Source code for seismic.ASDFdatabase.FederatedASDFDataSet

    Wrapper Class for providing fast access to data contained within a set of ASDF files


CreationDate:   12/12/18

Revision History:
    LastUpdate:     12/12/18   RH
    LastUpdate:     2020-04-10 Fei Zhang  clean up + added example run for the script

from collections import defaultdict

# from mpi4py import MPI
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree

from seismic.ASDFdatabase._FederatedASDFDataSetImpl import _FederatedASDFDataSetImpl
from seismic.ASDFdatabase.utils import rtp2xyz

[docs]class FederatedASDFDataSet(): def __init__(self, asdf_source, logger=None, single_item_read_limit_in_mb=1024): """ Initializer for FederatedASDFDataSet. :param asdf_source: Path to a text file containing a list of ASDF files. \ Entries can be commented out with '#' :param logger: logger instance """ self.logger = logger self.asdf_source = asdf_source self._unique_coordinates = None self._earth_radius = 6371 # km # Instantiate implementation class self.fds = _FederatedASDFDataSetImpl(asdf_source, logger=logger, single_item_read_limit_in_mb=single_item_read_limit_in_mb) # Populate coordinates self._unique_coordinates = defaultdict(list) rtps_dict = defaultdict() for ds_dict in self.fds.asdf_station_coordinates: for key in list(ds_dict.keys()): self._unique_coordinates[key] = [ds_dict[key][0], ds_dict[key][1]] rtps_dict[key] = [self._earth_radius, np.radians(90 - ds_dict[key][1]), np.radians(ds_dict[key][0])] # end for # end for rtps_list = [] for k in list(rtps_dict.keys()): rtps_list.append(rtps_dict[k]) # end for rtps = np.array(rtps_list) xyzs = rtp2xyz(rtps[:, 0], rtps[:, 1], rtps[:, 2]) self._tree = cKDTree(xyzs) self._key_list = np.array(list(rtps_dict.keys())) # end func @property def unique_coordinates(self): """ :return: dictionary containing [lon, lat] coordinates indexed by 'net.sta' """ return self._unique_coordinates # end func
[docs] def get_closest_stations(self, lon, lat, nn=1): """ :param lon: longitude (degree) :param lat: latitude (degrees) :param nn: number of closest stations to fetch :return: A tuple containing a list of closest 'network.station' names and a list of distances (in ascending order) in kms """ assert nn > 0, 'nn must be > 0' xyz = rtp2xyz(np.array([self._earth_radius]), np.array([np.radians(90 - lat)]), np.array([np.radians(lon)])) d, l = self._tree.query(xyz, nn) if isinstance(l, int): l = [l] if (len(d.shape) == 1): d = np.expand_dims(d, axis=0) l = l[l < len(self.unique_coordinates)] if isinstance(l, int): l = [l] return (list(self._key_list[l]), d[0, :len(l)])
# end func
[docs] def get_global_time_range(self, network, station, location=None, channel=None): """ :param network: network code :param station: station code :param location: location code (optional) :param channel: channel code (optional) :return: tuple containing min and max times as UTCDateTime objects. If no matching records are found min is set to 2100-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z and max is set to 1900-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z """ return self.fds.get_global_time_range(network, station, location=location, channel=channel)
# end func
[docs] def get_stations(self, starttime, endtime, network=None, station=None, location=None, channel=None): """ :param starttime: start time string in UTCDateTime format; can also be an instance of Obspy UTCDateTime :param endtime: end time string in UTCDateTime format; can also be an instance of Obspy UTCDateTime :param network: network code (optional) :param station: station code (optional) :param location: location code (optional) :param channel: channel code (optional) :return: a list containing [net, sta, loc, cha, lon, lat] in each row """ results = self.fds.get_stations(starttime, endtime, network, station, location, channel) return results
# end func
[docs] def get_waveform_count(self, network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime): """ Count the number of traces within the given parameters of network, station, etc.. and date range. This is a fast method of determing whether any trace data exists in a given time period, if you don't actually need the waveform data itself. :param network: network code :param station: station code :param location: location code :param channel: channel code :param starttime: start time string in UTCDateTime format; can also be an instance of Obspy UTCDateTime :param endtime: end time string in UTCDateTime format; can also be an instance of Obspy UTCDateTime :return: The number of streams containing waveform data over the time-range provided """ return self.fds.get_waveform_count(network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime)
# end func
[docs] def get_waveforms(self, network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime, trace_count_threshold=200): """ :param network: network code :param station: station code :param location: location code :param channel: channel code :param starttime: start time string in UTCDateTime format; can also be an instance of Obspy UTCDateTime :param endtime: end time string in UTCDateTime format; can also be an instance of Obspy UTCDateTime :param trace_count_threshold: returns an empty Stream if the number of traces within the time-range provided exceeds the threshold (default 200). This is particularly useful for filtering out data from bad stations, e.g. those from the AU.Schools network :return: an Obspy Stream containing waveform data over the time-rage provided """ s = self.fds.get_waveforms(network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime, trace_count_threshold) return s
# end func
[docs] def local_net_sta_list(self): """ This function provides an iterator over the entire data volume contained in all the ASDF files listed in the text file during instantiation. When FederatedASDFDataSet is instantiated in an MPI-parallel environment, meta-data for the entire data volume are equally partitioned over all processors -- in such instances, this function provides an iterator over the data allocated to a given processor. This functionality underpins parallel operations, e.g. picking arrivals. :return: tuples containing [net, sta, start_time, end_time]; start- and end-times are instances of Obspy UTCDateTime """ for item in self.fds.local_net_sta_list(): yield item
# end for # end func # end class if __name__ == "__main__": """ How to Run Example: python ASDFdatabase/ /Datasets/asdf_file_index.txt upon success, a db file will be created: /Datasets/f374ca9e7dd8abd2a1d58575e0d55520f30ffc23.db """ import sys from seismic.ASDFdatabase.FederatedASDFDataSet import FederatedASDFDataSet if len(sys.argv) < 2: print("******** USAGE: python3 %s %s **********"% (sys.argv[0], "asdf_file_list_txt")) sys.exit(1) asdf_file_list = sys.argv[1] ds = FederatedASDFDataSet(asdf_file_list)