Source code for seismic.inversion.wavefield_decomp.wavefield_continuation_tao

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
"""Class encapsulating algorithm for 1D inversion using wavefield continuation.

    Based on reference:
    Kai Tao, Tianze Liu, Jieyuan Ning, Fenglin Niu, "Estimating sedimentary and crustal structure
    using wavefield continuation: theory, techniques and applications", *Geophysical Journal International*,
    Volume 197, Issue 1, April, 2014, Pages 443-457,

import os
import multiprocessing
os.environ['NUMEXPR_NUM_THREADS'] = str(min(multiprocessing.cpu_count(), 8))
import copy

import numpy as np
import numexpr as ne

    import pyfftw


    from pyfftw.interfaces.numpy_fft import fft, ifft, irfft, fftfreq

    pyfftw.config.NUM_THREADS = min(multiprocessing.cpu_count(), 8)
    print('pyfftw using NUM_THREADS = {}'.format(pyfftw.config.NUM_THREADS))

except ImportError:
    print('pyfftw import failed, falling back to numpy')
    from numpy.fft import fft, ifft, irfft, fftfreq
# end try

from seismic.units_utils import KM_PER_DEG
from seismic.stream_processing import sinc_resampling
from seismic.model_properties import LayerProps

[docs]class WfContinuationSuFluxComputer: """ Implements computation of the upwards mean S-wave energy flux at the top of the mantle for an ensemble of events for one station. Class instance can be loaded with a dataset and then evaluated for arbitrary 1D earth models. Process: 1. Load data from a station event dataset. Copy of the data is buffered by this class in efficient format for energy flux calculation. 2. Define 1D earth model and mantle half-space material properties (in external code). 3. Call instance with models and receive energy flux results. """ def __init__(self, station_event_dataset, f_s, time_window, cut_window): """ Constructor :param station_event_dataset: Iterable container of obspy.Stream objects. :param f_s: Processing sample rate. Usuually much less than the sampling rate of the input raw seismic traces. :param time_window: Time window about onset to use for wave continuation processing. :param cut_window: Shorter time segment within time_window to from which to extract primary arrival waveform and its multiples. """ if not station_event_dataset: return # end if print('numexpr.nthreads = {}'.format(ne.nthreads)) # Check input streams are all in ZRT coordinates. assert np.all([''.join([[-1] for tr in st]).upper() == 'ZRT' for st in station_event_dataset]) # Check input streams all have same sampling rate traces_fs = set(tr.stats.sampling_rate for st in station_event_dataset for tr in st) assert len(traces_fs) == 1, 'Inconsistent sampling rates {}!'.format(traces_fs) self._time_window = time_window self._cut_window = cut_window # Sampling rate and time step self._f_s = f_s self._dt = 1.0 / f_s # Number of sample points. Since the last point is considered the end of a closed interval, # we +1 to the numer of points to ensure f_s == 1/dt. self._npts = int(np.rint((time_window[1] - time_window[0])*f_s)) + 1 time_start, time_end = self._time_window self._time_axis = np.linspace(time_start, time_end, self._npts) self._time_axis.flags.writeable = False assert np.isclose(np.mean(np.diff(self._time_axis)), self._dt) self._station_eventdataset_to_v0(station_event_dataset) self._station_event_dataset_extract_p(station_event_dataset) self._precompute() # end func def _station_eventdataset_to_v0(self, data): """ Convert dict of streams (indexed by event id) to numpy array in format required by function compute_su_energy(), including resampling to f_s and applying a cut window and sinc resampling. This conversion may be expensive and compute_su_energy() may need to be called many times, so preconverting the format to numpy array once only is important to overall performance. Any quality filtering needs to be performed prior to calling this function. Note: This function modifies in-place the traces in the values of data. :assigns self._v0: Numpy array of shape (N_events, 2, N_samples) containing the R- and Z-component traces for all events at sample rate f_s and covering duration of self._time_window. """ # # Resample to f_s if any trace is not already at f_s for stream in data: if np.any(np.array([tr.stats.sampling_rate != self._f_s for tr in stream])): # Resampling lowpass only, as per Tao (anti-aliasing). # In order to not mutate input data, we filter a copy and replace the stream traces # with