Source code for seismic.inventory.update_iris_inventory

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Automatically update IRIS-ALL.xml file from IRIS web portal.

   Outout file is saved as FDSN station xml.
   Script also generates human readable form as IRIS-ALL.txt.

   Example usages:


   `python -o outfile.xml`

   `python --netmask=U* --statmask=K*`

   `python --netmask=UW,LO --output outfile.xml`

import os
import sys
import argparse
import time
import re

import requests
from seismic.inventory.iris_query import form_channel_request_url, set_text_encoding

default_output_file = "IRIS-ALL.xml"

# Dictionary of known illegal XML elements that obspy will reject if ingested. All such substrings
# are replaced with their replacement prior to ingestion into obspy.
KNOWN_ILLEGAL_ELEMENTS_PATTERNS = {  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    r"<Azimuth>360\.[1-9]\d*</Azimuth>": "",
    r"<Azimuth>36[1-9](\.\d*)?</Azimuth>": "",
    r"<Azimuth>3[7-9]\d(\.\d*)?</Azimuth>": "",
    r"<Azimuth>-90</Azimuth>": "",
    r"<Latitude>-90.878944</Latitude>": r"<Latitude>-90</Latitude>",

[docs]def cleanup(tmp_filename): """ Helper function to clean up temporary file on disk. :param tmp_filename: File name to clean up :type tmp_filename: str """ try: os.remove(tmp_filename) except OSError: print("WARNING: Failed to remove temporary file " + tmp_filename)
# end func
[docs]def update_iris_station_xml(req, output_file, options=None): """ Pull the latest IRIS complete station inventory (down to station level, not including instrument responses) from IRIS web service and save to file in FDSN station xml format. :param req: Request object to use for URI query :type req: Object conforming to interface of 'requests' library :param output_file: Destination file to generate :type output_file: str :param options: Filtering options for network, station and channel codes, defaults to None :param options: Python dict of key-values pairs matching command line options, optional """ iris_url = form_channel_request_url() if options is None else form_channel_request_url(**options) # Download latest IRIS station database as FDSN station xml. try: print("Requesting data from server...") iris = req.get(iris_url) set_text_encoding(iris) except req.exceptions.RequestException: print("FAILED to retrieve URL content at " + iris_url) return # end try # Repair errors with IRIS data print("Correcting known data errors...") iris_fixed = repair_iris_metadata(iris) # Close the query to free resources iris.close() with open(output_file, 'w') as f: f.write(iris_fixed) # Create human-readable text form of the IRIS station inventory (Pandas stringified table) output_txt = os.path.splitext(output_file)[0] + ".txt" regenerate_human_readable(iris_fixed, output_txt)
# end func
[docs]def repair_iris_metadata(iris): """Perform text subtitutions to fix known errors in station xml returned from IRIS. :param iris: Response to IRIS query request containing response text :type iris: requests.models.Response :return: The text from the response with known faulty data substituted with fixed data. :rtype: str (Python 3) or unicode (Python 2) """ def repair_match(match): for pattern, replacement in KNOWN_ILLEGAL_ELEMENTS_PATTERNS.items(): if re.match(pattern, return replacement return "" # This code repairs illegal data matching KNOWN_ILLEGAL_ELEMENTS_PATTERNS from iris.text matcher = re.compile("|".join(list(KNOWN_ILLEGAL_ELEMENTS_PATTERNS.keys()))) iris_text_fixed = matcher.sub(repair_match, iris.text) return iris_text_fixed
# end func
[docs]def regenerate_human_readable(iris_data, outfile): """ Generate human readable, tabular version of the IRIS database. :param iris_data: String containing result string returned from IRIS query (without data errors). :type iris_data: str :param outfile: Output text file name :type outfile: str """ print("Generating human readable version...") from seismic.inventory.pdconvert import inventory_to_dataframe import pandas as pd from obspy import read_inventory if sys.version_info[0] < 3: from cStringIO import StringIO as sio # pylint: disable=import-error,unresolved-import else: from io import BytesIO as sio # end if iris_str = iris_data.encode('utf-8') print(" Ingesting query response into obspy...") obspy_input = sio(iris_str) try: station_inv = read_inventory(obspy_input) except: dumpfile = 'fdsn_stn_inv_dump.xml' print("FAILED ingesting server response into obspy, dumping server response string to " + dumpfile) with open(dumpfile, 'w') as f: f.write(iris_str.decode('utf-8')) raise # end try print(" Converting to dataframe...") inv_df = inventory_to_dataframe(station_inv) with pd.option_context("display.max_rows", None, "display.max_columns", None, "display.width", 1000): print(" Converting to tabular text file " + outfile) inv_str = str(inv_df) with open(outfile, "w") as f: f.write(inv_str)
# end func if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-n", "--netmask", help="Filter mask to apply to network codes, " "e.g. U* to get all network codes starting with \"U\"") parser.add_argument("-s", "--statmask", help="Filter mask to apply to station codes. " "Filter strings should not include quotation marks.") parser.add_argument("-c", "--chanmask", help="Filter mask to apply to channel codes.") parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", help="Name of output file.", default=default_output_file) args = vars(parser.parse_args()) filter_args = {k: v for k, v in args.items() if v is not None and k in ["netmask", "statmask", "chanmask"]} output_filename = args['output'] print("Destination file: " + output_filename) time.sleep(1) if filter_args: update_iris_station_xml(requests, output_filename, filter_args) else: update_iris_station_xml(requests, output_filename) # end if