Source code for seismic.receiver_fn.plot_ccp

#!/usr/bin/env python
Generate common conversion point (CCP) plot as per *C.Sippl, "Moho geometry along a north-south passive seismic
transect through Central Australia", Technophysics 676 (2016), pp.56-69,

This code adapted from Christian Sippl's original code.

Workflow: --> --> --> (this script)

Example usage:
    python seismic/receiver_fn/ --start-latlon -19.5 133.0 --end-latlon -19.5 140.0 --width 120 \
        --channels T --stacked-scale 0.3 --title "Network OA CCP T-stacking (profile BS24-CF24)" \
        /software/hiperseis/seismic/receiver_fn/DATA/OA-ZRT-cleaned.h5 \

# pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-arguments,invalid-name

import os
import numpy as np

import click
from obspy.taup import TauPyModel
from obspy.taup.taup_create import TauPCreate
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
import rf
from tqdm import tqdm

from seismic.units_utils import KM_PER_DEG

[docs]def plot_ccp(matrx, length, max_depth, spacing, vlims=None, metadata=None, title=None, colormap='seismic'): """Plot results of CCP stacking procedure. :param matrx: [description] :type matrx: numpy.array :param length: Length (km) of the transect line :type length: float :param max_depth: Maximum depth (km) of the slice to plot :type max_depth: float :param spacing: Grid spacing (km) :type spacing: float :param vlims: Min and max values for the color scale, defaults to None :type vlims: tuple(float, float), optional :param metadata: Metadata generated by ccp_compute_station_params(), defaults to None :type metadata: dict, optional :param title: Title text to add to the plot, defaults to None :type title: str, optional :param colormap: Color map to use for the CCP intensity shading. :type colormap: str :return: Figure handle :rtype: matplotlib.pyplot.Figure """ tickstep_x = 50 tickstep_y = 25 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 9)) interpolation = 'hanning' extent = (0, length, 0, max_depth) assert not np.any(np.isnan(matrx)) if vlims is not None: im = plt.imshow(matrx, cmap=colormap, aspect='auto', vmin=vlims[0], vmax=vlims[1], extent=extent, interpolation=interpolation, origin='lower') else: im = plt.imshow(matrx, cmap=colormap, aspect='auto', extent=extent, interpolation=interpolation, origin='lower') # end if cb = plt.colorbar(im) cb.set_label('Stacked amplitude (arb. units)') if title is not None: plt.title(title, fontsize=16, y=1.02) plt.xlim(0, length) plt.ylim(max_depth*1.0001, 0) plt.xlabel('Distance (km)', fontsize=12) plt.ylabel('Depth (km)', fontsize=12) plt.xticks(np.arange(0.0, length*1.0001, tickstep_x), fontsize=12) plt.yticks(np.arange(0, max_depth*1.0001, tickstep_y), fontsize=12) plt.tick_params(right=True, labelright=True, axis='y', labelsize=12) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(50)) plt.gca().xaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(5)) plt.gca().xaxis.set_tick_params(which='both', top=True) plt.gca().yaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(10)) plt.gca().yaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(1)) plt.gca().yaxis.set_tick_params(which='minor', right=True) plt.grid(color='#808080', which='major', linestyle=':', alpha=0.5) plt.grid(color='#a0a0a0', which='minor', linestyle=':', alpha=0.2, linewidth=0.5) if metadata is not None: stn_labels = [] # Extract station label data into a list first so we can sort by distance along transect for stn, meta in metadata.items(): if meta is None: continue stn_labels.append((stn, meta)) # end for stn_labels.sort(key=lambda md: md[1]['sta_offset']) i = 0 for stn, meta in stn_labels: x = meta['sta_offset'] y = 1.0 + (i%2)*2.5 plt.text(x, y, "{} ({})".format(stn, meta['event_count']), horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='top', fontsize=9, backgroundcolor='#ffffffa0') i += 1 # end for # end if return fig
