Source code for seismic.inventory.pdconvert

#!/usr/bin/env python
Helper functions for converting between Pandas dataframe and FDSN Inventory,
Network, Station and Channel objects.

# pylint: disable=too-many-locals

from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from obspy.core import utcdatetime
from obspy.core.inventory import Inventory, Network, Station, Channel, Site

from seismic.inventory.table_format import TABLE_COLUMNS, PANDAS_MAX_TIMESTAMP

def _dataframe_to_station(statcode, station_df, instrument_register=None):
    Convert Pandas dataframe with unique station code to obspy Station object.

    :param statcode: Station code
    :type statcode: str
    :param station_df: Dataframe containing records for a single station code.
    :type station_df: pandas.DataFrame conforming to table_format.TABLE_SCHEMA
    :param instrument_register: Dictionary of nominal instrument responses indexed by channel code, defaults to None
    :param instrument_register: dict of {str, Instrument(obspy.core.inventory.util.Equipment,
        obspy.core.inventory.response.Response)}, optional
    :return: Station object containing the station information from the dataframe
    :rtype: obspy.core.inventory.station.Station
    station_data = station_df.iloc[0]
    st_start = station_data['StationStart']
    assert pd.notnull(st_start)
    st_start = utcdatetime.UTCDateTime(st_start)
    st_end = station_data['StationEnd']
    assert pd.notnull(st_end)
    st_end = utcdatetime.UTCDateTime(st_end)
    station = Station(statcode,
                      start_date=st_start, creation_date=st_start,
                      end_date=st_end, termination_date=st_end,
                      site=Site(name=' '))
    for _, d in station_df.iterrows():
        ch_start = d['ChannelStart']
        ch_start = utcdatetime.UTCDateTime(ch_start) if not pd.isnull(ch_start) else None
        ch_end = d['ChannelEnd']
        ch_end = utcdatetime.UTCDateTime(ch_end) if not pd.isnull(ch_end) else None
        ch_code = d['ChannelCode']
        instrument = instrument_register[ch_code]
        if instrument is not None:
            sensor = instrument.sensor
            response = instrument.response
        elif 'LAST_RESORT' in instrument_register:
            last_resort = instrument_register['LAST_RESORT']
            sensor = last_resort.sensor
            response = last_resort.response
            sensor = None
            response = None
        cha = Channel(ch_code, '', float(d['Latitude']), float(d['Longitude']), float(d['Elevation']),
                      depth=0.0, azimuth=0.0, dip=-90.0, sample_rate=0.0, clock_drift_in_seconds_per_sample=0.0,
                      start_date=ch_start, end_date=ch_end, sensor=sensor, response=response)
    return station
# end func

[docs]def dataframe_to_network(netcode, network_df, instrument_register, progressor=None): """ Convert Pandas dataframe with unique network code to obspy Network object. :param netcode: Network code :type netcode: str :param network_df: Dataframe containing records for a single network code. :type network_df: pandas.DataFrame conforming to table_format.TABLE_SCHEMA :param instrument_register: Dictionary of nominal instrument responses indexed by channel code, defaults to None :param instrument_register: dict of {str, Instrument(obspy.core.inventory.util.Equipment, obspy.core.inventory.response.Response)}, optional :param progressor: Progress bar functor to receive progress updates, defaults to None :param progressor: Callable object receiving incremental update on progress, optional :return: Network object containing the network information from the dataframe :rtype: """ netcodes = network_df['NetworkCode'].unique() assert len(netcodes) == 1, "Non-unique network codes in network_df: {}".format(netcodes) assert netcodes[0] == netcode, "Network code mismatch, check netcode {} != {}".format(netcode, netcodes[0]) net = Network(netcode, stations=[], description=' ') for statcode, ch_data in network_df.groupby('StationCode'): station = _dataframe_to_station(statcode, ch_data, instrument_register) net.stations.append(station) if progressor: progressor(len(ch_data)) return net
# end func
[docs]def dataframe_to_fdsn_station_xml(inventory_df, nominal_instruments, filename, show_progress=True): """Export dataframe of station metadata to FDSN station xml file :param inventory_df: Dataframe containing all the station records to export. :type inventory_df: pandas.DataFrame conforming to table_format.TABLE_SCHEMA :param nominal_instruments: Dictionary mapping from channel code to nominal instrument characterization :type nominal_instruments: {str: Instrument(obspy.core.inventory.util.Equipment, obspy.core.inventory.response.Response) } :param filename: Output filename :type filename: str or path """ if show_progress: import tqdm pbar = tqdm.tqdm(total=len(inventory_df), ascii=True) progressor = pbar.update else: progressor = None global_inventory = Inventory(networks=[], source='EHB') for netcode, data in inventory_df.groupby('NetworkCode'): net = dataframe_to_network(netcode, data, nominal_instruments, progressor=progressor) global_inventory.networks.append(net) if show_progress: pbar.close() # Write global inventory text file in FDSN stationxml inventory format. global_inventory.write(filename, format="stationxml")
# end func
[docs]def inventory_to_dataframe(inv_object, show_progress=True): """ Convert a obspy Inventory object to a Pandas Dataframe. :param inv_object: Obspy inventory object to convert to dataframe :type inv_object: obspy.core.inventory.inventory.Inventory :param show_progress: Whether to use a progress bar, defaults to True :param show_progress: bool, optional :return: Pandas Dataframe with sequential integer index and sorted by [NetworkCode, StationCode]. Only populates entries for non-empty channels. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame conforming to table_format.TABLE_SCHEMA """ if show_progress: import tqdm num_entries = sum(len(station.channels) for network in inv_object.networks for station in network.stations) pbar = tqdm.tqdm(total=num_entries, ascii=True) # end if max_end_timestamp = np.datetime64(str(PANDAS_MAX_TIMESTAMP), 's') d = defaultdict(list) for network in inv_object.networks: for station in network.stations: if show_progress: pbar.update(len(station.channels)) # end if for channel in station.channels: d['NetworkCode'].append(network.code) d['StationCode'].append(station.code) lat = channel.latitude if channel.latitude else station.latitude lon = channel.longitude if channel.longitude else station.longitude ele = channel.elevation if channel.elevation else station.elevation d['Latitude'].append(lat) d['Longitude'].append(lon) d['Elevation'].append(ele) d['StationStart'].append(np.datetime64(station.start_date)) d['StationEnd'].append(min(np.datetime64(station.end_date, 's'), max_end_timestamp)) d['ChannelCode'].append(channel.code) d['ChannelStart'].append(np.datetime64(channel.start_date)) d['ChannelEnd'].append(min(np.datetime64(channel.end_date, 's'), max_end_timestamp)) # end for # end for # end for if show_progress: pbar.close() inventory_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(d) inventory_df = inventory_df[list(TABLE_COLUMNS)] inventory_df.sort_values(['NetworkCode', 'StationCode'], inplace=True) inventory_df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) return inventory_df
# end func