Source code for seismic.inversion.wavefield_decomp.runners

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
Batch execution interfaces for wavefield continuation methods and solvers.

import os
import json
import logging
from datetime import datetime

import click
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
import scipy.optimize as optimize
import h5py

from seismic.model_properties import LayerProps
from seismic.network_event_dataset import NetworkEventDataset
from seismic.inversion.wavefield_decomp.wavefield_continuation_tao import WfContinuationSuFluxComputer
from seismic.stream_quality_filter import curate_stream3c
from seismic.receiver_fn.rf_util import compute_vertical_snr
from seismic.stream_processing import zrt_order, back_azimuth_filter
from seismic.inversion.wavefield_decomp.solvers import optimize_minimize_mhmcmc_cluster, DEFAULT_CLUSTER_EPS

# Custom logging format to add timestamps to each output line.
LOG_FORMAT = {'fmt': '%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s',
              'datefmt': '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'}

# Default MCMC solver "temperature" parameter.
# Default target acceptance rate for MCMC solver.

[docs]def run_mcmc(waveform_data, config, logger): """ Top level runner function for MCMC solver on SU flux minimization for given settings. :param waveform_data: Iterable container of obspy.Stream objects. :param config: Dict of job settings. See example files for fields and format of settings. :param logger: Log message receiver. Optional, pass None for no logging. :return: Solution object based on scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult """ # Create flux computer flux_computer_opts = config["su_energy_opts"]'Flux computer options:\n{}'.format(json.dumps(flux_computer_opts, indent=4))) fs_processing = flux_computer_opts["sampling_rate"] time_window = flux_computer_opts["time_window"] cut_window = flux_computer_opts["cut_window"] if logger:"Ingesting source data streams...") flux_comp = WfContinuationSuFluxComputer(waveform_data, fs_processing, time_window, cut_window) # Create model mantle_config = config["mantle_properties"] mantle_props = LayerProps(mantle_config['Vp'], mantle_config['Vs'], mantle_config['rho'], np.Infinity)'Mantle properties: {}'.format(mantle_props)) layers = config["layers"] for i, layer_config in enumerate(layers):'Layer {}: {}'.format(i, layer_config)) # end for # Solve model solver_opts = config["solver"]'Solver options:\n{}'.format(json.dumps(solver_opts, indent=4))) flux_window = flux_computer_opts["flux_window"] Vp = [layer["Vp"] for layer in layers] rho = [layer["rho"] for layer in layers] fixed_args = (flux_comp, mantle_props, Vp, rho, flux_window) bounds_min = [] bounds_max = [] for layer in layers: if "k_range" in layer: Vp_layer = layer["Vp"] bounds_min.extend([layer["H_range"][0], Vp_layer/layer["k_range"][1]]) bounds_max.extend([layer["H_range"][1], Vp_layer/layer["k_range"][0]]) else: assert "Vs_range" in layer bounds_min.extend([layer["H_range"][0], layer["Vs_range"][0]]) bounds_max.extend([layer["H_range"][1], layer["Vs_range"][1]]) # end if # end for bounds = optimize.Bounds(np.array(bounds_min), np.array(bounds_max))'Running MCMC solver...') temp = solver_opts.get("temp", DEFAULT_TEMP) burnin = solver_opts["burnin"] max_iter = solver_opts["max_iter"] target_ar = solver_opts.get("target_ar", DEFAULT_AR) collect_samples = solver_opts.get("collect_samples", None) cluster_eps = solver_opts.get("cluster_eps", DEFAULT_CLUSTER_EPS) N = solver_opts.get("max_solutions", 3) soln = optimize_minimize_mhmcmc_cluster( mcmc_solver_wrapper, bounds, fixed_args, T=temp, N=N, burnin=burnin, maxiter=max_iter, target_ar=target_ar, cluster_eps=cluster_eps, collect_samples=collect_samples, logger=logger) # Record number of independent events processed soln.num_input_seismograms = len(waveform_data) if soln.success: # Compute energy flux per seismogram for each solution, and return with soln Esu_per_x = [] for i, _x in