Source code for seismic.inversion.wavefield_decomp.wfd_plot

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
Plotting helper functions for Wavefield Decomposition module.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sb

# pylint: disable=invalid-name

[docs]def plot_Esu_space(H, k, Esu, title=None, savefile_name=None, show=True, c_range=(None, None), decorator=None): """ Plot SU energy as function of H-k. :param H: Grid of H coordinates corresponding to Esu point values. :param k: Grid of k coordinates corresponding to Esu point values. :param Esu: Energy values on H-k grid. :param title: Plot title [OPTIONAL] :param savefile_name: Output file in which to save plot [OPTIONAL] :param show: If True, display the image and block until it is closed. :param c_range: Custom range of Esu to contour (min, max values) :param decorator: Callback function to customize plot. :return: None """ colmap = 'plasma' plt.figure(figsize=(16, 12)) min_E, max_E = (np.nanmin(Esu) if c_range[0] is None else c_range[0], np.nanmax(Esu) if c_range[1] is None else c_range[1]) plt.contourf(k, H, Esu, levels=np.linspace(min_E, max_E, 51), cmap=colmap) plt.colorbar() plt.contour(k, H, Esu, levels=np.linspace(min_E, max_E, 11), colors='k', linewidths=1, antialiased=True) plt.xlabel('Crustal $\\kappa$', fontsize=14) plt.ylabel('Crustal $H$ (km)', fontsize=14) plt.tick_params(right=True, labelright=True, which='both') plt.tick_params(top=True, labeltop=True, which='both') plt.xticks(fontsize=14) plt.yticks(fontsize=14) plt.minorticks_on() plt.xlim(np.min(k), np.max(k)) plt.ylim(np.min(H), np.max(H)) plt.grid(linestyle=':', color="#80808080") if title is not None: plt.title(title, fontsize=20, y=1.05) # end if if decorator is not None: decorator(plt.gca()) # end if if savefile_name is not None: plt.savefig(savefile_name, dpi=300) # end if if show: # end if plt.close()
# end func
[docs]def plot_Nd(soln, title='', scale=1.0, vars=None): """Plotting routine for N-dimensional solution in grid format. Diagonal contains histograms of solution samples for each variable, and off-diagonal contains pair-wise scatter plots of sample points plus solution clusters. The distinct solutions coordinates are colour coded and labelled on the histograms. This function is intended to be a domain-agnostic means of plotting an N-dimensional solution generated by optimize_minimize_mhmcmc_cluster(). It should not have seismology-specific fields or terminology added into it. :param soln: Solution container returned from optimize_minimize_mhmcmc_cluster() :type soln: scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult with additional custom fields :param title: Overall plot title, defaults to '' (no title) :type title: str, optional :param scale: Scale size of overall plot, defaults to 1.0. Adjust this depending on dimensionality or desired size. :type scale: float, optional :param vars: List of names of variables, should be same length as dimensionality of solution :type vars: list(str) :return: Tuple containing the PairGrid, list of axes for the secondary (histogram) axes in the diagonal of the grid, and list of text items representing solution labels. :rtype: tuple(seaborn.PairGrid, list(matplotlib.axes.Axes), list(matplotlib.text.Text)) """ soln_alpha = 0.3 samples_alpha = 0.05 hist_alpha = 0.5 axis_font_size = 12 text_font_size = 10 ndims = len( if vars is None: vars = ['x' + str(i) for i in range(ndims)] # end if # Use PairGrid to set up grid and useful attributes of plot. df = pd.DataFrame(soln.samples, columns=vars) p = sb.PairGrid(df, height=3.2*scale) # Plot samples (not actual solution, just samples of MCMC process) as grey background on off-diagonals. p = p.map_offdiag(plt.scatter, color='#808080', alpha=samples_alpha, s=2*scale**2, rasterized=True) diag_hist_ax = [] row_idx, col_idx = np.indices((ndims, ndims)) adjustable_text = [] # Collect line text labels np.random.seed(20200318) for row, col in zip(row_idx.flat, col_idx.flat): if row == col: # Diagonal plots - use full sample histogram. # axd is the original diagonal axes created by PairGrid axd = p.axes[row, row] # Set label sizes axd.tick_params(labelsize=axis_font_size*scale) axd.xaxis.label.set_size(axis_font_size*scale) axd.yaxis.label.set_size(axis_font_size*scale) # Duplicate axes with separate, hidden vertical scale for the histogram. ax = axd.twinx() ax.set_axis_off() # Plot full samples histogram. deltas = np.diff(soln.bins[row])[row, :-1] + 0.5*deltas, soln.distribution[row], color='#808080', alpha=hist_alpha, width=np.min(deltas)) ax.set_title('{} sample distribution'.format(vars[row]), y=0.9, color='#404040', fontsize=11*scale) # Lock axes ranges to parameter ranges ax.set_xlim([row], soln.bounds.ub[row]) # Add vertical lines to histogram to indication solution locations and label value. y_pos_used = [] for i, _x in enumerate(soln.x): color = 'C' + str(i) ax.axvline(_x[row], color=color, linestyle='--', linewidth=1.2*scale) # Sneakily use the axd axes for labelling, as it has same scale on x- and y- axes, # which we can use to make sure the labels for multiple solutions are at different heights. # Work out exact position on local x-axis. x_lim = ax.get_xlim() x_range = x_lim[1] - x_lim[0] if (_x[row] - x_lim[0])/x_range >= 0.5: hjust = 'right' hoffset = -0.02*x_range else: hjust = 'left' hoffset = 0.02*x_range # end if # Work out exact position on local y-axis, using full N-dimensional solution to minimize # overlap by project N-dimensional position onto the diagonal of the bounded space. bounds_diag = soln.bounds.ub - denom =, bounds_diag) y_pos_norm = -, bounds_diag)/denom if y_pos_used: y_new = y_pos_norm while (np.min(np.abs(np.array(y_pos_used) - y_new)) < 0.05 or y_new < 0 or y_new > 1): y_new = y_pos_norm + 0.2*np.random.randn() # end while y_pos_norm = y_new # end if y_pos_used.append(y_pos_norm) assert 0.0 <= y_pos_norm <= 1.0 y_pos = x_lim[0] + 0.9*y_pos_norm*x_range if y_pos_norm >= 0.5: vjust = 'top' else: vjust = 'bottom' # end if t = axd.text(_x[row] + hoffset, y_pos, '{:.3f}'.format(_x[row]), ha=hjust, va=vjust, color=color, fontsize=text_font_size*scale, fontstyle='italic', fontweight='semibold', zorder=100+i) adjustable_text.append(t) # end for diag_hist_ax.append(ax) else: # Off-diagonal plots. ax = p.axes[row, col] # Set label sizes ax.tick_params(labelsize=axis_font_size*scale) ax.xaxis.label.set_size(axis_font_size*scale) ax.yaxis.label.set_size(axis_font_size*scale) # Plot distinct solution clusters for i, cluster in enumerate(soln.clusters): color = 'C' + str(i) ax.scatter(cluster[:, col], cluster[:, row], c=color, s=2*scale**2, alpha=soln_alpha, rasterized=True) # end for # Lock axes ranges to parameter ranges ax.set_xlim([col], soln.bounds.ub[col]) ax.set_ylim([row], soln.bounds.ub[row]) # Add dotted grid p.axes[row, col].grid(color='#80808080', linestyle=':') # end if # end for # Overall plot title if title: plt.suptitle(title, y=0.96, fontsize=16*scale) # end if plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.125, top=0.9, bottom=0.10, right=0.9) return p, diag_hist_ax, adjustable_text
# end func