the filtered traces. stream_filt = stream.copy().filter('lowpass', freq=self._f_s/2.0, corners=2, zerophase=True)\ .interpolate(self._f_s, method='lanczos', a=10) stream.clear() stream += stream_filt # end if # end for # Trim to time window for stream in data: stream.trim(stream[0].stats.onset + self._time_window[0], stream[0].stats.onset + self._time_window[1]) # end for # Cut central data segment and resample back to original length using sinc interpolation. times = self._time_axis for stream in data: for tr in stream: tr_cut = tr.copy().trim(tr.stats.onset + self._cut_window[0], tr.stats.onset + self._cut_window[1]) tr_cut.detrend('linear') tr_cut.taper(0.10) cut_times = tr_cut.times() - (tr_cut.stats.onset - tr_cut.stats.starttime) cut_data = resampled_data = sinc_resampling(cut_times, cut_data, times) # Replace trace data with cut resampled data = resampled_data # end for # end for # Check that all traces have same length trace_lengths = set(len(st[0]) for st in data) assert len(trace_lengths) == 1, 'Inconsistent trace lengths {} after sinc interpolation!'.format(trace_lengths) # Pull data arrays out into matrix format self._v0 = np.array([['R')[0].data.tolist(), ('Z')[0].data).tolist()] for st in data]) # end func def _station_event_dataset_extract_p(self, data): """ Extract ray parameters from input data. :assigns self._p: Ray parameter per seismogram """ self._p = np.array([stream[0].stats.slowness/KM_PER_DEG for stream in data]) self._p.flags.writeable = False # end func def _precompute(self): # Computations that need only be done once per dataset. self._nevts = self._v0.shape[0] # Number of events # *NORMALIZE v0* # Reshape to facilitate max_vz normalization using numpy broadcast rules. v0 = np.moveaxis(self._v0, 0, -1) # Normalize each event signal by the maximum z-component amplitude. # We perform this succinctly using numpy multidimensional broadcasting rules. self._max_vz = np.abs(v0[1, :, :]).max(axis=0) self._max_vz.flags.writeable = False v0 = v0 / self._max_vz # Reshape back to original shape. self._v0 = np.moveaxis(v0, -1, 0) self._v0.flags.writeable = False # Transform v0 to the spectral domain using real FFT self._fv0 = fft(self._v0, axis=-1) self._fv0.flags.writeable = False # Compute discrete frequencies self._w = 2 * np.pi * fftfreq(self._npts, self._dt) self._w.flags.writeable = False # end if
[docs] def times(self): return self._time_axis
# end if def __call__(self, mantle_props, layer_props, flux_window=(-10, 20)): """Compute upgoing S-wave energy at top of mantle for set of seismic time series in self._v0. :param mantle_props: LayerProps representing mantle properties. :param layer_props: List of LayerProps. :return: Mean SU energy, SU energy per seismogram, wavefield vector at top of mantle in (Pd, Pu, Sd, Su) order for each seismogram. :rtype: (float, numpy.array, numpy.array) """ # This is the callable operator that performs computations of energy flux # Compute mode matrices for mantle M_m, Minv_m, _ = WfContinuationSuFluxComputer._mode_matrices(mantle_props.Vp, mantle_props.Vs, mantle_props.rho, self._p) # Propagate from surface fvm = WfContinuationSuFluxComputer._propagate_layers(self._fv0, self._w, layer_props, self._p) # Decompose velocity and stress components into Pd, Pu, Sd and Su components. fvm = np.matmul(Minv_m, fvm) num_pos_freq_terms = (fvm.shape[2] + 1) // 2 # Velocities at top of mantle vm = irfft(fvm[:, :, :num_pos_freq_terms], self._npts, axis=2) # Compute coefficients of energy integral for upgoing S-wave qb_m = np.sqrt(1 / mantle_props.Vs ** 2 - self._p * self._p) Nsu = self._dt * mantle_props.rho * (mantle_props.Vs ** 2) * qb_m # Compute mask for the energy integral time window integral_mask = (self._time_axis >= flux_window[0]) & (self._time_axis <= flux_window[1]) vm_windowed = vm[:, :, integral_mask] # Take the su component. su_windowed = vm_windowed[:, 3, :] # Integrate in time Esu_per_event = Nsu * np.sum(np.abs(su_windowed) ** 2, axis=1) # Compute mean over events Esu = np.mean(Esu_per_event) return Esu, Esu_per_event, vm # end func
[docs] def propagate_to_base(self, layer_props): """ Given a stack of layers in layer_props, propagate the surface seismograms down to the base of the bottom layer. :param layer_props: List of LayerProps through which to propagate the surface seismograms. :return: (Vr, Vz) time series per event at the bottom of the stack of layers. """ # Propagate from surface to the bottom of