enumerate(soln.x): num_layers = len(layers) earth_model = [] for j in range(num_layers): earth_model.append(LayerProps(Vp[j], _x[2*j + 1], rho[j], _x[2*j])) # end for earth_model = np.array(earth_model) energy, energy_per_event, _ = flux_comp(mantle_props, earth_model, flux_window=flux_window) # Check computed energy matchs what solver produced assert np.isclose(energy,[i]) Esu_per_x.append(energy_per_event) # end for # Upward S-wave energy at top of mantle per seismogram per solution point. soln.esu = Esu_per_x # Compute per-event seismograms at bottom of layers that flagged it, and return with soln. # For now we just re-use the original flux computer, but if we want to use a broader # cut_window here, we will need to create a new one. subsurface = {} for i, layer in enumerate(layers): if bool(layer.get("save_seismogram", False)): layer_name = layer["name"] base_seismograms = [] for _x in soln.x: earth_model = [] for j in range(i + 1): earth_model.append(LayerProps(Vp[j], _x[2*j + 1], rho[j], _x[2*j])) # end for earth_model = np.array(earth_model) layer_base_vel = flux_comp.propagate_to_base(earth_model) base_seismograms.append(layer_base_vel) # end for subsurface[layer_name] = base_seismograms # end if # end for soln.subsurface = subsurface else: soln.esu = soln.subsurface = None # end if return soln
# end func
[docs]def mcmc_solver_wrapper(model, obj_fn, mantle, Vp, rho, flux_window): """ Wrapper callable for passing to MCMC solver in scipy style, which unpacks inputs into vector variables for solver. :param model: Per-layer model values (the vector being solved for) as flat array of (H, Vs) value pairs ordered by layer. :param obj_fn: Callable to WfContinuationSuFluxComputer to compute SU flux. :param mantle: Mantle properties stored in class LayerProps instance. :param Vp: Array of Vp values ordered by layer. :param rho: Arroy of rho values ordered by layer. :param flux_window: Pair of floats indicating the time window over which to perform SU flux integration :return: Integrated SU flux energy at top of mantle """ num_layers = len(model)//2 earth_model = [] for i in range(num_layers): earth_model.append(LayerProps(Vp[i], model[2*i + 1], rho[i], model[2*i])) # end for earth_model = np.array(earth_model) energy, _, _ = obj_fn(mantle, earth_model, flux_window=flux_window) return energy
# end func
[docs]def curate_seismograms(data_all, curation_opts, logger, rotate_to_zrt=True): """ Curation function to remove bad data from streams. Note that this function will modify the input dataset during curation. :param data_all: NetworkEventDataset containing seismograms to curate. :param curation_opts: Dict containing curation options. :param logger: Logger for emitting log messages :param rotate_to_zrt: Whether to automatically rotate to ZRT coords. :return: None, curation operates directly on data_all """ def stream_snr_compute(_stream): _stream.taper(0.05) compute_vertical_snr(_stream) # end func def amplitude_nominal(_stream, max_amplitude): return ((np.max(np.abs(_stream[0].data)) <= max_amplitude) and (np.max(np.abs(_stream[1].data)) <= max_amplitude) and (np.max(np.abs(_stream[2].data)) <= max_amplitude)) # end func def rms_ampl_filter(_stream, rms_ampl_bounds, rotation_needed): if rotation_needed: _stream = _stream.copy() _stream.rotate('NE->RT') # end if _stream.traces.sort(key=zrt_order) tr_z = _stream[0] tr_r = _stream[1] tr_t = _stream[2] # Ratio of RMS amplitudes rms_z = np.sqrt(np.nanmean(np.square( rms_r = np.sqrt(np.nanmean(np.square( rms_t = np.sqrt(np.nanmean(np.square( r_on_z = rms_r/rms_z t_on_z = rms_t/rms_z t_on_r = rms_t/rms_r r_on_z_limit = rms_ampl_bounds.get("R/Z") t_on_z_limit = rms_ampl_bounds.get("T/Z") t_on_r_limit = rms_ampl_bounds.get("T/R") keep = True keep = (r_on_z < r_on_z_limit) if r_on_z_limit is not None else keep keep = keep and (t_on_z < t_on_z_limit) if t_on_z_limit is not None else keep keep = keep and (t_on_r < t_on_r_limit) if t_on_r_limit is not None else keep return keep # end func def rz_corrcoef_filter(_stream, rz_min_xcorr_coeff, rotation_needed): if