# end func
[docs]def setup_ccp_profile(length, spacing, maxdep): """Construct the grid for a CCP stacking profile :param length: Length (km) of the profile :type length: float :param spacing: Grid spacing (km) :type spacing: float :param maxdep: Maximum depth (km) of the slice to plot :type maxdep: float :return: Zeroed matrix and mesh coordinates :rtype: numpy.array, numpy.array, numpy.array """ #calculate number of cells in x and y direction n_y = int(round(maxdep / spacing, 0)) n_x = int(round(length / spacing, 0)) #get center values depstep = np.arange(0 + round(spacing / 2.0, 1), maxdep, spacing) lenstep = np.arange(0 + round(spacing / 2.0, 1), length, spacing) #create matrix mtrx = np.zeros([n_x, n_y]) return mtrx, depstep, lenstep
# end func
[docs]def get_amplitude(trace, time): """ retrieve amplitude value """ rf_offset = trace.stats.onset - trace.stats.starttime indx = (time + rf_offset) * trace.stats.sampling_rate amp =[int(indx)]/trace.stats.amp_max return amp
# end func
[docs]def add_ccp_trace(trace, inc_p, matrx, matrx_entry, vmod, depstep, lenstep, sta_offset, az): """ project amplitudes from all RFs onto the profile...2D rot: """ # start at zero: inc_p given, inc_s needs to be calculated h = 0 c = 0 d = 0 tpz = 0 tsz = 0 rpz = 0 rsz = 0 for j in range(1, len(depstep)): c = d if j == 1: h = h_tot = 1 else: h = depstep[j] - depstep[j - 1] h_tot += h # end if # check in velocity model for f in range(len(vmod[0])): if vmod[0][f] < depstep[j]: d = f # end for # derive P incidence from previous P incidence, then current S from current P inc_p = np.arcsin((np.sin(inc_p * np.pi/180.) * vmod[1][d]) / vmod[1][c]) * 180 / np.pi inc_s = np.arcsin((np.sin(inc_p * np.pi/180.) * vmod[2][d]) / vmod[1][d]) * 180 / np.pi # horizontal distances (attention: still needs azimuth normalization) rpz += h*np.tan(inc_p/180.*np.pi) rsz += h*np.tan(inc_s/180.*np.pi) rd = rpz - rsz tpz += h/np.cos(inc_p/180.*np.pi) * (1/vmod[1][d]) tsz += h/np.cos(inc_s/180.*np.pi) * (1/vmod[2][d]) td = np.sin(inc_p/180.*np.pi)/vmod[1][d] * rd # check if velocity jump, if yes get new angles tps = tsz + td - tpz amp = get_amplitude(trace, tps) # project, put into correct bin in matrix xsz = rsz * np.cos(az * np.pi / 180.) # relative to station indx_x, indx_y = matrx_lookup(xsz, sta_offset, h_tot, depstep, lenstep) matrx[indx_x, indx_y] += amp matrx_entry[indx_x, indx_y] += 1 # end for return matrx, matrx_entry
# end func
[docs]def matrx_lookup(xsz, sta_offset, h, depstep, lenstep): """ return index values for amplitude contrbution in profile matrix """ distance_offset = sta_offset - xsz # because zero is in the north diff_x = 9999.0 diff_y = 9999.0 indx_x = 0 indx_y = 0 #find horizontal position for j in range(len(lenstep)): if abs(lenstep[j] - distance_offset) < diff_x: diff_x = abs(lenstep[j] - distance_offset) indx_x = j # end for for k in range(len(depstep)): if abs(depstep[k] - h) < diff_y: diff_y = abs(depstep[k] - h) indx_y = k # end for return indx_x, indx_y
# end func
[docs]def bounding_box(startpoint, endpoint): """Compute a bounding box from start and end points. :param startpoint: Coordinates of starting point :type startpoint: pair of float :param endpoint: Coordinates of end point :type endpoint: pair of float :return: Bounding box (left, bottom, right, top) :rtype: tuple(float, float, float, float) """ ybig = max(startpoint[0], endpoint[0]) ysmall = min(startpoint[0], endpoint[0]) xbig = max(startpoint[1], endpoint[1]) xsmall = min(startpoint[1], endpoint[1]) return (xsmall, ysmall, xbig, ybig)
# end func
[docs]def equirectangular_projection(x0, y0, x1, y1): """Perform equirectangular projection of a pair of latitude, longitude coordinates to cartesian coordinates. This length calculation uses the forward equirectangular projection ( (See also :param x0: Point 0 longitude (deg) :type x0: float :param y0: Point 0 latitude (deg) :type y0: float :param x1: Point 1 longitude (deg) :type x1: float :param y1: Point 1 latitude (deg) :type y1: float :return: Lengths of sides of rectangle and the diagonal. The diagonal is the distance between points 0 and 1. :rtype: float, float, float """ profile_x_length = (x1 - x0) * KM_PER_DEG * np.cos((y1 + y0) / 2. * np.pi / 180.) profile_y_length = (y1 - y0) * KM_PER_DEG # This is an approximate great circle arc length length = np.sqrt(profile_x_length**2 + profile_y_length**2) return profile_x_length, profile_y_length, length
