Source code for seismic.inventory.inventory_merge

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Merge a master inventory (e.g. from IRIS) with custom inventories.

# pylint: disable=too-many-locals

import os
import datetime
import pickle as pkl

import click
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from obspy.core.inventory import Network, Station
from obspy.geodetics.base import locations2degrees

from seismic.inventory.pdconvert import inventory_to_dataframe
from seismic.inventory.inventory_split import split_inventory_by_network
from seismic.inventory.inventory_util import load_station_xml, NOMINAL_EARTH_RADIUS_KM, SORT_ORDERING

    import tqdm
    show_progress = True
except ImportError:
    show_progress = False
    print("Run 'pip install tqdm' to see progress bar.")

# Pandas table display options to reduce aggressiveness of truncation. Due to size of data sometimes we
# need to see more details in the table.
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 500)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
    pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', None)
except ValueError:
    pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', -1)
# end try
pd.set_option('display.width', 240)

# Timestamp to be added to output file names, so that each run generates unique log files.
rt_timestamp ="%Y%m%dT%H%M%S")

# Distance within which IRIS stations will be considered at same notional location as other stations
# that match on other metadata axes.
DIST_TOLERANCE_KM = 5.0  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

[docs]def prune_iris_duplicates(db_other, db_iris): """Prune the records out of db_other which duplicate records that exist in db_iris. Filtering concepts: Station codes and channel codes are reliable, but network codes and station/channel dates are not. Station lat/lon locations are approximately reliable. Therefore the merge method here matches records with matching station code, channel code and approximate location. For each match, we examine station dates, and discard any records of db_other that overlap with db_iris. db_iris is not changed by this function. :param db_other: DataFrame containing metadata records of custom inventory :type db_other: pandas.DataFrame :param db_iris: DataFrame containing metadata records of IRIS inventory :type db_iris: pandas.DataFrame :return: DataFrame containing records from db_other which are unique and do not appear in IRIS. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ def _earth_distance(row): lat0 = row['Latitude_left'] long0 = row['Longitude_left'] lat1 = row['Latitude_right'] long1 = row['Longitude_right'] return np.deg2rad(locations2degrees(lat0, long0, lat1, long1)) * NOMINAL_EARTH_RADIUS_KM db_other['Index'] = db_other.index db_iris['Index'] = db_iris.index df_m = db_other.reset_index().merge(db_iris, how='left', on=['StationCode', 'ChannelCode'], suffixes=('_left', '_right')).set_index('index') dist = df_m.apply(_earth_distance, axis=1) df_m['Distance'] = dist # Reorder columns for easier visual comparison df_m = df_m[['NetworkCode_left', 'NetworkCode_right', 'StationCode', 'ChannelCode', 'Latitude_left', 'Latitude_right', 'Longitude_left', 'Longitude_right', 'Distance', 'Elevation_left', 'Elevation_right', 'StationStart_left', 'StationStart_right', 'StationEnd_left', 'StationEnd_right', 'ChannelStart_left', 'ChannelStart_right', 'ChannelEnd_left', 'ChannelEnd_right', 'Index_left', 'Index_right']] df_m = df_m[(df_m['Distance'] <= DIST_TOLERANCE_KM)] # # Make sure that for those records that we keep from db_other, the network codes match those from IRIS # # (irrespective of dates). # db_other[(db_other.index == df_m['Index_left']), 'NetworkCode'] = df_m['NetworkCode_right'] # Identify which index values in df_m represent overlapping channel dates of IRIS and db_other records. # If db_other matches multiple IRIS records, we will drop the record from db_other if it matches ANY IRIS record. # The dates that overlap are the records of db_other that we DON'T want to keep. overlapping_dates = ((df_m['ChannelStart_left'] < df_m['ChannelEnd_right']) & (df_m['ChannelEnd_left'] > df_m['ChannelStart_right'])) index_to_drop = df_m.loc[overlapping_dates, 'Index_left'].unique() db_pruned = db_other.loc[~db_other.index.isin(index_to_drop)] return db_pruned