rotation_needed: _stream = _stream.copy() _stream.rotate('NE->RT') # end if # Correlation coefficient tr_z ='Z')[0].data tr_r ='R')[0].data corr_c = np.corrcoef([tr_z, tr_r]) z_cov_r = corr_c[0, 1] return z_cov_r >= rz_min_xcorr_coeff # end func"Curating input data...")'Curation options:\n{}'.format(json.dumps(curation_opts, indent=4))) # Apply curation to streams prior to rotation data_all.curate(lambda _, evid, stream: curate_stream3c(evid, stream)) if "baz_range" in curation_opts: # Filter by back-azimuth baz_range = curation_opts["baz_range"] assert len(baz_range) == 2 data_all.curate(lambda _1, _2, stream: back_azimuth_filter(stream[0].stats.back_azimuth, baz_range)) # end if # Keep track of whether we have already rotated rotated = False # Rotate to ZRT coordinates if rotate_to_zrt: data_all.apply(lambda stream: stream.rotate('NE->RT')) rotated = True # end if # Detrend the traces data_all.apply(lambda stream: stream.detrend('linear')) # Compute SNR of Z component prior to filtering to use as a quality metric if "min_snr" in curation_opts: data_all.apply(stream_snr_compute) # end if if "max_raw_amplitude" in curation_opts: # Filter streams with spuriously high amplitude max_amp = curation_opts["max_raw_amplitude"] data_all.curate(lambda _1, _2, stream: amplitude_nominal(stream, max_amp)) # end if # Spectral filtering f_min = curation_opts.get("freq_min") f_max = curation_opts.get("freq_max") if f_min is not None and f_max is None: # Run high pass filter data_all.apply(lambda stream: stream.filter('highpass', freq=f_min, corners=2, zerophase=True)) elif f_min is None and f_max is not None: # Run low pass filter data_all.apply(lambda stream: stream.filter('lowpass', freq=f_max, corners=2, zerophase=True)) elif f_min is not None and f_max is not None: # Run bandpass filter data_all.apply(lambda stream: stream.filter('bandpass', freqmin=f_min, freqmax=f_max, corners=2, zerophase=True)) # end if # It does not make sense to filter by similarity, since these are raw waveforms, not RFs, # and the waveform will be dominated by the source waveform which differs for each event. # Filter by z-component SNR prior to filtering if "min_snr" in curation_opts: min_snr = curation_opts["min_snr"] data_all.curate(lambda _1, _2, stream:'Z')[0].stats.snr_prior >= min_snr) # end if # Filter by bounds on RMS channel amplitudes rms_ampl_bounds = curation_opts.get("rms_amplitude_bounds") if rms_ampl_bounds is not None: rotation_needed = not rotated data_all.curate(lambda _1, _2, stream: rms_ampl_filter(stream, rms_ampl_bounds, rotation_needed)) # end if # Filter by bounds on correlation coefficients between Z and R traces rz_min_xcorr_coeff = curation_opts.get("rz_min_corrcoef") if rz_min_xcorr_coeff is not None: rotation_needed = not rotated data_all.curate(lambda _1, _2, stream: rz_corrcoef_filter(stream, rz_min_xcorr_coeff, rotation_needed)) # end if # Filter streams with incorrect number of traces discard = [] for sta, ev_db in data_all.by_station(): num_pts = np.array([tr.stats.npts for st in ev_db.values() for tr in st]) expected_pts = stats.mode(num_pts)[0][0] for evid, stream in ev_db.items(): if ((stream[0].stats.npts != expected_pts) or (stream[1].stats.npts != expected_pts) or (stream[2].stats.npts != expected_pts)): discard.append((sta, evid)) # end if # end for # end for data_all.prune(discard)
# end func
[docs]def save_mcmc_solution(soln_configs, input_file, output_file, job_timestamp, job_tracking, logger=None): """ Save solution to HDF5 file. :param soln_configs: List of (solution, configuration) pairs to save (one per station). :param input_file: Name of input file. Saved to job node for traceability :param output_file: Name of output file to create :param job_timestamp: Job timestamp that will be used to generate the top level job group :param job_tracking: Dict containing job identification information for traceability :param logger: [OPTIONAL] Log message destination :return: None """ assert isinstance(soln_configs, list) assert