Source code for seismic.inventory.engd2stxml

#!/usr/bin/env python
Engdahl and ISC STN data conversion to FDSN station XML

Creates database of stations from .STN files,
curates the data using heuristic rules, and exports new stations to FDSN
station XML format network with non-empty, nominal instrument response data.

Cleanup steps applied:
* Removes "blacklisted" networks that add little value and cause problems due to station code conflicts.
* Add default station dates where missing.
* Make "future" station end dates consistent to max Pandas timestamp.
* Remove records with illegal station codes.
* Remove duplicate station records.
* Merge overlapping channel dates for given NET.STAT.CHAN to a single epoch.

# pylint: disable=too-many-locals, invalid-name

from __future__ import division

import os
import sys
import argparse
import datetime

import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import pandas as pd
import requests

import obspy
from obspy import read_inventory
from seismic.inventory.pdconvert import dataframe_to_fdsn_station_xml
from seismic.inventory.table_format import (TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_COLUMNS, PANDAS_MAX_TIMESTAMP,
                                            DEFAULT_START_TIMESTAMP, DEFAULT_END_TIMESTAMP)
from seismic.inventory.inventory_util import NOMINAL_EARTH_RADIUS_KM, SORT_ORDERING, extract_unique_sensors_responses

PY2 = sys.version_info[0] < 3

if PY2:
    import cStringIO as sio  # pylint: disable=import-error
    import cPickle as pkl  # pylint: disable=import-error
    import io as sio  # pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports
    import pickle as pkl
# end if

print("Using Python version {0}.{1}.{2}".format(*sys.version_info))
print("Using obspy version {}".format(obspy.__version__))

    import tqdm
    show_progress = True
except ImportError:
    show_progress = False
    print("Run 'pip install tqdm' to see progress bar.")

# Script requires numpy >= 1.15.4. The source of the error is not yet identified, but has been
# demonstrated on multiple platforms with lower versions of numpy.
vparts = np.version.version.split('.', 2)
(major, minor, maint) = [int(x) for x in vparts]
if major < 1 or (major == 1 and minor < 14):  # pragma: no cover
    print("Not supported error: Requires numpy >= 1.14.2, found numpy {0}".format(".".join(vparts)))
    print("Using numpy {0}".format(".".join(vparts)))

# Pandas table display options to reduce aggressiveness of truncation. Due to size of data sometimes we
# need to see more details in the table.
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 500)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
    pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', None)
except ValueError:
    pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', -1)
# end try
pd.set_option('display.width', 240)

# Global constants. Assumption of spherical earth model. This is quite a weak assumption, but
# the obspy function locations2degrees() uses spherical earth model too, so no difference to
# distance method used here.

# List of networks to remove outright. See ticket PST-340.
# CI: too many station code conflicts with other global networks
# 7B, 7D, 7F, 7G, 7W, 7X: these are Australian deployments and GA has more comprehensive and
#     accurate data on these networks than is available in the .STN files.
BLACKLISTED_NETWORKS = ("CI", "7B", "7D", "7F", "7G", "7W", "7X")

# Timestamp to be added to output file names, so that each run generates unique log files.
rt_timestamp ="%Y%m%dT%H%M%S")

