events)) yield seedid, evid, obspy.Stream(traces)
# end for # end for # end with # end func
[docs]def write_h5_event_stream(dest_h5_file, stream, mode='a', ignore=()): """ Write stream to HDF5 file in event indexed format using obspy. :param dest_h5_file: File in which to write the stream. :type dest_h5_file: str or pathlib.Path :param stream: The stream to write :type stream: obspy.Stream :param mode: Write mode, such as 'w' or 'a'. Use 'a' to iteratively write multiple streams to one file. :type mode: str :param ignore: List of headers to ignore when writing attributes to group. Passed on directly to obspyh5.writeh5 :type ignore: Any iterable of str """ # Lock down format of obspyh5 node layout in HDF5 to ensure compatibility with # custom iterators. assert mode.lower() != 'r', 'Write mode cannot be \'r\'' prior_index = obspyh5._INDEX obspyh5.set_index(EVENTIO_H5INDEX) stream.write(dest_h5_file, 'H5', mode=mode, ignore=ignore) obspyh5.set_index(prior_index)
# end func
[docs]def sac2hdf5(src_folder, basenames, channels, dest_h5_file, tt_model_id='iasp91'): """ Convert collection of SAC files from a folder into a single HDF5 stream file. :param src_folder: Path to folder containing SAC files :type src_folder: str or Path :param basenames: List of base filenames (file name excluding extension) to load. :type basenames: list of str :param channels: List of channels to load. For each base filename in basenames, there is expected to be a file with each channel as the filename extension. :type channels: List of str :param dest_h5_file: Path to output file. Will be created, or overwritten if already exists. :type dest_h5_file: str or Path :param tt_model_id: Which travel time earth model to use for synthesizing trace metadata. Must be known to obspy.taup.TauPyModel :type tt_model_id: str :return: None """ tt_model = TauPyModel(tt_model_id) traces = [] for basename, channel in itertools.product(basenames, channels): fname = os.path.join(src_folder, '.'.join([basename, channel])) channel_stream =, 'sac') tr = channel_stream[0] event_depth_km = tr.stats.sac['evdp'] dist_deg = tr.stats.sac['dist'] / KM_PER_DEG arrivals = tt_model.get_travel_times(event_depth_km, dist_deg, ('P',)) arrival = arrivals[0] inc = arrival.incident_angle slowness = arrival.ray_param_sec_degree src_dic = tr.stats.sac sac_tr = SACTrace(nzyear=src_dic['nzyear'], nzjday=src_dic['nzjday'], nzhour=src_dic['nzhour'], nzmin=src_dic['nzmin'], nzsec=src_dic['nzsec'], nzmsec=src_dic['nzmsec']) onset = sac_tr.reftime if 'nevid' in src_dic: event_id = src_dic['nevid'] else: event_id = basename # end if stats = {'distance': dist_deg, 'back_azimuth': src_dic['baz'], 'inclination': inc, 'onset': onset, 'slowness': slowness, 'phase': 'P', 'tt_model': tt_model_id, 'event_id': event_id} tr.stats.update(stats) traces.append(tr) # end for stream_all = obspy.Stream(traces) stream_all.write(dest_h5_file, 'H5')
# end func