Source code for seismic.receiver_fn.plot_ccp_batch

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os

import numpy as np
import click
import rf

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
import pandas as pd
# from scipy import interpolate

import seismic.receiver_fn.rf_util as rf_util
from seismic.ASDFdatabase import FederatedASDFDataSet
from seismic.receiver_fn.plot_ccp import run
from seismic.units_utils import KM_PER_DEG


[docs]def run_batch(transect_file, rf_waveform_file, fed_db_file, amplitude_filter=False, similarity_filter=False, stack_scale=0.4, width=30.0, spacing=2.0, max_depth=200.0, channel='R', output_folder='', colormap='seismic', annotators=None): """Run CCP generation in batch mode along a series of transects. :param transect_file: File containing specification of network and station locations of ends of transects :type transect_file: str or Path :param rf_waveform_file: HDF5 file of QA'd receiver functions for the network matching the transect file :type rf_waveform_file: str or Path :param fed_db_file: Name of file with which to initialize FederatedASDFDataBase :type fed_db_file: str or Path :param amplitude_filter: Whether to use amplitude-based filtering of waveforms beform plotting. :type amplitude_filter: bool :param similarity_filter: Whether to use RF waveform similarity filtering of waveforms beform plotting. :type similarity_filter: bool :param stack_scale: Max value to represent on color scale of CCP plot :type stack_scale: float :param width: Width of transect (km) :type width: float :param spacing: Discretization size (km) for RF ray sampling :type spacing: float :param max_depth: Maximum depth of slice below the transect line (km) :type max_depth: float :param channel: Channel component ID to source for the RF amplitude :type channel: str length 1 :return: None """ print("Reading HDF5 file...") rf_stream = rf.read_rf(rf_waveform_file, 'H5').select(component=channel) rf_type = rf_stream[0].stats.rotation if amplitude_filter: # Label and filter quality rf_util.label_rf_quality_simple_amplitude(rf_type, rf_stream) rf_stream = rf.RFStream([tr for tr in rf_stream if tr.stats.predicted_quality == 'a']) # end if # For similarity filtering, similarity filtering must applied to one station at a time. if similarity_filter: data_dict = rf_util.rf_to_dict(rf_stream) rf_stream = rf.RFStream() for sta, ch_dict in data_dict: for cha, ch_traces in ch_dict.items(): if len(ch_traces) >= 3: # Use short time window that cuts off by 10 sec, since we're only interested in Ps phase here. filtered_traces = rf_util.filter_crosscorr_coeff(rf.RFStream(ch_traces), time_window=(-2, 10), apply_moveout=True) rf_stream += filtered_traces else: rf_stream += rf.RFStream(ch_traces) # end if # end for # end for # end if spectral_filter = {'type': 'highpass', 'freq': 0.2, 'corners': 1, 'zerophase': True} if spectral_filter is not None: rf_stream.filter(**spectral_filter) # end if db = FederatedASDFDataSet.FederatedASDFDataSet(fed_db_file) sta_coords = db.unique_coordinates if output_folder and not os.path.isdir(output_folder): assert not os.path.isfile(output_folder) os.makedirs(output_folder, exist_ok=True) # end if with open(transect_file, 'r') as f: net = f.readline().strip() for transect in f.readlines(): if not transect.strip(): continue sta_start, sta_end = transect.split(',') sta_start = sta_start.strip() sta_end = sta_end.strip() start = '.'.join([net, sta_start]) end = '.'.join([net, sta_end]) start = np.array(sta_coords[start]) end = np.array(sta_coords[end]) # Offset ends slightly to make sure we don't lose end stations due to truncation error. # Note: for simplicity this treats lat/lon like cartesian coords, but this is approximate # and will break down near poles, for long transects, or if transect crosses the antimeridian. dirn = (end - start) dirn = dirn/np.linalg.norm(dirn) start -= LEAD_INOUT_DIST_KM*dirn/KM_PER_DEG end += LEAD_INOUT_DIST_KM*dirn/KM_PER_DEG start_latlon = (start[1], start[0]) end_latlon = (end[1], end[0]) title = 'Network {} CCP R-stacking (profile {}-{})'.format(net, sta_start, sta_end) hf_main, hf_map, metadata = run(rf_stream, start_latlon, end_latlon, width, spacing, max_depth, channel, stacked_scale=stack_scale, title=title, colormap=colormap, background_model='ak135_60') metadata['transect_start'] = start metadata['transect_end'] = end metadata['transect_dirn'] = dirn if annotators is not None: for ant in annotators: ant(hf_main, metadata) # end for # end if outfile_base = '{}-ZRT-R_CCP_stack_{}-{}_{}km_spacing'.format(net, sta_start, sta_end, spacing) outfile = outfile_base + '.pdf' outfile_map = outfile_base + '_MAP.pdf' outfile = os.path.join(output_folder, outfile) outfile_map = os.path.join(output_folder, outfile_map) if hf_main is not None: hf_main.savefig(outfile, dpi=300) plt.close(hf_main) # endif if hf_map is not None: hf_map.savefig(outfile_map, dpi=300) plt.close(hf_map)