# end func
[docs]def bearing(p1, p2): """Compute bearing (forward azimuth) in degrees from p1 to p2. Math reference: :param p1: (latitude, longitude) in degrees :type p1: tuple(float, float) :param p2: (latitude, longitude) in degrees :type p2: tuple(float, float) """ p1_rad = (p1[0]*np.pi/180.0, p1[1]*np.pi/180.0) p2_rad = (p2[0]*np.pi/180.0, p2[1]*np.pi/180.0) delta_long = p2_rad[1] - p1_rad[1] y = np.sin(delta_long)*np.cos(p2_rad[0]) x = np.cos(p1_rad[0]) * np.sin(p2_rad[0]) - np.sin(p1_rad[0]) * np.cos(p2_rad[0]) * np.cos(delta_long) b = np.arctan2(y, x) b = b * 180.0 / np.pi b = (b + 360.0) % 360.0 return b
# end func
[docs]def angular_distance(p1, p2): """Compute the angular distance (in degrees) between two points p1 and p2 using Haversine formula. Math reference: :param p1: (latitude, longitude) in degrees :type p1: tuple(float, float) :param p2: (latitude, longitude) in degrees :type p2: tuple(float, float) """ p1_rad = (p1[0]*np.pi/180.0, p1[1]*np.pi/180.0) p2_rad = (p2[0]*np.pi/180.0, p2[1]*np.pi/180.0) delta_lat = p2_rad[0] - p1_rad[0] delta_long = p2_rad[1] - p1_rad[1] sin_dlat = np.sin(0.5*delta_lat) sin_dlong = np.sin(0.5*delta_long) a = sin_dlat*sin_dlat + np.cos(p1_rad[0]) * np.cos(p2_rad[0]) * sin_dlong * sin_dlong a = np.clip(a, 0.0, 1.0) c = 2 * np.arctan2(np.sqrt(a), np.sqrt(1.0 - a)) c = c * 180.0 / np.pi return c
# end func
[docs]def cross_along_track_distance(p1, p2, p3): """Compute the cross-track distance and the along-track distance of p3 in relation to great circle from p1 to p2. Math reference: :param p1: (latitude, longitude) in degrees :type p1: tuple(float, float) :param p2: (latitude, longitude) in degrees :type p2: tuple(float, float) :param p3: (latitude, longitude) in degrees :type p3: tuple(float, float) :return: Cross-track distance (orthogonal to arc from p1 to p2) and along-track distance (along arc from p1 to p2) of the location p3. :rtype: tuple(float, float) """ delta_13 = angular_distance(p1, p3) * np.pi / 180.0 theta_13 = bearing(p1, p3) * np.pi / 180.0 theta_12 = bearing(p1, p2) * np.pi / 180.0 relative_bearing = theta_13 - theta_12 while relative_bearing > np.pi: relative_bearing -= 2*np.pi while relative_bearing < -np.pi: relative_bearing += 2*np.pi ct_angle = np.arcsin(np.sin(delta_13) * np.sin(relative_bearing)) at_angle = np.arccos(np.cos(delta_13) / np.cos(ct_angle)) # If bearing from p1 to p3 is more than 90 degrees from bearing to p2, then the along-track angle # is negative. if np.abs(relative_bearing) > np.pi/2.0: at_angle = -at_angle ct_angle = ct_angle * 180.0 / np.pi at_angle = at_angle * 180.0 / np.pi return (ct_angle * KM_PER_DEG, at_angle * KM_PER_DEG)
# end func
[docs]def ccp_compute_station_params(rf_stream, startpoint, endpoint, width, bm=None): """Determines which stations are between startpoint and endpoint great circle profile line, and within *width* distance of that profile line. Generates a dictionary of distance along profile line (*sta_offset*) and orthogonal distance from profile line (*dist*). For stations outside the region of interest, dictionary has the value None. :param rf_stream: RFStreams whose stations will be processed. :type rf_stream: rf.rfstream.RFStream :param startpoint: (latitude, longitude) in degrees of the profile line start point. :type startpoint: tuple(float, float) :param endpoint: (latitude, longitude) in degrees of the profile line end point. :type endpoint: tuple(float, float) :param width: Width of ROI in km to either side of the profile line. :type width: float :param bm: Optional