[docs]def read_eng(fname): """ Read Engdahl STN file having the following format of fixed width formatted columns: :: AAI Ambon BMG, Indonesia, IA-Ne -3.6870 128.1945 0.0 2005001 2286324 I :: AAII -3.6871 128.1940 0.0 2005001 2286324 I :: AAK Ala Archa Kyrgyzstan 42.6390 74.4940 0.0 2005001 2286324 I :: ABJI -7.7957 114.2342 0.0 2005001 2286324 I :: APSI -0.9108 121.6487 0.0 2005001 2286324 I :: AS01 Alice Springs Arra -23.6647 133.9508 0.0 2005001 2286324 I :: 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 :: 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Each Station Code (first column) might NOT be unique, and network codes are missing here, so all records are placed under 'GE' network. :param fname: STN file name to load :type fname: str :return: Pandas Dataframe containing the loaded data in column order of TABLE_COLUMNS. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame conforming to table_format.TABLE_SCHEMA """ # Intervals of column numbers delineating input fields. colspec = ((0, 6), (59, 67), (68, 77), (78, 86)) col_names = ['StationCode', 'Latitude', 'Longitude', 'Elevation'] data_frame = pd.read_fwf(fname, colspecs=colspec, names=col_names, dtype=TABLE_SCHEMA) # Assumed network code for files of this format. data_frame['NetworkCode'] = 'GE' # Populate missing data. data_frame['StationStart'] = pd.NaT data_frame['StationEnd'] = pd.NaT data_frame['ChannelStart'] = pd.NaT data_frame['ChannelEnd'] = pd.NaT # Default channel code. data_frame['ChannelCode'] = 'BHZ' # Sort columns into preferred order data_frame = data_frame[list(TABLE_COLUMNS)] # Compute and report number of duplicates num_dupes = len(data_frame) - len(data_frame['StationCode'].unique()) print("{0}: {1} stations found with {2} duplicates".format(fname, len(data_frame), num_dupes)) return data_frame
[docs]def reportUnpickleFail(filename): # pragma: no cover """ Standard failure report message when trying to unpickle file. :param filename: The name of the file that failed to unpickle. :type filename: str """ print("PKL LOAD FAILED: {} file incompatible or corrupt, please delete. " "Falling back to full parse.".format(filename))
[docs]def read_isc(fname, use_pickle=False): """ Read ISC station inventory having such format and convert to Pandas DataFrame: :: 109C 32.8892 -117.1100 0.0 2006-06-01 04:11:18 2008-01-04 01:26:30 :: 109C 32.8882 -117.1050 150.0 2008-01-04 01:26:30 :: FDSN 109C TA -- BHZ 2004-05-04 23:00:00 2005-03-03 23:59:59 :: FDSN 109C TA -- LHZ 2004-05-04 23:00:00 2005-03-03 23:59:59 :: FDSN 109C TA -- BHZ 2005-04-11 00:00:00 2006-01-25 22:31:10 :: FDSN 109C TA -- LHZ 2005-04-11 00:00:00 2006-01-25 22:31:10 :: 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 :: 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 The lines starting with a station code are HEADER rows, and provide the station coordinates. The idented lines starting with FDSN provide distinct station, network and channel data for the given station location. :param fname: STN file name to load :type fname: str :return: Pandas Dataframe containing the loaded data in column order of TABLE_COLUMNS. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame conforming to table_format.TABLE_SCHEMA """ # Intervals of column numbers delineating input fields. header_colspec = ((0, 5), (7, 16), (17, 26), (27, 34), (35, 54,), (55, 74)) header_cols = ['StationCode', 'Latitude', 'Longitude', 'Elevation', 'StationStart', 'StationEnd'] channel_colspec = ((13, 17), (18, 23), (24, 27), (31, 34), (35, 54), (55, 74)) channel_cols = ['FDSN', 'StationCode', 'NetworkCode', 'ChannelCode', 'ChannelStart', 'ChannelEnd'] # Timestamps in source data which present far future. Will be replaced by max supported Pandas timestamp. ISC_INVALID_TIMESTAMPS = ["2500-01-01 00:00:00", "2500-12-31 23:59:59", "2599-01-01 00:00:00", "2599-12-31 00:00:00", "2599-12-31 23:59:59", "2999-12-31 23:59:59", "5000-01-01 00:00:00"] # Nested helper function def reportStationCount(df): """ Convenience function to report on number of unique network and station codes in the dataframe. :param df: Dataframe to report on :type df: pandas.DataFrame """ num_unique_networks = len(df['NetworkCode'].unique()) num_unique_stations = len(df['StationCode'].unique()) print("{0}: {1} unique network codes, {2} unique station codes".format(fname, num_unique_networks, num_unique_stations)) if use_pickle: # pragma: no cover pkl_name = fname + ".pkl" if os.path.exists(pkl_name): print("Reading cached " + fname) try: with open(pkl_name, 'rb') as f: df_all = pkl.load(f) reportStationCount(df_all) return df_all except Exception: reportUnpickleFail(pkl_name) print("Parsing " + fname) df_list = [] # Due to irregular data format, read one row at a time from file. Consider replacing with a pre-processing pass # so that more than one row can be read at a time. if show_progress: pbar = tqdm.tqdm(total=os.path.getsize(fname), ascii=True) with open(fname, "r", buffering=64 * 1024) as f: line = f.readline() if show_progress: pbar.update(len(line)) hdr = None while line.strip(): channels = [] while 'FDSN' in line: # Read channel rows. # Substitute max timestamp from source data with the lower value limited by Pandas. for ts_unsupported in ISC_INVALID_TIMESTAMPS: line = line.replace(ts_unsupported, PANDAS_MAX_TIMESTAMP) line_input = sio.StringIO(line) ch_data = pd.read_fwf(line_input, colspecs=channel_colspec, names=channel_cols, nrows=1, dtype=TABLE_SCHEMA, na_filter=False, parse_dates=[4, 5]) assert ch_data.iloc[0]['FDSN'] == 'FDSN' channels.append(ch_data) line = f.readline() if show_progress: pbar.update(len(line)) if hdr is not None: # Always store header data as a station record. hdr['NetworkCode'] = 'IR' # pylint: disable=unsupported-assignment-operation hdr['ChannelStart'] = pd.NaT # pylint: disable=unsupported-assignment-operation hdr['ChannelEnd'] = pd.NaT # pylint: disable=unsupported-assignment-operation hdr['ChannelCode'] = 'BHZ' # pylint: disable=unsupported-assignment-operation # Standardize column ordering hdr = hdr[list(TABLE_COLUMNS)] # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object if channels: # If channel data is also present, store it too. ch_all = pd.concat(channels, sort=False) ch_all.drop('FDSN', axis=1, inplace=True) # Set the station date range to at least encompass the channels it contains. st_min = np.array([hdr['StationStart'].min(), ch_all['ChannelStart'].min()]).min() st_max = np.array([hdr['StationEnd'].max(), ch_all['ChannelEnd'].max()]).max() hdr['StationStart'] = st_min hdr['StationEnd'] = st_max # Assign common fields to the channel rows. ch_all[['Latitude', 'Longitude', 'Elevation', 'StationStart', 'StationEnd']] = \ hdr[['Latitude', 'Longitude', 'Elevation', 'StationStart', 'StationEnd']] # Make sure column ordering is consistent network_df = ch_all[list(TABLE_COLUMNS)] df_list.append(network_df) df_list.append(hdr) hdr = None # Read header row if line: line_input = sio.StringIO(line) hdr = pd.read_fwf(line_input, colspecs=header_colspec, names=header_cols, nrows=1, dtype=TABLE_SCHEMA, parse_dates=[4, 5]) line = f.readline() else: hdr = None if show_progress: pbar.update(len(line)) if show_progress: pbar.close() print("Concatenating records...") df_all = pd.concat(df_list, sort=False) if use_pickle: # pragma: no cover with open(fname + ".pkl", "wb") as f: pkl.dump(df_all, f, pkl.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) reportStationCount(df_all) return df_all
[docs]def remove_blacklisted(df): """ Remove network codes that are explicitly blacklisted due to QA issues or undesirable overlap with trusted FDSN station codes. :param df: Dataframe of initially loaded data from STN files :type df: pandas.DataFrame conforming to table_format.TABLE_SCHEMA """ for badnet in BLACKLISTED_NETWORKS: df = df[df["NetworkCode"] != badnet] return df
