Source code for seismic.inventory.add_time_corrections

#! /usr/bin/env python
Add GPS clock time correction csv_data into inventory file to get a modified station xml file




import os
import sys
from obspy import read_inventory
from obspy import Inventory
from obspy.core.inventory import Network
from obspy.core.util import AttribDict

[docs]def get_csv_correction_data(path_csvfile): """ Read in the csv data from an input file, get the network_code, station_code, csv_data. Format:: $ head 7D.DE43_clock_correction.csv net,sta,date,clock_correction 7D,DE43,2012-11-27,1.0398489013215846 7D,DE43,2012-11-28,0.9408504322549281 7D,DE43,2012-11-29,0.8418519631882714 7D,DE43,2012-11-30,0.7428534941216148 7D,DE43,2012-12-01,0.6438550250549583 :param path_csvfile: input csv file in /g/data/ha3/Passive/SHARED_DATA/GPS_Clock/corrections/ :return: (network_code, station_code, csv_data) """ with open(path_csvfile, "r") as csvfid: all_csv = line2 = all_csv.split('\n')[1] # print(line2) my_items = line2.split(",") network_code = my_items[0].strip() # network_code = "7D" station_code = my_items[1].strip() # station_code = "DE43" return (network_code, station_code, all_csv)
[docs]def add_gpscorrection_into_stationxml(csv_file, input_xml, out_xml=None): """ Read in the correction CSV data from a file, get the station metadata node from input_xml file, then add the CSV data into the station xml node to write into out_xml :param csv_file: input csv file with correction data :param input_xml: input original stationXML file which contains the metadata for the network and station of csv_file :param out_xml: Directory of the output xml file :return: full path of the output xml file """ ns = "" (net, sta, csv_data) = get_csv_correction_data(csv_file) # path2_myxml = "/home/feizhang/Githubz/hiperseis/tests/testdata/7D_2012_2013.xml" my_inv = read_inventory(input_xml, format='STATIONXML') # selected_inv =, station=sta) # print(selected_inv) my_tag = AttribDict() my_tag.namespace = ns my_tag.value = csv_data selected_inv.networks[0].stations[0].extra = AttribDict() selected_inv.networks[0].stations[0].extra.gpsclockcorrection = my_tag stationxml_with_csv = '%s.%s_station_inv_modified.xml' % (net, sta) if out_xml is not None and os.path.isdir(out_xml): stationxml_with_csv = os.path.join(out_xml, stationxml_with_csv) selected_inv.write(stationxml_with_csv, format='STATIONXML', nsmap={'GeoscienceAustralia': ''}) # my_inv.write('modified_inventory.xml', format='STATIONXML') return stationxml_with_csv
[docs]def extract_csvdata(path2xml): """ Read the station xml file and extract the csv data to be parsed by pandas :param path2xml: path_to_stationxml :return: csv_str """ import io import pandas as pd new_inv = read_inventory(path2xml, format='STATIONXML') csv_str = new_inv.networks[0].stations[0].extra.gpsclockcorrection.value # print(csv_str) # print(type(csv_str)) df_clock_correction = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(csv_str)) print(df_clock_correction.head()) return csv_str
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Quick test code # Example How to run: # python /g/data/ha3/Passive/SHARED_DATA/GPS_Clock/corrections/7D.CZ40_clock_correction.csv # ../../tests/testdata/7D_2012_2013.xml ~/tmpdir/ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == "__main__": USAGE = "python %s csv_file inventory_file [out_dir]" % sys.argv[0] if len(sys.argv) < 3: print(USAGE) sys.exit(1) else: time_correction_csvfile = sys.argv[1] my_inventory = sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) >= 4: out_dir = sys.argv[3] else: out_dir = None output_xml = add_gpscorrection_into_stationxml(time_correction_csvfile, my_inventory, out_xml=out_dir) # Optional test to extract the CSV data and make a pandas dataframe object for future use. # csvstr = extract_csvdata(output_xml)