Source code for seismic.inventory.iris_query

#!/usr/bin/env python
Helper functions for making and managing web queries to IRIS web service.

import re
import sys
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
    import cStringIO as sio  # pylint: disable=import-error,unresolved-import
    import io as sio
# end if

[docs]def form_channel_request_url(netmask="*", statmask="*", chanmask="*"): """ Form request URL to download station inventory in stationxml format, down to channel level, with the given filters applied to network codes, station codes and channel codes. :param netmask: Pattern of network codes to match, comma separated with wildcards, defaults to "*" :param netmask: str, optional :param statmask: Pattern of station codes to match, comma separated with wildcards, defaults to "*" :param statmask: str, optional :param chanmask: Pattern of channel codes to match, comma separated with wildcards, defaults to "*" :param chanmask: str, optional :return: Fully formed URL to perform IRIS query and get back FDSN station XML result. :rtype: str """ # Hardwired to exclude restricted channels and exclude comments to reduce file size. return "" + netmask + \ "&sta=" + statmask + \ "&cha=" + chanmask + \ "&level=channel&format=xml&includerestricted=false&includecomments=false&nodata=404"
# end func
[docs]def form_response_request_url(netmask, statmask, chanmask): """ Form request URL to download station inventory in stationxml format, down to response level, for the given network, station and channel codes. :param netmask: Pattern of network codes to match, comma separated with wildcards :param netmask: str, optional :param statmask: Pattern of station codes to match, comma separated with wildcards :param statmask: str, optional :param chanmask: Pattern of channel codes to match, comma separated with wildcards :param chanmask: str, optional :return: Fully formed URL to perform IRIS query and get back FDSN station XML result. :rtype: str """ # Hardwired to exclude restricted channels and exclude comments to reduce file size. return "" + netmask + \ "&sta=" + statmask + \ "&cha=" + chanmask + \ "&level=response&format=xml&includerestricted=false&includecomments=false&nodata=404"
# end func
[docs]def set_text_encoding(resp, quiet=False): """ For the given response object, set its encoding from the contents of the text returned from server. :param resp: Query response object returned by response.get() :type resp: requests.Response """ encoding_pattern = r"^<\?xml .* encoding=[\"'](.+)[\"']" matcher = re.compile(encoding_pattern) first_line = sio.StringIO(resp.text).readline().rstrip() match = assert match, "Encoding match missing in response\n{}".format(resp.text[0:1000]) encoding = if not quiet: print("Detected text encoding {}".format(encoding)) resp.encoding = encoding assert resp.encoding is not None
# end func