[docs]def remove_illegal_stationNames(df): """ Remove records for station names that do not conform to expected naming convention. Such names can cause problems in downstream station, in particular names with asterisk. :param df: Dataframe containing station records from which illegal station codes should be removed (modified in-place) :type df: pandas.DataFrame conforming to table_format.TABLE_SCHEMA """ import re pattern = re.compile(r"^[a-zA-Z0-9]{1}[\w\-]{1,4}$") removal_index = [] for (netcode, statcode), data in df.groupby(['NetworkCode', 'StationCode']): # assert isinstance(statcode, str) if not pattern.match(statcode): print("UNSUPPORTED Station Code: {0}.{1}".format(netcode, statcode)) removal_index.extend(data.index.tolist()) if removal_index: df.drop(removal_index, inplace=True)
[docs]def latlong_to_cosinedistance(latlong_deg_set1, latlong_deg_set2): """ Compute the approximate cosine distance between each station of 2 sets. Each set is specified as a numpy column vector of [latitude, longitude] positions in degrees. This function performs an outer product and will produce matrix of size N0 x N1, where N0 is the number of rows in latlong_deg_set1 and N1 is the number of rows in latlong_deg_set2. Returns np.ndarray containing cosines of angles between each pair of stations from the input arguments. If input is 1D, convert to 2D for consistency of matrix orientations. :param latlong_deg_set1: First set of numpy column vector of [latitude, longitude] positions in degrees :type latlong_deg_set1: np.ndarray :param latlong_deg_set2: Second set of numpy column vector of [latitude, longitude] positions in degrees :type latlong_deg_set2: np.ndarray :return: Array containing cosines of angles between each pair of stations from the input arguments. :rtype: np.ndarray """ if len(latlong_deg_set1.shape) == 1: latlong_deg_set1 = np.reshape(latlong_deg_set1, (1, -1)) if len(latlong_deg_set2.shape) == 1: latlong_deg_set2 = np.reshape(latlong_deg_set2, (1, -1)) set1_latlong_rad = np.deg2rad(latlong_deg_set1) # pylint: disable=assignment-from-no-return set2_latlong_rad = np.deg2rad(latlong_deg_set2) # pylint: disable=assignment-from-no-return set1_polar = np.column_stack(( np.sin(set1_latlong_rad[:, 0]) * np.cos(set1_latlong_rad[:, 1]), np.sin(set1_latlong_rad[:, 0]) * np.sin(set1_latlong_rad[:, 1]), np.cos(set1_latlong_rad[:, 0]))) set2_polar = np.column_stack(( np.sin(set2_latlong_rad[:, 0]) * np.cos(set2_latlong_rad[:, 1]), np.sin(set2_latlong_rad[:, 0]) * np.sin(set2_latlong_rad[:, 1]), np.cos(set2_latlong_rad[:, 0]))).T cosine_dist =, set2_polar) # Collapse result to minimum number of dimensions necessary result = np.squeeze(cosine_dist) if np.isscalar(result): result = np.array([result], ndmin=1) return result
[docs]def compute_neighboring_station_matrix(df): """ Compute sparse matrix representing index of neighboring stations. Ordering of matrix corresponds to ordering of Dataframe df, which is expected to be sequential integer indexed. For a given station index i, then the non-zero off-diagonal entries in row i of the returned matrix indicate the indices of adjacent, nearby stations. :param df: Dataframe containing station records. :type df: pandas.DataFrame conforming to table_format.TABLE_SCHEMA :return: Sparse binary matrix having non-zero values at indices of neighboring stations. :rtype: scipy.sparse.csr_matrix """ self_latlong = df[["Latitude", "Longitude"]].values # In order to keep calculation tractable for potentially large matrices without resort to # on-disk memmapped arrays, we split the second operand into parts and compute parts of the # result, then recombine them to get the final (sparse) result. sparse_cos_dist = [] num_splits = max(self_latlong.shape[0] // 2000, 1) for m in np.array_split(self_latlong, num_splits): partial_result = latlong_to_cosinedistance(self_latlong, m) partial_result = sp.sparse.csr_matrix(partial_result >= COSINE_DIST_TOLERANCE) sparse_cos_dist.append(partial_result) cos_dist = sp.sparse.hstack(sparse_cos_dist, "csr") return cos_dist