# endif # end for # end with # end func
[docs]def moho_annotator(hf, metadata): """ Custom plot annotator to add markers to the main figure showing locations of Moho estimates from other sources. :param hf: Figure containing main CCP plot :type hf: matplotlib.pyplot.Figure :param metadata: Dictionary from CCP plotting code containing metadata of the transect and station data :type metadata: dict """ if hf is None or metadata is None: return # end if filename = "post_analysis/OA_Hk+RFinversion_moho_2019-12-12.csv" data = pd.read_csv(filename, usecols=['Site', 'HKM_Depth', 'Inv_Dp'], skipinitialspace=True, index_col='Site', dtype={'Site': str, 'HKM_Depth': np.float64, 'Inv_Dp': np.float64,}) x = [] y1 = [] y2 = [] for stn, md in metadata.items(): if 'transect_' in stn: continue # Skip non-station metadata if md is None: continue x.append(md['sta_offset']) y1.append(data.loc[stn]['HKM_Depth']) y2.append(data.loc[stn]['Inv_Dp']) # end for x = np.array(x) y1 = np.array(y1) y2 = np.array(y2) plt.figure(hf.number) plt.plot(x, y1, 'o', markerfacecolor="C2", alpha=0.8, markersize=10, markeredgecolor="#101010", markeredgewidth=2, aa=True) plt.plot(x, y2, 'v', markerfacecolor="#ffd700", alpha=0.8, markersize=10, markeredgecolor="#101010", markeredgewidth=2, aa=True) plt.legend(['H-k depth', 'RF Inv. depth'], loc='lower right')
# end func
[docs]def gravity_subplot(hf, metadata, grav_map): """ Custom plot modifier to add a gravity subplot along the CCP transect line. :param hf: Figure containing main CCP plot :type hf: matplotlib.pyplot.Figure :param metadata: Dictionary from CCP plotting code containing metadata of the transect and station data :type metadata: dict :param grav_map: Interpolator callable that takes a iterable of 2D coordinates and interpolates a gravity value at each, based on external data source. :type grav_map: Instance of 2D interpolation class from scipy.interpolator """ if hf is None or metadata is None: return # end if # Move the bottom of the main axes bounding box up to make space to gravity plot beneath pos = hf.axes[0].get_position() pos.y0 += 0.2 hf.axes[0].set_position(pos) # Also move colorbar pos_cb = hf.axes[1].get_position() pos_cb.y0 += 0.2 hf.axes[1].set_position(pos_cb) # Add gravity plot start = metadata['transect_start'] end = metadata['transect_end'] dirn = metadata['transect_dirn'] grid_spec = gridspec.GridSpec(ncols=1, nrows=2, figure=hf, height_ratios=[4, 1]) ax_grav = hf.add_subplot(grid_spec[1]) pos_grav = ax_grav.get_position() pos_grav.x0 = pos.x0 pos_grav.x1 = pos.x1 ax_grav.set_position(pos_grav) plt.title("Gravity survey", fontsize=8, y=0.80) grav_pos = np.linspace(start, end, 1000) grav_vals = grav_map(grav_pos) grav_dist = - start), dirn)*KM_PER_DEG plt.plot(grav_dist, grav_vals) plt.grid("#80808080", linestyle=':') tickstep_x = 50.0 xlim = hf.axes[0].get_xlim() plt.xticks(np.arange(0.0, xlim[1], tickstep_x), fontsize=12) plt.xlim(xlim) plt.ylabel('Gravity (mGal)')
# end func @click.command() @click.option('--rf-file', type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False), required=True, help='HDF5 file containing receiver functions') @click.option('--waveform-database', type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False), required=True, help='Location of waveform source database used to generate FederatedASDFDataSet. ' 'Provides station location metadata. e.g. "/g/data/ha3/Passive/SHARED_DATA/Index/asdf_files.txt".') @click.option('--stack-scale', type=float, default=0.4, show_default=True, help='Max value to represent on color scale of CCP plot') @click.option('--width', type=float, default=40.0, show_default=True, help='Width of transect (km)') @click.option('--depth', type=float, default=200.0, show_default=True, help='Depth of slice below the transect line (km)') @click.option('--spacing', type=float, default=2.0, show_default=True, help='Discretization size (km) of grid beneath transect line') @click.option('--channel', type=click.Choice(['R', 'T', 'Q']), default='R', show_default=True, help='Channel to use for stacking, e.g. R') @click.option('--colormap', type=str, default='seismic', show_default=True, help='Colormap to use. Must be recognized by matplotlib. Suggest seismic, coolwarm or jet.') @click.option('--apply-amplitude-filter', is_flag=True, default=False, show_default=True, help='Apply RF amplitude filtering to the RFs.') @click.option('--apply-similarity-filter', is_flag=True, default=False, show_default=True, help='Apply RF similarity filtering to the RFs.') @click.argument('transect-file', type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False), required=True) @click.argument('output-folder', type=click.Path(dir_okay=True, file_okay=False), required=False, default='') def main(transect_file, output_folder, rf_file, waveform_database, stack_scale, width, depth, spacing, channel, colormap, apply_amplitude_filter, apply_similarity_filter): """ Batch mode generation of CCP stacks. transect_file: File containing network code (first line) followed by transect line start/end points in the form of pairs on comma-separated station codes, two per line output_folder: Folder in which to place output files. """ assert len(channel) == 1, "Batch stack only on one channel at a time" # Custom plot modifiers. Leave commented for now until refactoring in ticket PST-479 # print("Loading gravity data...") # grav = np.load('post_analysis/') # print("Creating interpolator...") # grav_map = interpolate.NearestNDInterpolator(grav[:, 0:2], grav[:, 2]) # annotators = [moho_annotator, lambda hf, md: gravity_subplot(hf, md, grav_map)] annotators = None print("Producing plot...") run_batch(transect_file, rf_file, waveform_database, stack_scale=stack_scale, width=width, spacing=spacing, max_depth=depth, channel=channel, output_folder=output_folder, colormap=colormap, amplitude_filter=apply_amplitude_filter, similarity_filter=apply_similarity_filter, annotators=annotators) # end main if __name__ == "__main__": main() # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter # end if