basemap upon which to plot stations coded according to whether they are within the ROI. :type bm: mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap :return: Dictionary keyed by station code containing distances relative to profile line, or None if station is outside the ROI. :rtype: dict """ stn_params = {} length = angular_distance(startpoint, endpoint) * KM_PER_DEG print("Transect length = {} km".format(length)) pbar = tqdm(total=len(rf_stream), ascii=True) for tr in rf_stream: pbar.update() stat_code = tr.stats.station pbar.set_description("Station {}".format(stat_code)) if stat_code not in stn_params: sta_lat = tr.stats.station_latitude sta_lon = tr.stats.station_longitude (dist, sta_offset) = cross_along_track_distance(startpoint, endpoint, (sta_lat, sta_lon)) within_dist_tolerance = (abs(dist) <= width) within_profile_length = (sta_offset >= 0 and sta_offset <= length) if within_dist_tolerance and within_profile_length: pbar.write("Station " + stat_code + " included: (offset, dist) = ({}, {})".format(sta_offset, dist)) if bm is not None: x, y = bm(sta_lon, sta_lat) bm.plot(x, y, 'ro') plt.text(x, y, stat_code, fontsize=6, color='#202020a0') stn_params[stat_code] = {'dist': dist, 'sta_offset': sta_offset} else: if bm is not None: x, y = bm(sta_lon, sta_lat) bm.plot(x, y, '^', color='#808080') stn_params[stat_code] = None # end if # end if # end for pbar.close() return stn_params
# end func
[docs]def ccp_generate(rf_stream, startpoint, endpoint, width, spacing, max_depth, channels=None, v_background='ak135', station_map=True): """Main function for processing RF collection and plotting common conversion point (CCP) stack of receiver functions (RFs) along a specific line between startpoint and endpoint. :param rf_stream: Sequence of receiver function traces :type rf_stream: rf.rfstream.RFStream :param startpoint: Starting point for the transect line in latitude, longitude degrees :type startpoint: tuple(float, float) :param endpoint: End point for the transect line in latitude, longitude degrees :type endpoint: tuple(float, float) :param width: Width (km) of region about the transect line from which to project RFs to the slice. :type width: float :param spacing: Size (km) of each discrete sample cell in the spatial slice beneath the transect. :type spacing: float :param max_depth: Maximum depth (km) of the slice beneath the transect :type max_depth: float :param channels: Filter for channels, defaults to None in which case only 'R' channel is used. Allowed values are in ['Z', 'R', 'T']. :type channels: list(str), optional :param v_background: Assumed background 1D velocity model, defaults to 'ak135' :type v_background: str, optional :param station_map: Whether to generate figure for station map, defaults to True :type station_map: bool :return: Normalized stack matrix, normalization factors, profile length, station metadata, map figure :rtype: numpy.array, numpy.array, float, dict, matplotlib.pyplot.Figure """ if channels is None: channels = ['R'] xsmall, ysmall, xbig, ybig = bounding_box(startpoint, endpoint) _, _, length = equirectangular_projection(xsmall, ysmall, xbig, ybig) #set velocity model (other options can be added) # AK135 vp = [5.8, 6.5, 8.04, 8.045, 8.05, 8.175, 8.3, 8.4825, 8.665, 8.8475, 9.03, 9.36, 9.528, 9.696, 9.864, 10.032, 10.2] vs = [3.46, 3.85, 4.48, 4.49, 4.5, 4.509, 4.518, 4.609, 4.696, 4.783, 4.87, 5.08, 5.186, 5.292, 5.398, 5.504, 5.61] if v_background.lower() == 'ak135': # NOTE: Conventional default AK135 b_lay = [0., 20., 35., 77.5, 120., 165., 210., 260., 310., 360., 410., 460., 510., 560., 610., 660.] model = TauPyModel(model=v_background.lower()) elif v_background.lower() == 'ak135_60': # NOTE: AK135 with Moho at 60 km b_lay = [0., 20., 60., 77.5, 120., 165., 210., 260., 310., 360., 410., 460., 510., 560., 610., 660.] model_dir = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], 'models') model_file = os.path.join(model_dir, 