[docs]def remove_duplicate_stations(df, neighbor_matrix): """ Remove stations which are identified as duplicates: * Removes duplicated stations in df based on station code and locality of lat/long coordinates. * Removes duplicated stations based on codes and channel data matching, IRRESPECTIVE of locality :param df: Dataframe containing station records. Is modified during processing. :type df: pandas.DataFrame conforming to table_format.TABLE_SCHEMA :param neighbor_matrix: Sparse binary matrix having non-zero values at indices of neighboring stations. :type neighbor_matrix: scipy.sparse.csr_matrix :return: Dataframe containing station records with identified duplicates removed. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame conforming to table_format.TABLE_SCHEMA """ assert len(df) == neighbor_matrix.shape[0] assert neighbor_matrix.shape[0] == neighbor_matrix.shape[1] num_stations = len(df) # Firstly, remove stations by nearness to other stations with matching codes and channel data removal_rows = set() matching_criteria = ["NetworkCode", "StationCode", "ChannelCode", "ChannelStart", "ChannelEnd"] print(" LOCATION duplicates...") with open("LOG_LOCATION_DUPES_" + rt_timestamp + ".txt", 'w') as log: if show_progress: pbar = tqdm.tqdm(total=len(df), ascii=True) for i in range(num_stations): if show_progress: pbar.update() if i in removal_rows: continue row = neighbor_matrix.getrow(i) neighbors = row.nonzero()[1] # Only consider upper diagonal so that we don't doubly register duplicates neighbors = neighbors[neighbors > i] if len(neighbors) < 1: continue key = df.loc[i, matching_criteria] # Check which of the nearby stations match network and station code. We only remove rows if these match, # otherwise just raise warning. attrs_match = np.array([((k[1] == key) | (k[1].isna() & key.isna())) for k in df.loc[neighbors, matching_criteria].iterrows()]) duplicate_mask = np.all(attrs_match, axis=1) if np.any(duplicate_mask): duplicate_index = neighbors[duplicate_mask] log.write("WARNING: Duplicates of\n{0}\nare " "being removed:\n{1}\n----\n".format(df.loc[[i]], df.loc[duplicate_index])) removal_rows.update(duplicate_index) if show_progress: pbar.close() removal_rows = np.array(sorted(list(removal_rows))) if removal_rows.size > 0: print("Removing following {0} duplicates due to identical network, station and " "channel data:\n{1}".format(len(removal_rows), df.loc[removal_rows])) df.drop(removal_rows, inplace=True) # Secondly, remove stations with same network and station code, but which are further away than the # threshold distance and have no distinguishing channel data. We deliberately exclude station start # and end dates from consideration here, as these are extended during file read to cover range of # contained channels, and therefore might not match in code dupes. matching_criteria = ["ChannelCode", "ChannelStart", "ChannelEnd"] removal_index = set() print(" CODE duplicates...") with open("LOG_CODE_DUPES_" + rt_timestamp + ".txt", 'w') as log: if show_progress: pbar = tqdm.tqdm(total=len(df), ascii=True) for _, data in df.groupby(['NetworkCode', 'StationCode']): if show_progress: pbar.update(len(data)) if len(data) <= 1: continue for row_index, channel in data.iterrows(): if row_index in removal_index: continue key = channel[matching_criteria] # Consider a likely duplicate if all matching criteria are same as the key. # Note that NA fields will compare False even if both are NA, which is what we want here # since we don't want to treat records with same codes as duplicates if the matching_criteria # are NA, as this removes records that are obviously not duplicates. duplicate_mask = (data[matching_criteria] == key) index_mask = np.all(duplicate_mask, axis=1) & (data.index > row_index) duplicate_index = data.index[index_mask] if not duplicate_index.empty: log.write("WARNING: Apparent duplicates of\n{0}\nare being removed:\n{1}\n" "----\n".format(data.loc[[row_index]], data.loc[duplicate_index])) removal_index.update(duplicate_index.tolist()) if show_progress: pbar.close() removal_index = np.array(sorted(list(removal_index))) if removal_index.size > 0: print("Removing following {0} duplicates due to undifferentiated network and station " "codes:\n{1}".format(len(removal_index), df.loc[removal_index])) df.drop(removal_index, inplace=True) return df