isinstance(job_timestamp, str) # TODO: migrate this to member of a new class for encapsulating an MCMC solution def write_data_empty(dataset): return h5py.Empty('f') if dataset is None else dataset # end func def write_list_dataset(dest_node, list_of_data): for idx, ds in enumerate(list_of_data): dest_node[str(idx)] = ds # end for # end func # Version string for layout of data in a node containing MCMC solution FORMAT_VERSION = '0.6' # Convert timestamp to valid Python identifier job_timestamp = 'T' + job_timestamp.replace('-', '_').replace(' ', '__').replace(':', '').replace('.', '_') with h5py.File(output_file, 'a') as h5f: job_root = h5f.create_group(job_timestamp) job_root.attrs['input_file'] = input_file job_root.attrs['job_tracking'] = json.dumps(job_tracking) for soln, config in soln_configs: station_id = config.get("station_id") if not station_id: if logger: logger.warning('Unidentified solution, no station id!') continue # end if if soln is None or not soln.success: if logger: logger.warning('Solver failed for station {}'.format(station_id)) if soln is not None and soln.get('message'): logger.error('Station {} reported error: {}'.format(station_id, soln.message)) # end if continue # end if station_id = station_id.replace('.', '_') station_node = job_root.create_group(station_id) station_node.attrs['config'] = json.dumps(config) station_node.attrs['format_version'] = FORMAT_VERSION try: station_node['x'] = soln.x station_node['num_input_seismograms'] = soln.num_input_seismograms assert len(soln.x) == len(soln.clusters) # Each cluster may be a different size, so we can't dump directly into h5py (which # requires hyper-rectangular array shape). cluster_node = station_node.create_group('clusters') write_list_dataset(cluster_node, soln.clusters) cluster_energy_node = station_node.create_group('cluster_energy') write_list_dataset(cluster_energy_node, soln.cluster_funvals) per_event_energy_node = station_node.create_group('per_event_energy') write_list_dataset(per_event_energy_node, soln.esu) # Subsurface seismograms, e.g. at bottom of sedimentary layer subsurface_node = station_node.create_group('subsurface') for layer_name, layer_seismograms in soln.subsurface.items(): layer_node = subsurface_node.create_group(layer_name) write_list_dataset(layer_node, layer_seismograms) # end for station_node['bins'] = soln.bins station_node['distribution'] = soln.distribution station_node['acceptance_rate'] = soln.acceptance_rate station_node['success'] = soln.success station_node['status'] = soln.status station_node['message'] = soln.message station_node['fun'] = station_node['jac'] = write_data_empty(soln.jac) station_node['nfev'] = soln.nfev station_node['njev'] = soln.njev station_node['nit'] = soln.nit station_node['maxcv'] = write_data_empty(soln.maxcv) station_node['samples'] = write_data_empty(soln.samples) station_node['sample_energies'] = write_data_empty(soln.sample_funvals) station_node['bounds'] = np.array([, soln.bounds.ub]) station_node['version'] = soln.version station_node['rnd_seed'] = soln.rnd_seed except TypeError as exc: if logger: logger.error('Error saving station {} solution'.format(station_id)) logger.error(repr(exc))
# end if # end try # end for # end with # end func
[docs]def load_mcmc_solution(h5_file, job_timestamp=None, logger=None): """Load Monte Carlo Markov Chain solution from HDF5 file. :param h5_file: File from which to load solution :param job_timestamp: Timestamp of job whose solution is to be loaded :param logger: Output logging instance :return: (solution, job configuration), job timestamp """ assert isinstance(job_timestamp, (str, type(None))) # TODO: migrate this to member of a new class for encapsulating an MCMC solution def read_data_empty(dataset): """ Read dataset that might be empty. If empty, return None. :param dataset: The h5py.Dataset node to read. :return: Dataset value or None """ if not dataset.shape: value = None else: value = dataset.value # end if return value # end func def read_list_dataset(source_node): list_data = [] for idx, ds in source_node.items(): list_data.append((int(idx), ds.value)) # end for # Sort clusters by idx, then throw away the idx values. list_data.sort(key=lambda i: i[0]) return [d[1] for d in list_data] # end func soln_configs = [] with h5py.File(h5_file, 'r') as h5f: while job_timestamp is None: timestamps = list(h5f.keys()) if len(timestamps) > 1: for i, ts in enumerate(timestamps): job_node = h5f[ts] job_tracking = json.loads(job_node.attrs['job_tracking']) \ if 'job_tracking' in job_node.attrs else '' if job_tracking: job_tracking = '(' + ', '.join([': '.join([k, str(v)]) for k, v in job_tracking.items()]) + ')' # end if print('[{}]'.format(i), ts, job_tracking) # end for index = input('Choose dataset number to load: ') if index.isdigit() and (0 <= int(index) < len(timestamps)): index = int(index) # end if else: index = 0 # end if job_timestamp = timestamps[index] if isinstance(index, int) else None # end while job_root = h5f[job_timestamp] # source_data_file = job_root.attrs['input_file'] for station_id, station_node in job_root.items(): if logger:'Loading {}'.format(station_id.replace('_', '.'))) # end if job_config = json.loads(station_node.attrs['config']) format_version = station_node.attrs['format_version'] job_config.update({'format_version': format_version}) if logger:'H5 storage format version: {}'.format(format_version)) # end if try: soln = optimize.OptimizeResult() soln.x = station_node['x'].value soln.num_input_seismograms = station_node['num_input_seismograms'].value cluster_node = station_node['clusters'] soln.clusters = read_list_dataset(cluster_node) assert len(soln.x) == len(soln.clusters) cluster_energy_node = station_node['cluster_energy'] soln.cluster_funvals = read_list_dataset(cluster_energy_node) per_event_energy_node = station_node['per_event_energy'] soln.esu = read_list_dataset(per_event_energy_node) # Subsurface seismograms subsurface_node = station_node['subsurface'] subsurface = {} for layer_name, layer_node in subsurface_node.items(): subsurface[layer_name] = read_list_dataset(layer_node) # end for soln.subsurface = subsurface soln.bins = station_node['bins'].value soln.distribution = station_node['distribution'].value soln.acceptance_rate = station_node['acceptance_rate'].value soln.success = bool(station_node['success'].value) soln.status = int(station_node['status'].value) soln.message = station_node['message'].value = station_node['fun'].value soln.jac = read_data_empty(station_node['jac']) soln.nfev = int(station_node['nfev'].value) soln.njev = int(station_node['njev'].value) soln.nit = int(station_node['nit'].value) soln.maxcv = read_data_empty(station_node['maxcv']) soln.samples = read_data_empty(station_node['samples']) soln.sample_funvals = read_data_empty(station_node['sample_energies']) bounds = station_node['bounds'].value soln.bounds = optimize.Bounds(bounds[0], bounds[1]) soln.version = station_node['version'].value if 'rnd_seed' in station_node: soln.rnd_seed = int(station_node['rnd_seed'].value) else: soln.rnd_seed = None # end if soln_configs.append((soln, job_config)) except TypeError as exc: if logger: logger.error('Error loading station {} solution'.format(station_id)) logger.error(repr(exc)) # end try # end for # end with return soln_configs, job_timestamp
# end func
[docs]def run_station(config_file, waveform_file, network, station, location, logger): """Runner for analysis of single station. For multiple stations, set up config file to run batch job using mpi_job CLI. The output file is in HDF5 format. The configuration details are added to the output file for traceability. :param config_file: Config filename specifying job settings :param waveform_file: Event waveform source file for seismograms, generated using script :param network: Network code of station to analyse :param station: Station code to analyse :param location: Location code of station to analyse. Can be '' (empty string) if not set. :param logger: Output logging instance :return: Pair containing (solution, configuration) containers. Configuration will have additional traceability information. """ with open(config_file, 'r') as cf: config = json.load(cf) # end with #"Config:\n{}".format(json.dumps(config, indent=4))) station_id = "{}.