'ak135_60.tvel') built_file = os.path.join(model_dir, 'ak135_60.npz') print('Using background crustal model at {}'.format(model_file)) if not os.path.isfile(built_file): model_factory = TauPCreate(model_file, built_file) model_factory.load_velocity_model() # end if model = TauPyModel(model=built_file) else: assert False, 'NYI' #end if vmod = (b_lay, vp, vs) #first set up a matrix profile_mesh, depstep, lenstep = setup_ccp_profile(length, spacing, max_depth) # snapshot of initial matrix mesh_entries = profile_mesh.copy() #create map plot file expand_width = 1.0 + width/KM_PER_DEG m = Basemap(projection='merc', urcrnrlat=ybig + expand_width, urcrnrlon=xbig + expand_width, llcrnrlon=xsmall - expand_width, llcrnrlat=ysmall - expand_width, resolution='i') m.drawcoastlines() x1, y1 = m(startpoint[1], startpoint[0]) x2, y2 = m(endpoint[1], endpoint[0]) m.plot([x1, x2], [y1, y2], 'r--') parallels = np.arange(np.floor(ysmall - 2), np.ceil(ybig + 2)) m.drawparallels(parallels, color="#a0a0a0", labels=[1, 1, 0, 0], fontsize=8) meridians = np.arange(np.floor(xsmall - 2), np.ceil(xbig + 2)) m.drawmeridians(meridians, rotation=45, color="#a0a0a0", labels=[0, 0, 1, 1], fontsize=8) # Precompute the station parameters for a given code, as this is the same for every trace. print("Computing included stations...") stn_params = ccp_compute_station_params(rf_stream, startpoint, endpoint, width, m) # Processing/extraction of rf_stream data print("Projecting included stations to slice...") pbar = tqdm(total=len(rf_stream), ascii=True) for tr in rf_stream: pbar.update() stat_code = tr.stats.station pbar.set_description("{} event {}".format(stat_code, tr.stats.event_id)) if[-1] in channels and stn_params[stat_code] is not None: # Updating of matrix sta_offset = stn_params[stat_code]['sta_offset'] try: back_azi = tr.stats.back_azimuth arr_p = model.get_travel_times(tr.stats.event_depth, tr.stats.distance, phase_list=['P']) inc_p = arr_p[0].incident_angle profile_mesh, mesh_entries = add_ccp_trace(tr, inc_p, profile_mesh, mesh_entries, vmod, depstep, lenstep, sta_offset, back_azi) if 'event_count' in stn_params[stat_code]: stn_params[stat_code]['event_count'] += 1 else: stn_params[stat_code]['event_count'] = 1 except IndexError as err: print(err) continue # end if # end for pbar.close() # Plot parameters on the map ax = plt.gca() plt.text(0.01, 0.98, 'Start = ({:3.3f},{:3.3f}) deg'.format(*startpoint), verticalalignment='top', transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=6, backgroundcolor='#ffffffa0') plt.text(0.01, 0.93, 'End = ({:3.3f},{:3.3f}) deg'.format(*endpoint), verticalalignment='top', transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=6, backgroundcolor='#ffffffa0') plt.text(0.01, 0.88, 'Width = {:3.1f} km'.format(width), verticalalignment='top', transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=6, backgroundcolor='#ffffffa0') # Show or save basemap plot if station_map: fig_map = plt.gcf() else: fig_map = None # endif if not np.all(mesh_entries[:] == 0): #normalize, then plot matrx_norm = (profile_mesh / mesh_entries).transpose() matrx_norm[np.isnan(matrx_norm)] = 0 return matrx_norm, mesh_entries.transpose(), length, stn_params, fig_map else: return None, None, 0, stn_params, None
# end if # end func
[docs]def run(rf_stream, start_latlon, end_latlon, width, spacing, max_depth, channels, background_model='ak135', stacked_scale=None, title=None, colormap=None): """Run CCP generation on a given dataset of RFs. :param rf_stream: Set of RFs to use for CCP plot :type rf_stream: rf.RFStream :param start_latlon: Starting (latitude, longitude) coordinates of line transect :type start_latlon: tuple(float, float) :param end_latlon: End (latitude, longitude) coordinates of line transect :type end_latlon: tuple(float, float) :param width: Width of transect (km) :type width: float :param spacing: Discretization size (km) for RF ray sampling :type spacing: float :param max_depth: Maximum depth of slice below the transect line (km) :type max_depth: float :param channels: String of comma-separated component IDs to source for the RF amplitude :type channels: str, comma separated :param background_model: 1D background model to assume :type background_model: str :param stacked_scale: Max value to represent on color scale of CCP plot :type stacked_scale: float :param title: Title to place at top of CCP plot :type title: str :param colormap: Color map to use for the CCP intensity shading. Suggest 'seismic', 'coolwarm' or 'jet'. :type colormap: str :return: Figure handles: Main figure, map figure, dict of station parameters :rtype: (matplotlib.pyplot.Figure, matplotlib.pyplot.Figure, dict) """ channels = channels.split(',') # TODO: Separate out the plotting of the map from the computation for better division of responsibilities! matrix_norm, sample_density, length, stn_params, fig_map = \ ccp_generate(rf_stream, start_latlon, end_latlon, width=width, spacing=spacing, max_depth=max_depth, channels=channels, v_background=background_model, station_map=True) fig = None if matrix_norm is not None: # Range of stacked amplitude for imshow to get best contrast if stacked_scale is not None: vlims = (-stacked_scale, stacked_scale) else: vlims = None # endif fig = plot_ccp(matrix_norm, length, max_depth, spacing, vlims=vlims, metadata=stn_params, title=title, colormap=colormap) # end if return fig, fig_map, stn_params
# end func # ---------------- MAIN ---------------- @click.command() @click.option('--start-latlon', nargs=2, type=float, required=True, help='Start coordinates of the profile line as latitude longitude (degrees),' ' using space as separator, e.g. -22 133') @click.option('--end-latlon', nargs=2, type=float, required=True, help='End coordinates of the profile line as latitude longitude (degrees),' ' using space as separator, e.g. -19 140') @click.option('--width', type=float, default=100.0, show_default=True, help='Width of the strip around the transect line (km)') @click.option('--spacing', type=float, default=2.0, show_default=True, help='Spacing of cells in the 2D square mesh covering the slice below the transect line (km)') @click.option('--max-depth', type=float, default=200.0, show_default=True, help='Maximum depth of slice below the transect line (km)') @click.option('--stacked-scale', type=float, help='Max value to represent on color scale of CCP plot. Adjust for optimal contrast.') @click.option('--channels', type=str, default='R', show_default=True, help='Comma separated list of channels to use for stacking, e.g. R,T') @click.option('--background-model', type=click.Choice(['ak135', 'ak135_60']), default='ak135', show_default=True, help='1D background model to assume.') @click.option('--title', type=str, help='Title text applied to the plots.') @click.argument('rf-file', type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False), required=True) @click.argument('output-file', type=click.Path(exists=False, dir_okay=False), required=True) def main(rf_file, output_file, start_latlon, end_latlon, width, spacing, max_depth, channels, background_model, stacked_scale=None, title=None): # rf_file is the clean H5 file of ZRT receiver functions, generated by print("Reading HDF5 file...") stream = rf.read_rf(rf_file, 'H5') output_file_base, ext = os.path.splitext(output_file) if ext != ".png": output_file += ".png" # endif colormap = 'jet' fig, fig_map, _ = run(stream, start_latlon, end_latlon, width, spacing, max_depth, channels, background_model, stacked_scale, title, colormap=colormap) if fig is not None: fig.savefig(output_file, dpi=300) plt.close(fig) # endif if fig_map is not None: station_map_file = output_file_base + '_MAP.png' fig_map.savefig(station_map_file, dpi=300) plt.close(fig_map) # endif # end func main # ---------------- MAIN ---------------- if __name__ == "__main__": main() # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter # end if