[docs]def populate_default_station_dates(df): """ Replace all missing station start and end dates with default values. Replace all missing channel start and end dates with their corresponding station/end dates. :param df: Dataframe in which to fill in missing station start and end dates. :type df: pandas.DataFrame conforming to table_format.TABLE_SCHEMA """ # Do it for both station dates AND channel dates, as seiscomp3 will treat empty dates as # overlapping other time intervals and discard records. st_isna_start_mask = df.StationStart.isna() st_isna_end_mask = df.StationEnd.isna() df.loc[st_isna_start_mask, 'StationStart'] = DEFAULT_START_TIMESTAMP df.loc[st_isna_end_mask, 'StationEnd'] = DEFAULT_END_TIMESTAMP assert not np.any(df.StationStart.isna()) assert not np.any(df.StationEnd.isna()) ch_isna_start_mask = df.ChannelStart.isna() ch_isna_end_mask = df.ChannelEnd.isna() df.loc[ch_isna_start_mask, 'ChannelStart'] = df.StationStart[ch_isna_start_mask] df.loc[ch_isna_end_mask, 'ChannelEnd'] = df.StationEnd[ch_isna_end_mask] assert not np.any(df.ChannelStart.isna()) assert not np.any(df.ChannelEnd.isna())
[docs]def merge_overlapping_channel_epochs(df): """ Removed overlapping time intervals for a given, as this needs to be unique. This function expects the input DataFrame to have a sequential integer index. :param df: Dataframe of station records in which to merge overlapping channel dates :type df: pandas.DataFrame conforming to table_format.TABLE_SCHEMA """ if show_progress: pbar = tqdm.tqdm(total=len(df), ascii=True) removal_index = [] for _, data in df.groupby(['NetworkCode', 'StationCode', 'ChannelCode']): if show_progress: pbar.update(len(data)) if len(data) <= 1: continue data.loc[:, 'CumMaxEnd'] = data.ChannelEnd.cummax().shift(1) data.loc[:, 'overlap'] = (data.loc[:, 'ChannelStart'] < data.loc[:, 'CumMaxEnd']).astype(int) intervals = [(data.index[0], data.index[0])] for idx, row in data.iloc[1:].iterrows(): if row.overlap > 0: intervals[-1] = (intervals[-1][0], idx) else: intervals.append((idx, idx)) intervals = [i for i in intervals if i[1] > i[0]] for first, last in intervals: ch_start = data.loc[first:last, 'ChannelStart'].min() ch_end = data.loc[first:last, 'ChannelEnd'].max() df.loc[first, ['ChannelStart', 'ChannelEnd']] = np.array([ch_start, ch_end]) removal_index.extend(range(first + 1, last + 1)) if show_progress: pbar.close() if removal_index: df.drop(removal_index, inplace=True)
[docs]def cleanup_database(df): """ Main cleanup function encompassing the sequential data cleanup steps. :param df: Dataframe of station records to clean up :type df: pandas.DataFrame conforming to table_format.TABLE_SCHEMA :return: Cleaned up dataframe of station records :rtype: pandas.DataFrame conforming to table_format.TABLE_SCHEMA """ # Returns cleaned up df. print("Removing stations with illegal station code...") num_before = len(df) remove_illegal_stationNames(df) df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) if len(df) < num_before: print("Removed {0}/{1} stations because their station codes are not " "compliant".format(num_before - len(df), num_before)) print("Cleaning up station duplicates...") num_before = len(df) neighbor_matrix = compute_neighboring_station_matrix(df) df = remove_duplicate_stations(df, neighbor_matrix) df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) if len(df) < num_before: print("Removed {0}/{1} stations flagged as duplicates".format(num_before - len(df), num_before)) print("Filling in missing station dates with defaults...") populate_default_station_dates(df) print("Merging overlapping channel epochs...") num_before = len(df) merge_overlapping_channel_epochs(df) df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) if len(df) < num_before: print("Merged {0}/{1} channel records with overlapping epochs".format(num_before - len(df), num_before)) return df