{}.{}".format(network, station, location)"Network.Station.Location: {}".format(station_id)) config.update({"station_id": station_id}) stype = config['solver']['type'] if stype.lower() == 'mcmc': runner = run_mcmc else: logger.error("Unknown solver type: {}".format(stype)) return (None, config) # end if # Load input data'Ingesting waveform file {}'.format(waveform_file)) waveform_data = NetworkEventDataset(waveform_file, network=network, station=station, location=location) config.update({"waveform_file": waveform_file}) # Trim entire dataset to max time window required. time_window = config["su_energy_opts"]["time_window"] # Trim streams to time window waveform_data.apply(lambda stream: stream.trim(stream[0].stats.onset + time_window[0], stream[0].stats.onset + time_window[1])) # Curate input data if curation options given if "curation_opts" in config: curation_opts = config["curation_opts"] if curation_opts: curate_seismograms(waveform_data, curation_opts, logger) # end if # end if try: # Ordering of seismograms important here, since storage of sequential values in solution # depend on it. Here the input seismograms are ordered by event ID. soln = runner(waveform_data.station(station).values(), config, logger) except Exception as e: logger.error('Runner failed on station {}'.format(station_id)) logger.exception(e) soln = optimize.OptimizeResult() soln.success = False soln.message = str(e) # end try # Add ordered event IDs so source waveforms can be re-extraced later # from source file if necessary. try: ordered_event_ids = [st[0].stats.event_id for st in waveform_data.station(station).values()] except Exception as e: logger.error('Event ID collection failed on station {}'.format(station_id)) logger.exception(e) ordered_event_ids = [] # end try config.update({"event_ids": ordered_event_ids}) return soln, config
# end func @click.command() @click.argument('config_file', type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False), required=True) @click.option('--waveform-file', type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False), required=True, help='Event waveform source file for seismograms, generated using script') @click.option('--network', type=str, required=True, help='Network code for the station to load') @click.option('--station', type=str, required=True, help='Station code whose data is to be loaded') @click.option('--location', type=str, default='', show_default=True, help='Location code for the station') @click.option('--output-file', type=click.Path(dir_okay=False), help='Name of the output file in which solutions should be saved. May be an existing file, ' 'as multiple solutions may be saved in a single file as they are indexed by job timestamp.') def station_job(config_file, waveform_file, network, station, location='', output_file=None): """ CLI dispatch function for single station. See help strings for option documentation. Example usage:\n python single-job example_config.json \ --waveform-file /g/data/ha3/am7399/shared/OA_RF_analysis/OA_event_waveforms_for_rf_20170911T000036-20181128T230620_rev8.h5 \ --network OA --station CD23 --location 0M --output-file out_test.h5 :param config_file: JSON file containing job configuration parameters. :type config_file: str or pathlib.Path :param waveform_file: HDF5 file containing event waveforms, generated using `` script :type waveform_file: str or pathlib.Path :param network: Network code of job to run :type network: str :param station: Station code of job to run :type station: str :param location: Location code of job to run :type location: str :param output_file: Name of the output file in which solutions should be saved :type output_file: str or pathlib.Path :return: Integer status code """ job_timestamp = str( logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) log_fmt = logging.Formatter(**LOG_FORMAT) console_handler = logging.StreamHandler() console_handler.setFormatter(log_fmt) logger.addHandler(console_handler)"Waveform source: {}".format(waveform_file))"Destination file: {}".format(output_file)) soln_config = run_station(config_file, waveform_file, network, station, location, logger=logger) # Save solution job_tracking = {'job_name': '.'