the layers provided fv_base = WfContinuationSuFluxComputer._propagate_layers(self._fv0, self._w, layer_props, self._p) num_pos_freq_terms = (fv_base.shape[2] + 1) // 2 # Velocities and stresses at bottom of stack of layers v_base = irfft(fv_base[:, :, :num_pos_freq_terms], self._npts, axis=2) # Recover source data amplitudes (undo normalization) v_base = np.moveaxis(v_base, 0, -1) v_base = v_base * self._max_vz v_base = np.moveaxis(v_base, -1, 0) # Return just the velocity components (Vr, Vz) and throw away the stresses vel_rz_base = v_base[:, :2, :].real # Negate the z-component to restore polarity swapped during original data ingestion. vel_rz_base[:, 1, :] = -vel_rz_base[:, 1, :] assert np.allclose(v_base[:, :2, :].imag, 0.0) return vel_rz_base
# end func @staticmethod def _mode_matrices(Vp, Vs, rho, p): """Compute M, M_inv and Q for a single layer for a scalar or array of ray parameters p. :param Vp: P-wave body wave velocity (scalar, labeled α in Tao's paper) :type Vp: float :param Vs: S-wave body wave velocity (scalar, labeled β in Tao's paper) :type Vs: float :param rho: Bulk material density, ρ (scalar) :type rho: float :param p: Scalar or array of ray parameters (one per event) :type p: float or numpy.array :return: Eigenvector matrix M, inverse of M, eigenvalue diagonal matrix Q :rtype: numpy.array, numpy.array, numpy.array """ qa = np.sqrt((1 / Vp ** 2 - p * p).astype(np.complex)) assert not np.any(np.isnan(qa)), qa qb = np.sqrt((1 / Vs ** 2 - p * p).astype(np.complex)) assert not np.any(np.isnan(qb)), qb eta = 1 / Vs ** 2 - 2 * p * p mu = rho * Vs * Vs trp = 2 * mu * p * qa trs = 2 * mu * p * qb mu_eta = mu * eta # First compute without velocity factors for reduced operation count. M = np.array([ [p, p, qb, qb], [qa, -qa, -p, p], [-trp, trp, -mu_eta, mu_eta], [-mu_eta, -mu_eta, trs, trs] ]) # Then times by velocity factors Vfactors = np.diag([Vp, Vp, Vs, Vs]) M = np.matmul(np.moveaxis(M, -1, 0), Vfactors) Q = np.dstack([np.expand_dims(np.array([-_1, _1, -_2, _2]), 1) for (_1, _2) in zip(qa, qb)]) Q = np.moveaxis(Q, -1, 0) # First compute without velocity factors for reduced operation count. mu_p = mu * p Minv = (1.0 / rho) * np.array([ [mu_p, mu_eta / 2 / qa, -p / 2 / qa, -0.5 * np.ones(p.shape)], [mu_p, -mu_eta / 2 / qa, p / 2 / qa, -0.5 * np.ones(p.shape)], [mu_eta / 2 / qb, -mu_p, -0.5 * np.ones(p.shape), p / 2 / qb], [mu_eta / 2 / qb, mu_p, 0.5 * np.ones(p.shape), p / 2 / qb] ]) # Then times by velocity factors Vfactors_inv = np.diag([1 / Vp, 1 / Vp, 1 / Vs, 1 / Vs]) Minv = np.matmul(Vfactors_inv, np.moveaxis(Minv, -1, 0)) # # DEBUG CHECK - verify M*Minv is close to identity # for i in range(M.shape[0]): # _M = M[i,:,:] # _Minv = Minv[i,:,:] # assert _M.shape[0] == _M.shape[1] # assert np.allclose(np.matmul(_M, _Minv).flatten(), np.eye(_M.shape[0]).flatten()), i return M, Minv, Q # end func @staticmethod def _propagate_layers(fv0, w, layer_props, p): """ Apply wavefield downward continuation to surface seismogram fv0 in the frequency domain. :param fv0: Frequency domain representation of surface seismograms :type fv0: numpy.array :param w: Frequency domain bins corresponding to fv0 :type w: numpy.array :param layer_props: List of layer properties from top layer downwards :type layer_props: list(LayerProps) :param p: Ray parameter per seismogram :type p: numpy.array :return: Wavefield at top of mantle in frequency domain :rtype: numpy.array """ fz = np.hstack((fv0, np.zeros_like(fv0))) # Expanding dims on w here means that at each level of the stack, phase_args is np.outer(Q, w) w_expanded = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(w, 0), 0) for layer in layer_props: M, Minv, Q = WfContinuationSuFluxComputer._mode_matrices(layer.Vp, layer.Vs, layer.rho, p) cplx_H = 1j*layer.H fz = WfContinuationSuFluxComputer._fast_propagate_layer(M, Minv, fz, Q, w_expanded, cplx_H) # end for return fz # end func @staticmethod def _fast_propagate_layer(M, Minv, fz, Q, w_expanded, cplx_H): # Transposition during matmuls here produces more cache-friendly orientation of data. # This function should be target of future optimization. fz = np.matmul(fz.transpose((0, 2, 1)), Minv.transpose((0, 2, 1))) phase_args = np.matmul(w_expanded.transpose((0, 2, 1)), Q.transpose((0, 2, 1))) fz = ne.evaluate('exp(cplx_H*phase_args)*fz') # fz = np.exp(cplx_H*phase_args)*fz fz = np.matmul(fz, M.transpose((0, 2, 1))).transpose((0, 2, 1)) return fz # end func
# end func # end class