[docs]def write_portable_inventory(df, fname): """ Write the final database to re-usable file formats. :param df: Dataframe containing complete inventory of station records. :type df: pandas.DataFrame conforming to table_format.TABLE_SCHEMA :param fname: Base filename to export to. Output filename will be appended with file format extensions. :type fname: str """ df.to_csv(fname + ".csv", index=False) df.to_hdf(fname + ".h5", mode='w', key='inventory') # Human readable, fixed width column format. with pd.option_context("display.max_rows", None, "display.max_columns", None, "display.width", 1000): inv_str = str(df) with open(fname + ".txt", "w") as f: f.write(inv_str)
[docs]def main(iris_xml_file, stations_folder, output_directory, test_mode=False): """ Main entry point. :param iris_xml_file: Name of IRIS xml file to load (generated by script :type iris_xml_file: str or pathlib.Path :param stations_folder: Path to folder containing STN files to process :type stations_folder: str or pathlib.Path """ if test_mode: use_pickle = False else: # pragma: no cover use_pickle = True # Read station database from ad-hoc formats ehb_data_bmg = read_eng(os.path.join(stations_folder, 'BMG.STN')) ehb_data_isc = read_eng(os.path.join(stations_folder, 'ISC.STN')) ehb = pd.concat([ehb_data_bmg, ehb_data_isc], sort=False) isc1 = read_isc(os.path.join(stations_folder, 'ehb.stn'), use_pickle) isc2 = read_isc(os.path.join(stations_folder, 'iscehb.stn'), use_pickle) isc = pd.concat([isc1, isc2], sort=False) db = pd.concat([ehb, isc], sort=False) print("Removing blacklisted networks...") db = remove_blacklisted(db) # Include date columns in sort so that NaT values sink to the bottom. This means when duplicates are removed, # the record with the least NaT values will be favored to be kept. db.sort_values(SORT_ORDERING, inplace=True) db.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) # Perform cleanup on each database db = cleanup_database(db) # Read IRIS station database. print("Reading " + iris_xml_file) if PY2: import io with, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as f: iris_inv = read_inventory(f) else: with open(iris_xml_file, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as f: iris_inv = read_inventory(f) # Extract nominal sensor and response data from inventory, indexed by channel code. nominal_instruments = extract_unique_sensors_responses(iris_inv, requests, blacklisted_networks=BLACKLISTED_NETWORKS, test_mode=test_mode) # Write whole database to FDSN station xml file outfile_base = os.path.join(output_directory, "INVENTORY_" + rt_timestamp) dataframe_to_fdsn_station_xml(db, nominal_instruments, outfile_base + ".xml") # Write whole database in portable csv and hdf5 formats write_portable_inventory(db, outfile_base)
if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-i", "--iris", help="Path to IRIS station xml database file.") parser.add_argument("-s", "--stations-path", help="Path to folder containing STN files.") parser.add_argument("-o", "--output-path", help="Path to folder in which output inventory file(s) should be saved.") args = parser.parse_args() assert args.iris is not None assert args.stations_path is not None assert args.output_path is not None iris_file = args.iris.strip() stations_path = args.stations_path.strip() output_path = args.output_path.strip() print("Using IRIS source " + iris_file) print("Using STN files from " + stations_path) print("Output path is " + output_path) main(iris_file, stations_path, output_path)