.join([network, station, location])} job_id = os.getenv('PBS_JOBID') if job_id is not None: job_tracking.update({"job_id": job_id}) # end if save_mcmc_solution([soln_config], waveform_file, output_file, job_timestamp, job_tracking, logger=logger) return 0 # end func @click.command() @click.argument('config_file', type=click.File('r'), required=True) @click.option('--waveform-file', type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False), required=True, help='Event waveform source file for seismograms, generated using script') @click.option('--output-file', type=click.Path(dir_okay=False), required=True, help='Name of the output file in which solutions should be saved. May be an existing file, ' 'as multiple solutions may be saved in a single file as they are indexed by job timestamp.') def mpi_job(config_file, waveform_file, output_file): """ CLI dispatch function for MPI run over batch of stations. See help strings for option documentation. Example MPI usage:\n mpiexec -n 8 python batch-job example_batch.json \ --waveform-file /g/data/ha3/am7399/shared/OA_RF_analysis/OA_event_waveforms_for_rf_20170911T000036-20181128T230620_rev8.h5 \ --output-file test_batch_output.h5 :param config_file: JSON file containing batch configuration parameters. :type config_file: str or pathlib.Path :param waveform_file: HDF5 file containing event waveforms, generated using `` script :type waveform_file: str or pathlib.Path :param output_file: Name of the output file in which solutions should be saved :type output_file: str or pathlib.Path :return: Integer status code """ from mpi4py import MPI comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD nproc = comm.Get_size() # TODO: Use this to more intelligently split the jobs across available processors rank = comm.Get_rank() job_timestamp = comm.bcast(str(, root=0) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__ + str(rank)) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) log_fmt = logging.Formatter(**LOG_FORMAT) job_id = os.getenv('PBS_JOBID') if job_id is None: job_id = str(comm.bcast(os.getpid(), root=0)) # end if console_handler = logging.StreamHandler() console_handler.setFormatter(log_fmt) file_handler = logging.FileHandler('_'.join([job_id, str(rank)]) + '.log') file_handler.setFormatter(log_fmt) logger.addHandler(console_handler) logger.addHandler(file_handler)"Waveform source: {}".format(waveform_file)) batch_config = json.load(config_file) jobs = batch_config.get("jobs", None) if jobs is None: logger.error("Job list missing, file {} not a batch configuration.".format( return 1 # end if if rank == 0: node_args = [(job_config_file, waveform_file) + tuple(job_id.split('.')) for job_id, job_config_file in jobs.items()] else: node_args = None # end if node_args = comm.scatter(node_args, root=0) soln_config = run_station(*node_args, logger=logger) soln_config = comm.gather(soln_config, root=0) if rank == 0: job_tracking = {} # Label with job name from job queueing if available and no name given if "job_name" in batch_config: job_tracking.update({"job_name": batch_config["job_name"]}) else: job_name = os.getenv('PBS_JOBNAME') if job_name is not None: job_tracking.update({"job_name": job_name}) # end if # end if job_id = os.getenv('PBS_JOBID') if job_id is not None: job_tracking.update({"job_id": job_id}) # end if save_mcmc_solution(soln_config, waveform_file, output_file, job_timestamp, job_tracking, logger=logger) # end if return 0 # end func def main(): pass # end func if __name__ == '__main__': main.add_command(mpi_job, name='batch-job') main.add_command(station_job, name='single-job') main() # end if