[docs]def mean_lat_long(network): """Compute mean of station lat/long coordinates within a network :param network: Network on which to compute mean lat/long :type network: """ lats, longs = zip(*[(s.latitude, s.longitude) for s in network.stations]) return np.mean(np.array(lats)), np.mean(np.array(longs))
[docs]def get_matching_net(search_space, item_to_find): find_contents = item_to_find.get_contents() for candidate in search_space: if candidate.get_contents() == find_contents: return candidate print("WARNING: Not matching network found for {}".format(item_to_find.code)) return None
[docs]def inventory_merge(iris_inv, custom_inv, output_file, test_mode=False): """Merge an IRIS inventory with a custom inventory, filtering out any custom inventory records that duplicate IRIS records. :param iris_inv: Station XML file from which to load IRIS inventory :type iris_inv: str or Path to file :param custom_inv: Station XML file with custom records to merge with IRIS inventory :type custom_inv: str or Path to file :param output_file: File name of output file which will contain merged IRIS and custom inventory. :type output_file: str or Path to file """ # Load IRIS inventory print("Loading {}...".format(iris_inv)) if not test_mode and os.path.exists(os.path.splitext(iris_inv)[0] + ".pkl"): # pragma: no cover with open(os.path.splitext(iris_inv)[0] + ".pkl", 'rb') as f: inv_iris = pkl.load(f) db_iris = pkl.load(f) else: inv_iris = load_station_xml(iris_inv) # and convert to Pandas dataframe db_iris = inventory_to_dataframe(inv_iris) if not test_mode: # pragma: no cover with open(os.path.splitext(iris_inv)[0] + ".pkl", 'wb') as f: pkl.dump(inv_iris, f, pkl.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) pkl.dump(db_iris, f, pkl.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) # end if # Load custom inventory print("Loading {}...".format(custom_inv)) if not test_mode and os.path.exists(os.path.splitext(custom_inv)[0] + ".pkl"): # pragma: no cover with open(os.path.splitext(custom_inv)[0] + ".pkl", 'rb') as f: inv_other = pkl.load(f) db_other = pkl.load(f) else: inv_other = load_station_xml(custom_inv) # and convert to Pandas dataframe db_other = inventory_to_dataframe(inv_other) if not test_mode: # pragma: no cover with open(os.path.splitext(custom_inv)[0] + ".pkl", 'wb') as f: pkl.dump(inv_other, f, pkl.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) pkl.dump(db_other, f, pkl.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) # end if print("Merging {} IRIS records with {} custom records...".format(len(db_iris), len(db_other))) num_before = len(db_other) db_other = prune_iris_duplicates(db_other, db_iris) db_other.sort_values(SORT_ORDERING, inplace=True) db_other.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) if len(db_other) < num_before: print("Removed {0}/{1} stations because they exist in IRIS".format(num_before - len(db_other), num_before)) print("{} custom records remaining".format(len(db_other))) # Merge inv_other into inv_iris, only keeping the records of inv_other that are present in db_other inv_merged = inv_iris # Note: this aliases inv_iris, it does not make a copy. print("Filtering {} records and merging with IRIS...".format(custom_inv)) num_added = 0 if show_progress: num_entries = sum(len(station.channels) for network in inv_other.networks for station in network.stations) pbar = tqdm.tqdm(total=num_entries, ascii=True) pbar.set_description("Matched {}/{}".format(num_added, len(db_other))) # end if # Filter inv_other records according to what records remain in db_other. # When a matching record(s) from inv_other is found, we add it to the nearest IRIS network of the same code # (based on centroid distance). for network in inv_other.networks: # Duplicate network data, but keep stations empty net = Network(network.code, stations=[], description=network.description, comments=network.comments, start_date=network.start_date, end_date=network.end_date) add_network = False for station in network.stations: if show_progress: pbar.update(len(station.channels)) # end if # Duplicate station data, but keep channels empty sta = Station(station.code, station.latitude, station.longitude, station.elevation, channels=[],, creation_date=station.creation_date, termination_date=station.termination_date, description=station.description, comments=station.comments, start_date=station.start_date, end_date=station.end_date) add_station = False for channel in station.channels: # See if the record is in db_other. If so, flag it has needing to be added. lat = channel.latitude if channel.latitude else station.latitude lon = channel.longitude if channel.longitude else station.longitude ele = channel.elevation if channel.elevation else station.elevation sta_start = np.datetime64(station.start_date) cha_start = np.datetime64(channel.start_date) mask = ((db_other['NetworkCode'] == network.code) & (db_other['StationCode'] == station.code) & (db_other['ChannelCode'] == channel.code) & (db_other['Latitude'] == lat) & (db_other['Longitude'] == lon) & (db_other['Elevation'] == ele) & (db_other['StationStart'] == sta_start) & (db_other['ChannelStart'] == cha_start) ) if np.any(mask): # The record from loaded inventory survived pruning of db_other, so it is not an IRIS duplicate # and should be added to the merged inventory. db_match = db_other[mask] assert len(db_match) == 1, 'Found multiple matches, expected only one for {}'.format(db_match) add_station = True num_added += 1 if show_progress: pbar.set_description("Matched {}/{}".format(num_added, len(db_other))) sta.channels.append(channel) # end if # end for if add_station: add_network = True net.stations.append(sta) # end if # end for if add_network: # If the network code is new, add it directly to the inventory. # Otherwise, add it to the nearest network of the same network code. # This rigmarole of adding to nearest network of the same network code is # required because network codes are not necessarily unique. existing_networks = if existing_networks: # Add to nearest existing network net_mean_latlong = mean_lat_long(net) nearest_distance = 1.0e+20 for existing_net in existing_networks: temp_mean_latlong = mean_lat_long(existing_net) dist_apart = np.deg2rad(locations2degrees(net_mean_latlong[0], net_mean_latlong[1], temp_mean_latlong[0], temp_mean_latlong[1])) \ * NOMINAL_EARTH_RADIUS_KM if dist_apart < nearest_distance: nearest_distance = dist_apart nearest_existing = existing_net # end if # end for # Unfortunately existing_net here is NOT a reference to the original object within inv_merged, # so we still need to search for the same network in inv_merged same_source_net = get_matching_net(inv_merged, nearest_existing) if same_source_net is not None: same_source_net.stations.extend(net.stations) same_source_net.total_number_of_stations = len(same_source_net.stations) # end if else: # Network code is new in the inventory. inv_merged += net # end if # end if # end for if show_progress: pbar.close() print("Added {} custom records to IRIS inventory".format(num_added)) # Write merged inventory text file in FDSN stationxml inventory format. print("Writing merged inventory to {}".format(output_file)) inv_merged.write(output_file, format="stationxml") inv_merged.write(os.path.splitext(output_file)[0] + ".txt", format="stationtxt") return inv_merged
@click.command() @click.option('--iris-inv', type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False, readable=True), required=True, help='IRIS inventory file in FDSN stationxml format. These records take precedence over custom files.') @click.option('--custom-inv', type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False, readable=True), required=True, help='Custom inventory file in FDSN stationxml format to merge with the IRIS inventory.') @click.option('--output-file', type=click.Path(exists=False, dir_okay=False), required=True, help='Name of file to output final result to.') def main(iris_inv, custom_inv, output_file, split_output_folder=None): # pragma: no cover """Main entry point for CLI call to inventory_merge. See documentation for function inventory_merge(). :param split_output_folder: If provided, also split the inventory into per-network files in given folder, defaults to None :type split_output_folder: str or pathlib.Path to folder, optional """ inv_merged = inventory_merge(iris_inv, custom_inv, output_file) if split_output_folder is not None: print("Writing separate network files to folder {}".format(split_output_folder)) split_inventory_by_network(inv_merged, split_output_folder) if __name__ == "__main__": main() # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter