Source code for seismic.inventory.inventory_util

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Utility functions and constants shared amongst inventory management modules.

from __future__ import print_function

import sys
from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict
import time

from obspy import read_inventory

from seismic.inventory.iris_query import set_text_encoding, form_response_request_url

PY2 = sys.version_info[0] < 3  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

if PY2:
    import cStringIO as sio  # pylint: disable=import-error,unresolved-import
    import io as bio
    import io as sio  # pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports
    bio = sio
    basestring = str  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
# end if

NOMINAL_EARTH_RADIUS_KM = 6378.1370  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

SORT_ORDERING = ['NetworkCode', 'StationCode', 'StationStart', 'StationEnd',  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
                 'ChannelCode', 'ChannelStart', 'ChannelEnd']

# Bundled container for related sensor and response.
Instrument = namedtuple("Instrument", ['sensor', 'response'])

[docs]def load_station_xml(inventory_file): """Load a stationxml file :param inventory_file: [description] :type inventory_file: str or path """ if PY2: import io with, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as f: obspy_inv = read_inventory(f) else: with open(inventory_file, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as f: obspy_inv = read_inventory(f) return obspy_inv
# end func
[docs]def obtain_nominal_instrument_response(netcode, statcode, chcode, req): """ For given network, station and channel code, find suitable response(s) in IRIS database and return as dict of obspy instrument responses. :param netcode: Network code (may include wildcards) :type netcode: str :param statcode: Station code (may include wildcards) :type statcode: str :param chcode: Channel code (may include wildcards) :type chcode: str :param req: Request object to use for URI query :type req: Object conforming to interface of 'requests' library :return: Dictionary of instrument responses from IRIS for given network(s), station(s) and channel(s). :rtype: dict of {str, Instrument(obspy.core.inventory.util.Equipment, obspy.core.inventory.response.Response)} """ from obspy.core.util.obspy_types import FloatWithUncertaintiesAndUnit query_url = form_response_request_url(netcode, statcode, chcode) tries = 10 while tries > 0: try: tries -= 1 response_xml = req.get(query_url) first_line = sio.StringIO(response_xml.text).readline().rstrip() assert 'Error 404' not in first_line break except req.exceptions.RequestException as e: # pylint: disable=unused-variable time.sleep(1) assert tries > 0 set_text_encoding(response_xml, quiet=True) # This line decodes when .text attribute is extracted, then encodes to utf-8 obspy_input = bio.BytesIO(response_xml.text.encode('utf-8')) try: channel_data = read_inventory(obspy_input) responses = {cha.code: Instrument(cha.sensor, cha.response) for net in channel_data.networks for sta in net.stations for cha in sta.channels if cha.code is not None and cha.response is not None} # Make responses valid for Seiscomp3 for inst in responses.values(): assert inst.response for rs in inst.response.response_stages: if rs.decimation_delay is None: rs.decimation_delay = FloatWithUncertaintiesAndUnit(0) if rs.decimation_correction is None: rs.decimation_correction = FloatWithUncertaintiesAndUnit(0) except ValueError: responses = {} return responses
# end func
[docs]def extract_unique_sensors_responses(inv, req, show_progress=True, blacklisted_networks=None, test_mode=False): """ For the channel codes in the given inventory, determine a nominal instrument response suitable for that code. Note that no attempt is made here to determine an ACTUAL correct response for a given network and station. The only requirement here is to populate a plausible, non-empty response for a given channel code, to placate Seiscomp3 which requires that an instrument response always be present. :param inv: Seismic station inventory :type inv: obspy.Inventory :param req: Request object to use for URI query :type req: Object conforming to interface of 'requests' library :return: Python dict of (obspy.core.inventory.util.Equipment, obspy.core.inventory.response.Response) indexed by str representing channel code :rtype: {str: Instrument(obspy.core.inventory.util.Equipment, obspy.core.inventory.response.Response) } where Instrument is a namedtuple("Instrument", ['sensor', 'response']) """ if blacklisted_networks is None: blacklisted_networks = [] # Create like this so if later indexed with invalid key, returns None instead of exception. nominal_instruments = defaultdict(lambda: None) if test_mode: reference_networks = (('GE', '*', '*HZ'),) # trailing comma required to make it a tuple else: # pragma: no cover reference_networks = (('GE', '*', '*'), ('IU', '*', '*'), ('BK', '*', '*')) print("Preparing common instrument response database from networks {} " "(this may take a while)...".format(reference_networks)) for query in reference_networks: print(" querying {} as {}.{}.{}".format(query[0], *query)) nominal_instruments.update(obtain_nominal_instrument_response(*query, req=req)) if show_progress: import tqdm num_entries = sum(len(sta.channels) for net in inv.networks for sta in net.stations) pbar = tqdm.tqdm(total=num_entries, ascii=True, desc="Finding additional instrument responses") std_print = tqdm.tqdm.write else: std_print = print failed_codes = set() for net in inv.networks: if net.code in blacklisted_networks: if show_progress: for sta in net.stations: pbar.update(len(sta.channels)) continue for sta in net.stations: if show_progress: pbar.update(len(sta.channels)) for cha in sta.channels: if cha.code is None or cha.code in nominal_instruments: continue assert isinstance(cha.code, basestring), type(cha.code) # For each channel code, obtain a nominal instrument response by IRIS query. if cha.code not in nominal_instruments: response = obtain_nominal_instrument_response(net.code, sta.code, cha.code, req) nominal_instruments.update(response) if cha.code in response: std_print("Found nominal instrument response for channel code {} in " "{}.{}".format(cha.code, net.code, sta.code)) else: std_print("Failed to acquire instrument response for channel code {} " "in {}.{}".format(cha.code, net.code, sta.code)) failed_codes.add(cha.code) if show_progress: pbar.close() # Flag a fallback response of last resort for channel codes for which we find no valid response from IRIS. last_resort_responses = ['BHE', 'BHN', 'BHZ', 'HHE', 'HHN', 'HHZ', 'LHE', 'LHN', 'LHZ', 'SHE', 'SHN', 'SHZ', None] for last_resort_response in last_resort_responses: assert last_resort_response is not None if last_resort_response in nominal_instruments: nominal_instruments['LAST_RESORT'] = nominal_instruments[last_resort_response] print("Last resort response code: {}".format(last_resort_response)) assert nominal_instruments['LAST_RESORT'] is not None break # Report on channel codes for which no response could be found failed_codes = sorted(list(failed_codes - set(nominal_instruments.keys()))) if failed_codes: print("WARNING: No instrument response could be determined for these channel codes:\n{}".format(failed_codes)) print(" {} selected as response of last resort.".format(last_resort_response)) return nominal_instruments
# end func